
P. George Benson

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American academic administrator

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Why Is P. George Benson Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul George Benson is an American academic, and the former President of the College of Charleston in Charleston, South Carolina. Early life and education Benson was born in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania to Paul Benson and Anna Louise Stolz Benson . His father was the CEO of Royal Imprints, Inc. and his mother taught mathematics at Bucknell University. In 1951, Benson's brother Charles Edward Benson was born. In 1960, his father sold Royal Imprints and returned to teaching statistics and mathematics at Bucknell University, which he had done for several years in the 1940s. After being a homemaker in the 1950s, his mother returned to teaching at Milton Junior High School, as she worked on a Master of Science degree in Education at Bucknell, which she received in 1964. She then became a guidance counselor at Lewisburg Joint High School until she retired in 1983.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With P. George Benson?

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