Nelson Goodman
American philosopher
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Why Is Nelson Goodman Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Henry Nelson Goodman was an American philosopher, known for his work on counterfactuals, mereology, the problem of induction, irrealism, and aesthetics. Life and career Goodman was born in Somerville, Massachusetts, the son of Sarah Elizabeth and Henry Lewis Goodman. He was of Jewish origins. He graduated from Harvard University, AB, magna cum laude . During the 1930s, he ran an art gallery in Boston, Massachusetts, while studying for a Harvard PhD in philosophy, which he completed in 1941. His experience as an art dealer helps explain his later turn towards aesthetics, where he became better known than in logic and analytic philosophy. During World War II, he served as a psychologist in the US Army.
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What Schools Are Affiliated With Nelson Goodman?
Nelson Goodman is affiliated with the following schools:
What Are Nelson Goodman's Academic Contributions?
Nelson Goodman is most known for their academic work in the field of philosophy. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Nelson Goodman has made the following academic contributions: