
Naoki Kodaka

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Japanese video game musician

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Why Is Naoki Kodaka Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Naoki Kodaka is a Japanese video game music composer who worked for Sunsoft. He is currently a professor of music at several universities and occasionally composes new music for special events. Kodaka first learned to play piano during his early childhood but quit formal training at age 7, finding that he preferred to play popular music. He later resumed his classical studies in high school and would go on to major in composition at the Aichi Prefectural University of the Arts. Following his graduation, he briefly worked on producing music for radio and television. Among his classmates, Kodaka was known to spend much of his spare time in arcades, and this ultimately attracted Sunsoft to hire him as a video game composer.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Naoki Kodaka?

Naoki Kodaka is affiliated with the following schools: