
Otto Weinreich

Most Influential Person Across History

German archaeologist and classical philologist

Otto Weinreich's Academic­ Rankings

Otto Weinreich
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
Otto Weinreich
Historical Rank
Classical Studies
Historical Rank
literature Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Literature

Why Is Otto Weinreich Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Otto Karl Weinreich was a German classical philologist. He is noted for his study of the Lukan Befreiungswunder through his work Gebet und Wunder. Weinrich's works were focused on the so-called liberation miracles such as the miracles of the Dionysian "circles" . The miracles also included the miraculous escape of Moses; two liberations in the text Life of Apollonius of Tyana; and, the divine deliverances in the New Testament's Acts. He was also one of the editors of the Archiv für Religionswissenschaft .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Otto Weinreich?

Otto Weinreich is affiliated with the following schools: