Nicola Botting
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Language and communications scientist and researcher
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Nicola Botting's Degrees
- Bachelors English Language and Literature University of Oxford
Why Is Nicola Botting Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Nicola Botting is a language and communication scientist whose work focuses on language and psychological outcomes of children with low birth weight, autism spectrum disorder, developmental language disorder, and other developmental disabilities. She is Professor of Developmental Disorders, Language & Communication Science at the City University of London. Botting is editor-in-chief of the journal Autism & Developmental Language Impairments.
Nicola Botting's Published Works
Published Works
- Psycholinguistic markers for specific language impairment (SLI). (2001) (817)
- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders and other psychiatric outcomes in very low birthweight children at 12 years. (1997) (492)
- Social difficulties and victimization in children with SLI at 11 years of age. (2004) (367)
- Narrative as a tool for the assessment of linguistic and pragmatic impairments (2002) (358)
- The extent to which psychometric tests differentiate subgroups of children with SLI. (1997) (347)
- Classification of children with specific language impairment: longitudinal considerations. (1999) (342)
- Cognitive and educational outcome of very‐low‐birthweight children in early adolescence (1998) (299)
- Non-word repetition and language development in children with specific language impairment (SLI). (2001) (214)
- Non-verbal cognitive development and language impairment. (2005) (210)
- Language in autism and specific language impairment: where are the links? (2008) (201)
- Follow-up of children attending infant language units: outcomes at 11 years of age. (2001) (191)
- Emotional health in adolescents with and without a history of specific language impairment (SLI). (2008) (187)
- Social and behavioural difficulties in children with language impairment (2000) (169)
- Motor impairment in children 12 to 13 years old with a birthweight of less than 1250 g. (1995) (167)
- Autism, primary pragmatic difficulties, and specific language impairment: can we distinguish them using psycholinguistic markers? (2003) (157)
- The prevalence of autistic spectrum disorders in adolescents with a history of specific language impairment (SLI). (2006) (147)
- Associated Reading Skills in Children with a History of Specific Language Impairment (SLI) (2006) (139)
- Short-term memory and vocabulary development in children with Down syndrome and children with specific language impairment. (2005) (133)
- Education and employment outcomes of young adults with a history of developmental language disorder (2017) (120)
- Growth impairment in very low birthweight children at 12 years: correlation with perinatal and outcome variables. (1996) (117)
- The role of language, social cognition, and social skill in the functional social outcomes of young adolescents with and without a history of SLI (2008) (116)
- Visual impairment in very low birthweight children (1997) (109)
- Semantic and inferencing abilities in children with communication disorders. (2005) (108)
- Narrative in adolescent specific language impairment (SLI): a comparison with peers across two different narrative genres. (2007) (107)
- Cognitive abilities in children with specific language impairment: consideration of visuo-spatial skills. (2005) (104)
- Characteristics of children attending language units in England: a national study of 7-year-olds. (1999) (100)
- Predicting pathways of specific language impairment: what differentiates good and poor outcome? (2001) (91)
- Pragmatic Language Impairment without Autism (1999) (90)
- Nonverbal Executive Function is Mediated by Language: A Study of Deaf and Hearing Children (2016) (80)
- Bilingualism and specific language impairment in children attending language units. (1997) (73)
- Language abilities in children with autism and language impairment: using narrative as a additional source of clinical information (2011) (69)
- Gesture production and comprehension in children with specific language impairment. (2010) (57)
- Bilingual Children with Specific Language Impairment and Standardized Assessments: Preliminary Findings from a Study of Children in Language Units (1997) (56)
- Concordance between teacher/therapist opinion and formal language assessment scores in children with language impairment. (1997) (54)
- Deaf children's non-verbal working memory is impacted by their language experience (2015) (51)
- Executive functions in children with developmental coordination disorder: a 2‐year follow‐up study (2018) (49)
- Changes in emotional health symptoms in adolescents with specific language impairment. (2011) (49)
- Performance of children with different types of communication impairment on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals (CELF) (2006) (45)
- Characteristics of Children with Specific Language Impairment (2004) (44)
- Working memory and developmental language impairments (2017) (44)
- Narrative skills in adolescents with a history of SLI in relation to non-verbal IQ scores (2007) (42)
- Emotional health, support, and self‐efficacy in young adults with a history of language impairment (2016) (39)
- Children's Communication Checklist (CCC) scores in 11-year-old children with communication impairments. (2004) (39)
- Educational transitions of 7-year-old children with SLI in language units: a longitudinal study. (1998) (38)
- Dynamic assessment of children with language impairments: A pilot study (2010) (38)
- Parental perspectives during the transition to adulthood of adolescents with a history of specific language impairment (SLI). (2008) (37)
- Prosociality from early adolescence to young adulthood: A longitudinal study of individuals with a history of language impairment (2017) (36)
- How does non-nutritive sucking support infant feeding? (2014) (36)
- Social Confidence in Early Adulthood Among Young People With and Without a History of Language Impairment (2017) (35)
- Beyond static assessment of children's receptive vocabulary: the dynamic assessment of word learning (DAWL). (2013) (35)
- Literacy in the mainstream inner-city school: Its relationship to spoken language (2008) (34)
- Expressive Vocabulary Predicts Nonverbal Executive Function: A 2-year Longitudinal Study of Deaf and Hearing Children. (2020) (32)
- Depression and Anxiety Change from Adolescence to Adulthood in Individuals with and without Language Impairment (2016) (32)
- Dynamic Assessment of Sentence Structure (DASS): design and evaluation of a novel procedure for the assessment of syntax in children with language impairments. (2012) (31)
- Do emotional difficulties and peer problems occur together from childhood to adolescence? The case of children with a history of developmental language disorder (DLD) (2018) (30)
- Narrative skills in deaf children who use spoken English: Dissociations between macro and microstructural devices. (2016) (26)
- Health, employment and relationships: Correlates of personal wellbeing in young adults with and without a history of childhood language impairment. (2016) (23)
- Semantic fluency in deaf children who use spoken and signed language in comparison with hearing peers (2017) (22)
- Focus on Practice: Educational placements and National Curriculum Key Stage 2 test outcomes of children with a history of specific language impairment (2003) (20)
- Language, literacy and cognitive skills of young adults with developmental language disorder (DLD). (2020) (20)
- Short-Term Memory Skills in Children With Specific Language Impairment: The Effect of Verbal and Nonverbal Task Content (2013) (20)
- The characteristics and concerns of mothers of adolescents with a history of SLI (2006) (19)
- UK speech and language therapists' views and reported practices of discourse analysis in aphasia rehabilitation. (2020) (19)
- Assessment and management of infant feeding (2015) (18)
- Different school placements following language unit attendance: which factors affect language outcome? (2002) (17)
- Sleep behaviour relates to language skills in children with and without communication disorders (2017) (16)
- Treatment for improving discourse in aphasia: a systematic review and synthesis of the evidence base (2020) (15)
- ‘It’s not (just) what you do, but the way that you do it’: factors that determine narrative ability in atypical language learners (2010) (13)
- Semantic-pragmatic disorder (SPD) as a distinct diagnostic entity: making sense of the boundaries. (1998) (13)
- The effect of social media promotion on academic article uptake (2017) (12)
- 'A place where I can be me': a role for social and leisure provision to support young people with language impairment. (2011) (10)
- The interplay between early social interaction, language and executive function development in deaf and hearing infants. (2021) (10)
- Creating a Theoretical Framework to Underpin Discourse Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia (2021) (10)
- An Exploration of the Factor Structure of Executive Functioning in Children (2018) (9)
- The relationship between speech impairment, phonological awareness and early literacy development (2011) (8)
- Creating a novel approach to discourse treatment through coproduction with people with aphasia and speech and language therapists (2021) (8)
- Domain-specific and domain-general approaches to developmental disorders: The example of Specific Language Impairment (2014) (8)
- Organising undergraduate research projects: Student-led and academic-led models (2016) (7)
- Language impairments in childhood – A range of profiles, a variety of reasons (2016) (6)
- Learning to drive in young adults with language impairment (2016) (5)
- Short‐term memory and vocabulary development in children with Down syndrome and children with specific language impairment (2005) (4)
- Educational placements and National Curriculum Key Stage 2 test outcomes of children with a history of SLI (2002) (4)
- Child Communication Checklist (CCC) scores and children with communication impairments at 11 years (2004) (4)
- The importance of natural change in planning school-based intervention for children with Developmental Language Impairment (DLI) (2016) (4)
- Childhood autism in the UK and Greece: a cross-national study of progress in different intervention contexts (2019) (4)
- Awareness of developmental language disorder amongst workplace managers. (2021) (4)
- The relationship between reading skill and descriptive picture narratives in late-primary age children with a history of language impairment (2007) (3)
- Preliminary psychometric analyses of two assessment measures quantifying communicative and social activities: the COMACT and SOCACT (2016) (2)
- Narrative in adolescent SLI : a comparison with peers across two different narrative genres (2015) (2)
- Developmental course of conversational behaviour of children with 22q11.2 deletion syndrome and Williams syndrome (2017) (2)
- City Research Online Final Author Version Cognitive Abilities in Children with Specific Language Impairment (sli): Consideration of Visuo-spatial Skills (2015) (2)
- Unmet need for critical care on the wards - how many critically ill patients are really out there? (2015) (2)
- Educational transitions from a clinical perspective: a reply to commentaries (1998) (1)
- A two-year follow-up study of executive functions in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (2017) (1)
- Early Identification of Children at Risk of Communication Disorders: Introducing a Novel Battery of Dynamic Assessments for Infants. (2023) (1)
- G209 Promoting Multiprofessional Learning Through the Development of a Standardised Paediatric in Situ Simulation Programme; A Multi-Centred Approach (2017) (1)
- A letter of thanks to Professor Barbara Dodd: Editorial (2017) (0)
- Book Reviews (2001) (0)
- G501(P) Trends in sleep studies in the uk and republic of ireland (2019) (0)
- Psychiatric outcomes in adolescent very low birthweight children ♦ 1207 (1997) (0)
- Notes on Contributors 32, 2 (2016) (0)
- A systematic review of language and communication intervention research delivered in groups to older adults living in care homes. (2021) (0)
- Book Reviews (2002) (0)
- Assessing ‘coherence’ in the spoken narrative accounts of autistic people: A systematic scoping review (2023) (0)
- 111 Simulated medical and surgical emergencies for junior medical students (2016) (0)
- Toseeb, Umar and Pickles, Andrew and Durkin, Kevin and Botting, Nicola and Conti-Ramsden, Gina (2017) Prosociality from early adolescence to young adulthood : a longitudinal study of individuals with a history of language (2018) (0)
- The Engage with Developmental Language Disorder (E-DLD) project: Cohort profile. (2022) (0)
- Predictors of wellbeing in young adults with post-stroke aphasia (2019) (0)
- The Development of a Standardised Multiprofessional Paediatric In-Situ Simulation Programme Based on a National Standards Framework: A Multi-Centered Approach (2017) (0)
- Emotional Health and Language 1 Emotional Health in Adolescents with and without a History of Specific Language Impairment (sli) Emotional Health and Language 2 (0)
- Narrative style across children with different communication impairments (2002) (0)
- Chapter 7. Links between language and cognitive development of deaf children (2020) (0)
- Emotional Health and Language 1 Emotional Health in Adolescents with and without a History of Specific Language Impairment (sli) Emotional Health and Language 2 (0)
- Final Author Version Short-term Memory and Vocabulary Development in Children with down Syndrome and Children with Specific Language Impairment (2015) (0)
- Book Reviews (2003) (0)
- The importance and challenges of improving early identification of language abilities: a commentary on Gasparini et al. (2023) (2023) (0)
- Dynamic Assessment of Word Learning (2013) (0)
- Motorimpairment inchildren 12to13years old withabirthweight ofless than1250g (1995) (0)
- About the authors: (1997) (0)
- Standard assessment tasks and children with a history of SLI: Evidence of residual difficulties in relation to junior school placement (2002) (0)
- Additional Reviewers (2015) (0)
- Pre-operative systemic inflammatory and nutritional markers predict long term outcome after oesophageal cancer resection (2011) (0)
- Changes in conv ersational behaviours in children with Williams syndrome (2017) (0)
- Book review: Cummings L (2009) Clinical pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 250pp. Hardback. £60.00. ISBN 978-0-521-88845-5 (2010) (0)
- Language in Autism and Sli 1 Language in Autism and Specific Language Impairment: Where Are the Links? Behavioural Aspects of Language Impairment in Specific Language Impairment and in Autism (2013) (0)
- Children without language: from dysphasia to autism. Edited by Laurent Danon‐Boileau and James Grieve. Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, 2006. pp. 288. 0195175026 (cloth); 0195175026 (hbk), Price: $35.00, £19.99 (2008) (0)
- The speech, language and communication needs of rough sleepers in London. (2020) (0)
- Botting, Nicola and Durkin, Kevin and Toseeb, Umar and Pickles, Andrew and Conti-Ramsden, Gina (2016) Emotional health, support, and self- efficacy in young adults with a history of language (2018) (0)
- Child Neuropsychology, Volume 21, 2015, List of Reviewers (2015) (0)
- Depression and anxiety change from adolescence to adulthood in individuals with and without language impairment Botting N, Toseeb U, Pickles A, Durkin K, Conti-Ramsden G (2016) Depression and Anxiety Change from Adolescence to Adulthood in Individuals with and without Language (2016) (0)
- Children With A History Of Specific Language Impairment: Educational And Language Outcomes At 11 Years Of Age (2002) (0)
- Predictors of the psychosocial well-being in young adults with aphasia vs. young adults with developmental language disorder—a systematic review (2018) (0)
- Book Review: Research methods in communication disorders (2005) (0)
- Diff erent profi les of development: evidence from children with primary language impairment (2014) (0)
- Ch.2: The interplay between language and cognition in typical and atypical development (2006) (0)
- 1 Creating a theoretical framework to underpin 2 discourse assessment and intervention in aphasia 3 (2021) (0)
- The International Journal of Bilingualism: A decade of achievement (2007) (0)
- Standard assessment tasks and children with a history of specific language impairment: Evidence of residual learning difficulties in relation to junior school placement (2002) (0)
- Conti-Ramsden, Gina and Durkin, Kevin and Mok, Pearl L. H. and Toseeb, Umar and Botting, Nicola (2016) Health, employment and relationships : correlates of personal wellbeing in young adults with and without a history of childhood language (2018) (0)
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