
Oscar Fraas

Most Influential Person Across History

German anthropologist and paleontologist

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Why Is Oscar Fraas Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Oscar Friedrich von Fraas was a German clergyman, paleontologist and geologist. He was the father of geologist Eberhard Fraas . Biography He studied theology at the University of Tübingen . He was also deeply interested in natural sciences, and while a student at Tübingen was influenced by geologist Friedrich August von Quenstedt. In 1847 he travelled to Paris, where he attended lectures given by Alcide d'Orbigny and Jean-Baptiste Élie de Beaumont. From 1850 to 1854, he served as a pastor in Laufen an der Eyach, and in the meantime obtained in his doctorate from the University of Würzburg . In 1854 he was named curator of the department of mineralogy and paleontology at the Royal Württemberg museum of natural history in Stuttgart, where he greatly added to its collections of Swabian fossil batrachians, reptiles and mammals.

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