
Otto Stoll

Most Influential Person Across History

Swiss linguist and ethnologist

Otto Stoll's Academic­ Rankings

Otto Stoll
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anthropology Degrees
Otto Stoll
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Why Is Otto Stoll Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Otto Stoll was a Swiss linguist and ethnologist. Otto Stoll was a professor of ethnology and geography at the University of Zurich who specialized in research of Mayan languages. From 1878 to 1883 he conducted scientific studies in Guatemala. He was the author of several treatises on Guatemala, including important works in the fields on ethnography and ethno-linguistics. Stoll also published on neotropical Acari with a major work being the volume in the Biologia Centrali-Americana between Dec. 1886 and Jan. 1893.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Otto Stoll?

Otto Stoll is affiliated with the following schools: