Patricia Alexander
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Educational psychologist
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Patricia Alexander's Degrees
- PhD Educational Psychology University of Maryland, College Park
Why Is Patricia Alexander Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Patricia A. Alexander is an educational psychologist who has conducted notable research on the role of individual difference, strategic processing, and interest in students' learning. She is currently a university distinguished professor, Jean Mullan Professor of Literacy, and Distinguished Scholar/Teacher in the Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology in the College of Education at the University of Maryland and a visiting professor at the University of Auckland, New Zealand.
Patricia Alexander's Published Works
Published Works
- Coming to Terms: How Researchers in Learning and Literacy Talk About Knowledge (1991) (729)
- Focusing the Conceptual Lens on Metacognition, Self-regulation, and Self-regulated Learning (2008) (685)
- The Interaction of Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge in Academic Performance (1988) (633)
- Handbook of educational psychology (2015) (630)
- The Development of Expertise: The Journey From Acclimation to Proficiency (2003) (557)
- Learning From Text: A Multidimensional and Developmental Perspective (2000) (536)
- Learning and study strategies : issues in assessment, instruction, and evaluation (1988) (520)
- Metacognition: Answered and Unanswered Questions (1989) (437)
- Beliefs about schooled knowledge: Domain specific or domain general? (2002) (357)
- Beliefs About Academic Knowledge (2001) (348)
- A Perspective on Strategy Research: Progress and Prospects (1998) (346)
- Interest and Learning From Text (1991) (322)
- The Role of Subject-Matter Knowledge and Interest in the Processing of Linear and Nonlinear Texts (1994) (316)
- How Subject-Matter Knowledge Affects Recall and Interest (1994) (272)
- Domain knowledge: Evolving themes and emerging concerns. (1992) (269)
- The research base for APA's learner-centered psychological principles. (1998) (266)
- Handbook of Research on Learning and Instruction (2011) (249)
- Motivation and Performance Differences in Students’ Domain-Specific Epistemological Belief Profiles (2005) (241)
- What Is Learning Anyway? A Topographical Perspective Considered (2009) (240)
- Interrelationship of Knowledge, Interest, and Recall: Assessing a Model of Domain Learning (1995) (239)
- Profiling the Differences in Students' Knowledge, Interest, and Strategic Processing (1998) (211)
- Reading Into the Future: Competence for the 21st Century (2012) (202)
- The Path to Competence: A Lifespan Developmental Perspective on Reading (2005) (198)
- Conceptions of Knowledge and Beliefs: A Comparison Across Varying Cultural and Educational Communities (1995) (192)
- College Instruction and Concomitant Changes in Students’ Knowledge, Interest, and Strategy Use: A Study of Domain Learning (1997) (186)
- Conceptualization and Operationalization of Executive Function (2016) (179)
- Reading on Paper and Digitally: What the Past Decades of Empirical Research Reveal (2017) (174)
- Reading Across Mediums: Effects of Reading Digital and Print Texts on Comprehension and Calibration (2017) (173)
- A Historical Perspective on Reading Research and Practice (2004) (170)
- Psychology in Learning and Instruction (2005) (166)
- The role of importance and interest in the processing of text (1996) (153)
- Interrelationship of Knowledge, Interest, and Recall: Assessing a Model of Domain Learning. (1995) (152)
- A Critical Discussion of Deep and Surface Processing: What It Means, How It Is Measured, the Role of Context, and Model Specification (2012) (152)
- Mapping prior knowledge: A framework for discussion among researchers (1995) (146)
- Methodological Guidance Paper: The Art and Science of Quality Systematic Reviews (2020) (137)
- The influence of topic knowledge, domain knowledge, and interest on the comprehension of scientific exposition (1994) (137)
- Do students' beliefs about writing relate to their writing self-efficacy, apprehension, and performance? (2014) (136)
- What Counts? The Predictive Powers of Subject-Matter Knowledge, Strategic Processing, and Interest in Domain-Specific Performance (2002) (136)
- Examining the dual nature of epistemological beliefs (2006) (130)
- Nurturing the seeds of transfer: a domain-specific perspective (1999) (124)
- A model of domain learning: Reinterpreting expertise as a multidimensional, multistage process. (2004) (116)
- Modeling Domain Learning: Profiles From the Field of Special Education (2004) (111)
- Walking on the Borders: A Measure of Epistemic Cognition in History (2009) (110)
