
Paolo Mantegazza

Most Influential Person Across History

Italian neurologist, physiologist, and anthropologist

Paolo Mantegazza's Academic­ Rankings

Paolo Mantegazza
Historical Rank
anthropology Degrees
Paolo Mantegazza
Historical Rank
Historical Rank
medical Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • Medical

Paolo Mantegazza's Degrees

Why Is Paolo Mantegazza Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paolo Mantegazza was an Italian neurologist, physiologist, and anthropologist, noted for his experimental investigation of coca leaves into its effects on the human psyche. He was also an author of fiction.

Other Resources About Paolo Mantegazza

What Schools Are Affiliated With Paolo Mantegazza?

Paolo Mantegazza is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Paolo Mantegazza's Academic Contributions?

Paolo Mantegazza has made the following academic contributions: