Peter A. Raymond
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Ecosystem Ecology researcher
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Peter A. Raymond's Degrees
- PhD Ecology University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Environmental Science Stanford University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Peter A. Raymond's Published Works
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Published Works
- Global carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters (2013) (1616)
- The Global Methane Budget 2000–2017 (2016) (1430)
- The changing carbon cycle of the coastal ocean (2013) (1031)
- Riverine coupling of biogeochemical cycles between land, oceans, and atmosphere (2011) (969)
- Anthropogenic perturbation of the carbon fluxes from land to ocean (2013) (901)
- Significant efflux of carbon dioxide from streams and rivers in the United States (2011) (640)
- Gas exchange in rivers and estuaries: Choosing a gas transfer velocity (2001) (514)
- Seasonal and Annual Fluxes of Nutrients and Organic Matter from Large Rivers to the Arctic Ocean and Surrounding Seas (2012) (507)
- Large contribution to inland water CO2 and CH4 emissions from very small ponds (2016) (480)
- A comprehensive quantification of global nitrous oxide sources and sinks (2020) (476)
- Scaling the gas transfer velocity and hydraulic geometry in streams and small rivers (2012) (470)
- Flux and age of dissolved organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean: A carbon isotopic study of the five largest arctic rivers (2007) (469)
- Riverine export of aged terrestrial organic matter to the North Atlantic Ocean (2001) (468)
- Anthropogenically enhanced fluxes of water and carbon from the Mississippi River (2008) (458)
- Managing uncertainty in soil carbon feedbacks to climate change (2016) (406)
- The impacts of climate change on ecosystem structure and function (2013) (393)
- Use of 14C and 13C natural abundances for evaluating riverine, estuarine, and coastal DOC and POC sources and cycling: a review and synthesis (2001) (386)
- Event controlled DOC export from forested watersheds (2010) (384)
- A decrease in discharge‐normalized DOC export by the Yukon River during summer through autumn (2005) (360)
- Hydrological and biogeochemical controls on watershed dissolved organic matter transport: pulse-shunt concept. (2016) (360)
- Increase in the Export of Alkalinity from North America's Largest River (2003) (337)
- Lability of DOC transported by Alaskan rivers to the Arctic Ocean (2008) (314)
- Environmental turbulent mixing controls on air‐water gas exchange in marine and aquatic systems (2007) (301)
- Terrestrial carbon inputs to inland waters: A current synthesis of estimates and uncertainty (2018) (293)
- Atmospheric CO2 evasion, dissolved inorganic carbon production, and net heterotrophy in the York River estuary (2000) (287)
- Carbon dioxide concentration and atmospheric flux in the Hudson River (1997) (252)
- Organic carbon burial in global lakes and reservoirs (2017) (245)
- Flow‐weighted values of runoff tracers (δ18O, DOC, Ba, alkalinity) from the six largest Arctic rivers (2008) (225)
- Biomass offsets little or none of permafrost carbon release from soils, streams, and wildfire: an expert assessment (2016) (217)
- Carbon export and cycling by the Yukon, Tanana, and Porcupine rivers, Alaska, 2001–2005 (2007) (215)
- Bacterial consumption of DOC during transport through a temperate estuary (2000) (210)
- Half of global methane emissions come from highly variable aquatic ecosystem sources (2021) (209)
- Dissolved organic matter sources in large Arctic rivers (2012) (204)
- A full greenhouse gases budget of Africa: synthesis, uncertainties, and vulnerabilities (2014) (196)
- Controls on the variability of organic matter and dissolved inorganic carbon ages in northeast US rivers (2004) (195)
- DOC cycling in a temperate estuary: A mass balance approach using natural 14C and 13C isotopes (2001) (184)
- Anthropogenic aerosols as a source of ancient dissolved organic matter in glaciers (2012) (182)
- Current systematic carbon-cycle observations and the need for implementing a policy-relevant carbon observing system (2013) (178)
- Source and biolability of ancient dissolved organic matter in glacier and lake ecosystems on the Tibetan Plateau (2014) (165)
- Increased mobilization of aged carbon to rivers by human disturbance (2015) (159)
- Linkages among Runoff, Dissolved Organic Carbon, and the Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Seawater and Other Water Mass Indicators in the Arctic Ocean (2005) (158)
- Animating the Carbon Cycle (2014) (157)
- Variation in surface turbulence and the gas transfer velocity over a tidal cycle in a macro-tidal estuary (2003) (156)
- Twelve testable hypotheses on the geobiology of weathering (2011) (144)
- Circumpolar synchrony in big river bacterioplankton (2009) (144)
- The contribution of agricultural and urban activities to inorganic carbon fluxes within temperate watersheds (2009) (144)
- Particulate organic carbon and nitrogen export from major Arctic rivers (2016) (130)
- A land‐to‐ocean perspective on the magnitude, source and implication of DIC flux from major Arctic rivers to the Arctic Ocean (2012) (123)
- Millennial-aged organic carbon subsidies to a modern river food web. (2010) (115)
- Generality of Hydrologic Transport Limitation of Watershed Organic Carbon Flux Across Ecoregions of the United States (2018) (115)
- Dissolved organic matter export from a forested watershed during Hurricane Irene (2012) (113)
- Contribution of agricultural liming to riverine bicarbonate export and CO2 sequestration in the Ohio River basin (2006) (112)
- Inputs of fossil carbon from wastewater treatment plants to U.S. rivers and oceans. (2009) (109)
- Hydrologic Drivers and Seasonality of Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration, Nitrogen Content, Bioavailability, and Export in a Forested New England Stream (2013) (107)
- The impact of flooding on aquatic ecosystem services (2018) (105)
- Ecosystem Modulation of Dissolved Carbon Age in a Temperate Marsh-Dominated Estuary (2002) (98)
- Rivers across the Siberian Arctic unearth the patterns of carbon release from thawing permafrost (2019) (94)
- Enhanced transfer of terrestrially derived carbon to the atmosphere in a flooding event (2013) (92)
- The carbon budget of South Asia (2012) (91)
- Long term changes of chemical weathering products in rivers heavily impacted from acid mine drainage: Insights on the impact of coal mining on regional and global carbon and sulfur budgets (2009) (88)
- Landscape‐level controls on dissolved carbon flux from diverse catchments of the circumboreal (2012) (83)
- Fluxes of water, sediments, and biogeochemical compounds in salt marshes (2013) (82)
- Lateral Marsh Edge Erosion as a Source of Sediments for Vertical Marsh Accretion (2018) (81)
- River network saturation concept: factors influencing the balance of biogeochemical supply and demand of river networks (2018) (80)
- An empirical study of climatic controls on riverine C export from three major U.S. watersheds (2007) (80)
- Development of a Pan-Arctic Database for River Chemistry (2008) (77)
- Land-use controls on sources and processing of nitrate in small watersheds: insights from dual isotopic analysis. (2010) (73)
- A new high-resolution N2O emission inventory for China in 2008. (2014) (69)
- Evidence for the assimilation of ancient glacier organic carbon in a proglacial stream food web (2015) (68)
- Riverine Export of Aged Carbon Driven by Flow Path Depth and Residence Time. (2018) (67)
- Influences of glacier melt and permafrost thaw on the age of dissolved organic carbon in the Yukon River basin (2003) (66)
- Dual isotope analyses indicate efficient processing of atmospheric nitrate by forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. (2008) (66)
- Chapter 11 – Riverine DOM (2015) (65)
- The composition and transport of organic carbon in rainfall: Insights from the natural (13C and 14C) isotopes of carbon (2005) (63)
- Dissolved organic carbon biolability decreases along with its modernization in fluvial networks in an ancient landscape (2014) (60)
- Influence of watershed‐climate interactions on stream temperature, sediment yield, and metabolism along a land use intensity gradient in Indonesian Borneo (2014) (60)
- Relationships between Δ14C and the molecular quality of dissolved organic carbon in rivers draining to the coast from the conterminous United States (2012) (59)
- Linking lithology and land use to sources of dissolved and particulate organic matter in headwaters of a temperate, passive-margin river system (2007) (58)
- Empirical estimates of regional carbon budgets imply reduced global soil heterotrophic respiration (2020) (57)
- What controls the spatial patterns of the riverine carbonate system? — A case study for North America (2013) (57)
- Anthropogenic influences on riverine fluxes of dissolved inorganic carbon to the oceans (2018) (55)
- Significant methane ebullition from alpine permafrost rivers on the East Qinghai–Tibet Plateau (2020) (53)
- The impact of fertilization and hydrology on nitrate fluxes from Mississippi watersheds (2012) (53)
- The European land and inland water CO2, CO, CH4 and N2O balance between 2001 and 2005 (2012) (50)
- Molecular Hysteresis: Hydrologically Driven Changes in Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter Chemistry During a Storm Event (2019) (48)
- Rivers as the largest source of mercury to coastal oceans worldwide (2021) (45)
- Simulating streamflow and dissolved organic matter export from a forested watershed (2010) (43)
- Greenhouse gases emissions in rivers of the Tibetan Plateau (2017) (42)
- Seasonal variability of organic matter composition in an Alaskan glacier outflow: insights into glacier carbon sources (2014) (40)
- Seasonal response of air-water CO2 exchange along the land-ocean aquatic continuum of the northeast North American coast (2014) (39)
- Using dissolved organic matter age and composition to detect permafrost thaw in boreal watersheds of interior Alaska (2014) (39)
- Financing Water Supply and Sanitation Investments : Utilizing Risk Mitigation Instruments to Bridge the Financing Gap (2005) (38)
- New model for capturing the variations of fertilizer‐induced emission factors of N2O (2015) (36)
- Quantity, 14C age and lability of desorbed soil organic carbon in fresh water and seawater (2007) (35)
- Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in streams and rivers, within a machine learning framework (2020) (35)
- Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Tibetan Plateau (2017) (33)
- Multiple-source heterotrophy fueled by aged organic carbon in an urbanized estuary (2011) (32)
- Enhancement of primary production during drought in a temperate watershed is greater in larger rivers than headwater streams (2019) (30)
- Hydrologic controls on pCO2 and CO2 efflux in US streams and rivers (2018) (30)
- Watershed Glacier Coverage Influences Dissolved Organic Matter Biogeochemistry in Coastal Watersheds of Southeast Alaska (2014) (29)
- Immobilization of relic anthropogenic dissolved organic matter from alpine rivers in the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau in winter. (2019) (27)
- Temperature versus hydrologic controls of chemical weathering fluxes from United States forests (2017) (27)
- Fossil Fuel Combustion Emission From South Asia Influences Precipitation Dissolved Organic Carbon Reaching the Remote Tibetan Plateau: Isotopic and Molecular Evidence (2018) (26)
- Regional trends and drivers of the global methane budget (2021) (26)
- Spatial Variation in the Origin of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Snow on the Juneau Icefield, Southeast Alaska. (2015) (26)
- The importance of hydrology in routing terrestrial carbon to the atmosphere via global streams and rivers (2022) (25)
- Source Switching Maintains Dissolved Organic Matter Chemostasis Across Discharge Levels in a Large Temperate River Network (2020) (25)
- Gas transfer velocities in small forested ponds (2017) (24)
- Increases in humic and bioavailable dissolved organic matter in a forested New England headwater stream with increasing discharge (2016) (24)
- Biogeosciences The European land and inland water CO 2 , CO , CH 4 and N 2 O balance between 2001 and 2005 (2012) (24)
- Seasonal response of air – water CO 2 exchange along the land – ocean aquatic continuum of the northeast North American coast (2014) (23)
- Financial Structuring of Infrastructure Projects in Public-Private Partnerships: An Application to Water Projects (2006) (23)
- Deposition of Organic and Black Carbon: Direct Measurements at Three Remote Stations in the Himalayas and Tibetan Plateau (2019) (22)
- Estimates of New and Total Productivity in Central Long Island Sound from In Situ Measurements of Nitrate and Dissolved Oxygen (2012) (21)
- Differential Response of Greenhouse Gas Evasion to Storms in Forested and Wetland Streams (2019) (21)
- Lakes on the Tibetan Plateau as Conduits of Greenhouse Gases to the Atmosphere (2018) (21)
- Land Use, Not Stream Order, Controls N2O Concentration and Flux in the Upper Mara River Basin, Kenya (2019) (21)
- Global riverine nitrous oxide emissions: The role of small streams and large rivers. (2021) (21)
- Assessing the Potential for Mobilization of Old Soil Carbon After Permafrost Thaw: A Synthesis of 14C Measurements From the Northern Permafrost Region (2020) (21)
- Natural Lakes Are a Minor Global Source of N2O to the Atmosphere (2019) (20)
- An Abrupt Aging of Dissolved Organic Carbon in Large Arctic Rivers (2020) (19)
- Association Between Sporadic Legionellosis and River Systems in Connecticut (2018) (19)
- Watershed hydrology and dissolved organic matter export across time scales: minute to millennium (2015) (19)
- Carbon cycle: The age of the Amazon's breath (2005) (18)
- Pan‐Arctic Riverine Dissolved Organic Matter: Synchronous Molecular Stability, Shifting Sources and Subsidies (2021) (18)
- Substantial overnight reaeration by convective cooling discovered in pond ecosystems (2016) (17)
- Bacterial Dynamics in Large and Small Estuaries (1999) (16)
- High Frequency Data Exposes Nonlinear Seasonal Controls on Dissolved Organic Matter in a Large Watershed. (2018) (15)
- Evaluating CO2 calculation error from organic alkalinity and pH measurement error in low ionic strength freshwaters (2020) (14)
- Warming and monsoonal climate lead to large export of millennial-aged carbon from permafrost catchments of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (2020) (13)
- Air-Water Flux Reconciliation Between the Atmospheric CO2 Profile and Mass Balance Techniques (2007) (13)
- Highest rates of gross primary productivity maintained despite CO2 depletion in a temperate river network (2021) (13)
- Multidecadal climate‐induced changes in Arctic tundra lake geochemistry and geomorphology (2018) (12)
- Spatiotemporal Variability and Sources of DIC in Permafrost Catchments of the Yangtze River Source Region: Insights From Stable Carbon Isotope and Water Chemistry (2020) (12)
- Carbon cycle observations: Gaps threaten climate mitigation policies (2009) (11)
- Patterns in stream greenhouse gas dynamics from mountains to plains in northcentral Wyoming (2017) (10)
- Consistent results in stream hydrology across multiple watersheds: A reply to Chew and Goh (2015) (8)
- Lake Morphometry and River Network Controls on Evasion of Terrestrially Sourced Headwater CO2 (2020) (8)
- Generalized Growth of Estuarine, Household and Clinical Isolates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2018) (8)
- Erratum: Global carbon dioxide emissions from inland waters (2014) (8)
- The evolution of stream dissolved organic matter composition following glacier retreat in coastal watersheds of southeast Alaska (2021) (8)
- The Knowledge Economy in Development: Perspectives for Effective Partnerships (2005) (7)
- Does Photomineralization of Dissolved Organics Matter in Temperate Rivers? (2021) (6)
- Evaluating Streamwater Dissolved Organic Carbon Dynamics in Context of Variable Flowpath Contributions With a Tracer‐Based Mixing Model (2021) (6)
- River network travel time is correlated with dissolved organic matter composition in rivers of the contiguous United States (2021) (6)
- Distinct concentration‐discharge dynamics in temperate streams and rivers: CO2 exhibits chemostasis while CH4 exhibits source limitation due to temperature control (2021) (6)
- Chapter 14: Inland Waters. Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (2018) (5)
- River chemistry constraints on the carbon capture potential of surficial enhanced rock weathering (2022) (5)
- High-resolution stream network delineation using digital elevation models: assessing the spatial accuracy (2018) (5)
- River ecosystem metabolism and carbon biogeochemistry in a changing world (2023) (5)
- The experimental flow to the Colorado River delta: Effects on carbon mobilization in a dry watercourse (2017) (5)
- Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Atmospheric (1997) (5)
- Substantial accumulation of mercury in the deepest parts of the ocean and implications for the environmental mercury cycle. (2021) (5)
- Source Switching Maintains Dissolved Organic Matter Chemostasis Across Discharge Levels in a Large Temperate River Network (2020) (4)
- Radiocarbon age of different photoreactive fractions of freshwater dissolved organic matter (2019) (4)
- Groundwater as a limited carbon dioxide source in a large river (the Yangtze River). (2020) (4)
- Busting the myths around public investment in clean energy (2022) (4)
- Export of photolabile and photoprimable dissolved organic carbon from the Connecticut River (2021) (3)
- Global Controls on DOC Reaction Versus Export in Watersheds: A Damköhler Number Analysis (2022) (3)
- Contributions of Fe(III) to UV–Vis absorbance in river water: a case study on the Connecticut River and argument for the systematic tandem measurement of Fe(III) and CDOM (2022) (3)
- Scalingthegastransfervelocityandhydraulic geometry in streams and small rivers (2012) (2)
- Biogeochemical Dynamics at Major River-Coastal Interfaces: Fluxes, processing, and fate of riverine organic and inorganic carbon in the Arctic Ocean (2013) (2)
- Variation in Surface Turbulence and the Gas Transfer Velocity in a Macro-Tidal Estuary (2002) (2)
- Land use controls on the delivery, processing, and removal of nitrogen from small watersheds: Insights from the dual isotopic composition of stream nitrate (2010) (2)
- An intense precipitation event causes a temperate forested drainage network to shift from N2O source to sink (2022) (2)
- Watershed and stream network delineation using digital elevation models and spectral satellite information (2017) (2)
- Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in streams and rivers across the Contiguous United States (2019) (1)
- Connecticut River Watershed Riparian Canopy Data (2021) (1)
- A dataset for methane concentrations and fluxes for alpine permafrost streams and rivers on the East Qinghai-Tibet Plateau (2020) (1)
- Methane Emissions across Aquatic Ecosystems - From Headwater Streams to the Open Ocean (2019) (1)
- Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in streams and rivers across the contiguous United States: a machine learning framework (2019) (1)
- Aquatic Ecosystems are the Largest Source of Methane on Earth (2020) (1)
- Supplementary material to "The Global Methane Budget 2000–2017" (2019) (1)
- Correction: Aged dissolved organic carbon exported from rivers of the Tibetan Plateau (2017) (1)
- Dissolved Organic Matter Composition and Export from U.S. Rivers (2012) (1)
- Remotely Sensing River Greenhouse Gas Exchange Velocity Using the SWOT Satellite (2022) (1)
- Magnitude and Uncertainty of Nitrous Oxide Emissions From North America Based on Bottom‐Up and Top‐Down Approaches: Informing Future Research and National Inventories (2021) (1)
- Divergent Radiocarbon Age Distributions of Carbon Pools in a Major Temperate River: Implications for Sources, Reactivity, and Land-Ocean Exchanges (2011) (0)
- Landslides at active construction sites in Hong Kong (2008) (0)
- Microsoft Word-nwaa145.docx (2020) (0)
- Tracking Particulate Organic Matter Characteristics in Major Arctic Rivers: Indicators of Watershed-Scale Climate Impacts (2015) (0)
- River Exports and Productivity in Arctic Coastal Waters: A Challenge to Conventional Wisdom (2006) (0)
- Organic carbon burial in global lakes and reservoirs (2017) (0)
- Greenhouse gases emissions in rivers of the Tibetan Plateau (2017) (0)
- Global CO2 emissions from inland waters (2012) (0)
- Reply to Rucinski et al. (2018) (0)
- Source, fate and turnover of terrestrial organic matter in rivers and estuaries (2006) (0)
- The magnitude, trend and drivers of the global nitrous oxide budget: a new assessment (2019) (0)
- Increase in biological DOM removal by photopriming in inland waters - where and how it works (2018) (0)
- Overviews of the last release of the Global Methane Budget 2000-2017: what have we learnt about the last 10 years of increasing methane? (2019) (0)
- Author Correction: Rivers as the largest source of mercury to coastal oceans worldwide (2021) (0)
- River Export of Dissolved and Particulate Organic Carbon from Permafrost and Peat Deposits across the Siberian Arctic (2017) (0)
- Watershed DOC uptake occurs mostly in lakes in the summer and in rivers in the winter (2023) (0)
- Hyporheic zone is the source of nearly 50% of N 2 O emissions at the global scale (2019) (0)
- Quantifying the Effects Sizes of Common Controls on Methane Emissions From an Ombrotrophic Peat Bog (2023) (0)
- Inland water greenhouse gas budgets for RECCAP2: 2. Regionalization and homogenization of estimates (2023) (0)
- Inland Water Greenhouse Gas Budgets for RECCAP2: 1. State‐of‐the‐Art of Global Scale Assessments (2023) (0)
- Editorial: Carbon cycling in aquatic critical zones (2022) (0)
- Multiple-source heterotrophy fueled by aged organic carbon in an 3 urbanized estuary 4 5 (2011) (0)
- Riverine export of dissolved organic matter from an old, infertile landscape (Invited) (2010) (0)
- A Preliminary Evaluation of Carbon Sources and Ages Exported By Major Arctic Rivers (2004) (0)
- Biogeochemistry of glacial runoff along the Gulf of Alaska (2012) (0)
- Title: Half of global methane emissions come from highly variable aquatic 1 ecosystem sources (2021) (0)
- Watershed dissolved organic carbon export patterns exhibit significant transport-limitations (2013) (0)
- Increases of riverine dissolved inorganic carbon fluxes over the Mississippi River Basin: The role of changing water-throughput and watershed H+ inputs. (2007) (0)
- Ancient Organic Matter Sources to the Hudson-Mohawk River System: Implications of Riverine Transport of Ancient Organic Matter for the Global Biogeochemical Carbon Cycle (2003) (0)
- A scalable hybrid model to predict riverine nitrous oxide emissions from the reach to the global scale (2021) (0)
- Multi-scale observations of mangrove blue carbon fluxes; the NASA Carbon Monitoring System BlueFlux field campaign (2022) (0)
- High-Resolution Upscaling of Closed Chamber Fluxes for N 2 o Emissions from China's Agricultural Soils (2014) (0)
- Anthropogenic alteration of riverine water and carbonate fluxes (2007) (0)
- Title : Gas transfer velocities in small forested ponds Authors : (2018) (0)
- Method and system for predicting the financial impact of forecasted weather conditions (2017) (0)
- Widespread positive bias in calculated carbon dioxide concentration: causes and implications for large-scale estimates of carbon dioxide efflux from freshwater ecosystems (2013) (0)
- Thank You to Our 2019 Reviewers (2020) (0)
- Alkalinity Export and Carbon Balance [1] (multiple letters) (2003) (0)
- Carbon cycling along the land to ocean continuum (Invited) (2013) (0)
- Geoscientists, Who Have Documented the Rapid and Accelerating Climate Crisis for Decades, Are Now Pleading for Immediate Collective Action (2021) (0)
- Thank You to Our 2020 Reviewers (2021) (0)
- Aquatic biomass is a major source to particulate organic matter export in large Arctic rivers. (2023) (0)
- Assimilation of aged organic carbon in a glacial river food web (2013) (0)
- Hydrologic events and watershed biogeochemistry: The Pulse Shunt Hypothesis (2017) (0)
- Should the Department of Defense Transfer the Defense Logistics Agency's Map Functions to the Defense Working Capital Fund (2000) (0)
- Using Continuous In-situ Measurement of Fluorescence to Reveal Hot Spots and Hot Moments of Dissolved Organic Matter Dynamics in a Forested Watershed (2017) (0)
- Basin-scale Controls on the Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon Across Diverse Circumpolar Watersheds (2011) (0)
- The flux and 14C age of riverine organic carbon exported to the Arctic Ocean (2006) (0)
- Hydrologic Drivers and Seasonality of Dissolved Organic Carbon Concentration, Nitrogen Content, Bioavailability, and Export in a Forested New England Stream (2013) (0)
- The impact of seasonality and elevation on dissolved greenhouse gas concentrations in a northeastern Wyoming watershed (2014) (0)
- Data Descriptor : Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in 1 streams and rivers across the contiguous United States : a machine 2 learning framework 3 (2019) (0)
- Inland Waters and the North American Carbon Cycle (2016) (0)
- River network residence time explains bacterial community composition and DOM quality in the Connecticut River Basin. (2019) (0)
- Estimating nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in streams and rivers, within a machine learning framework (2020) (0)
- Watershed Glacier Coverage Influences Dissolved Organic Matter Biogeochemistry in Coastal Watersheds of Southeast Alaska (2014) (0)
- Animating the Carbon Cycle (2013) (0)
- Distinct drivers of two size fractions of operationally dissolved iron in a temperate river (2023) (0)
- Corrigendum: Corrigendum to 'Immobilization of relic anthropogenic dissolved organic matter from alpine rivers in the Himalayan-Tibetan Plateau in winter' [Water Research 160 (2019) 97-106]. (2021) (0)
- How frequently do rivers have to be sampled to accurately estimate carbon fluxes?: LOADEST (Load Estimator) estimates on the Mississippi River alkalinity flux for 1990- 1998. (2007) (0)
- Spatially and temporally distributed re-evaluation of global CO2 outgassing from inland waters: The tropics dominate global fluxes (2010) (0)
- Inland Water Greenhouse Gasses (2014) (0)
- Loads and ages of carbon from the five largest rivers in South Korea under Asian monsoon climates (2021) (0)
- Dissolved organic matter as an indicator of changing watersheds in northern rivers (2009) (0)
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