
Nikolai Baskakov

Most Influential Person Now

Russian Turkologist

Nikolai Baskakov 's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Nikolai Baskakov Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Baskakov was a Soviet Turkologist, linguist, and ethnologist. He created a systematization model of the Turkic language family , and studied Turkic-Russian contacts in the 10-11th centuries CE. During 64 years of scientific work , Baskakov published almost 640 works including 32 books. The main area of Baskakov's scientific interests was linguistics, but he also studied folklore and ethnography of the Turkic peoples, and also was a musician and composer.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Nikolai Baskakov ?

Nikolai Baskakov is affiliated with the following schools: