
Oliver Tambo

Most Influential Person Now

South African anti-apartheid activist and politician

Why Is Oliver Tambo Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Oliver Reginald Kaizana Tambo was a South African anti-apartheid politician and activist who served as President of the African National Congress from 1967 to 1991. Biography Higher education Oliver Tambo was born on 27 October 1917 in the village of Nkantolo in Bizana; eastern Pondoland in what is now the Eastern Cape. The village Tambo was born in was made up mostly of farmers. His father, Mzimeni Tambo, was the son of a farmer and an assistant salesperson at a local trading store. Mzimeni had four wives and ten children, all of whom were literate. Oliver's mother, Mzimeni's third wife, was called Julia.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Oliver Tambo?

Oliver Tambo is affiliated with the following schools: