
Osman Aqçoqraqlı

Most Influential Person Across History

Crimean Tatar writer, journalist, historian, archaeologist, ethnographer, and teacher

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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Osman Aqçoqraqlı Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Osman Nuri-Asan oğlu Aqçoqraqlı , also written as Aqchoqraqli or Akchokrakli, was a Crimean Tatar writer, journalist, historian, archaeologist, ethnographer, and teacher. Early life Osman Nuri-Asan oğlu Aqçoqraqlı was born in the city of Bakhchysarai into the family of an Arabic script calligrapher on 15 January 1879. He received his primary education at the Zincirli Madrasa, before later studying at the Daoud Pasha gymnasium in Istanbul from 1894 to 1896. In 1908, he moved to Cairo and began taking private lessons on eastern history, Arabic literature, and archaeology from Al-Azhar University. When questioned by universities, he would modestly refer to his education credentials as being incomplete secondary education. However, this did not prevent universities from hiring him.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Osman Aqçoqraqlı?

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