- Beliefs About Text and Instruction with Text (1994) (108)
- Integrated, Constructivist Education: Challenge and Reality (1998) (98)
- Calibration: What Is It and Why It Matters? An Introduction to the Special Issue on Calibrating Calibration. (2013) (96)
- Relational Reasoning and Its Manifestations in the Educational Context: a Systematic Review of the Literature (2013) (91)
- The Past, Present, and Future of Knowledge Research: A Reexamination of the Role of Knowledge in Learning and Instruction (1996) (89)
- Superimposing a situation-specific and domain-specific perspective on an account of.. (1995) (83)
- Of Squalls and Fathoms: Navigating the Seas of Educational Innovation. (1996) (80)
- Learning from physics text: A synthesis of recent research (1994) (79)
- Inducing Use of a Text Lookback Strategy Among Unsuccessful Readers (1984) (77)
- Why This and Why Now? Introduction to the Special Issue on Metacognition, Self-Regulation, and Self-Regulated Learning (2008) (75)
- Cognitive Affective Engagement Model of Multiple Source Use (2017) (75)
- Teaching as persuasion (2002) (71)
- How Students and Teachers in Singapore and the United States Conceptualize Knowledge and Beliefs: Positioning Learning within Epistemological Frameworks. (1998) (69)
- Domain-specific and strategic knowledge: Effects of training on students of differing ages or competence levels (1989) (69)
- Adolescents as Readers (2010) (68)
- Michael Pressley's Contributions to the History and Future of Strategies Research (2008) (68)
- Measuring Relational Reasoning (2016) (66)
- Analogical reasoning in young children. (1987) (64)
- Toward a Model of Academic Development: Schooling and the Acquisition of Knowledge (2000) (64)
- Predicting creative problem solving in engineering design (2016) (64)
- Charting the Course for the Teaching Profession: The Energizing and Sustaining Role of Motivational Forces. (2008) (62)
- Persuasion As a Dynamic, Multidimensional Process: An Investigation of Individual and Intraindividual Differences (2004) (62)
- Toward an Integrated Framework of Multiple Text Use (2019) (62)
- Knowledge-seeking and self-schema: A case for the motivational dimensions of exposition (1997) (57)
- Learning From Traditional and Alternative Texts: New Conceptualizations for the Information Age (2003) (55)
- Self-Regulated Learning in Academic Domains (2011) (52)
- Profiling Persuasion: The Role of Beliefs, Knowledge, and Interest in the Processing of Persuasive Texts That Vary by Argument Structure (2001) (51)
- A Multidimensional Investigation of Deep-level and Surface-level Processing (2016) (51)
- Undergraduate Students’ Justifications for Source Selection in a Digital Academic Context (2016) (50)
- Instructional Importance: What Teachers Value and What Students Learn (1997) (49)
- Development of analogical reasoning in 4- and 5-year-old children (1989) (48)
- Training in Analogical Reasoning (1987) (48)
- Learner profiles: Valuing individual differences within classroom communities. (1999) (48)
- Domain Knowledge and Analogic Reasoning Ability as Predictors of Expository Text Comprehension (1991) (47)
- Relational reasoning in medical education: Patterns in discourse and diagnosis. (2014) (47)
- Thinking Critically and Analytically about Critical-Analytic Thinking: an Introduction (2014) (45)
- Antecedents and Outcomes of Teachers’ Autonomous Motivation: A Self-Determination Theory Analysis (2014) (43)
- Research news and Comment: Of Squalls and Fathoms: Navigating the Seas of Educational Innovation (1996) (43)
- Strategic Processing of Text: An Investigation of the Effects on Adults’ Question-Answering Performance (1982) (42)
- Effects of Training on Four-Year-Ols' Ability to Solve Geometric Analogy Problems (1986) (42)
- Effects of Processing Time on Comprehension and Calibration in Print and Digital Mediums (2019) (38)
- Understanding How Students Learn: A Guide for Instructional Leaders (2005) (38)
- Analyzing and Integrating Models of Multiple Text Comprehension (2017) (38)
- Educational Psychology: A Classroom Perspective (1992) (37)
- Bridging Cognition and Socioculturalism Within Conceptual Change Research: Unnecessary Foray or Unachievable Feat? (2007) (37)
- The Motivational Function of Preschoolers' Private Speech (2000) (36)
- Peer collaboration: the relation of regulatory behaviors to learning with hypermedia (2011) (36)
- Contrasting Instructional and Structural Importance: The Seductive Effect of Teacher Questions (1994) (35)
- Reformulating the Depression Model of Learned Hopelessness for Academic Outcomes. (2009) (35)
- Perceptions of knowledge and beliefs among undergraduate students in Italy and in the United States (2006) (34)
- Trust But Verify: Examining the Association Between Students' Sourcing Behaviors and Ratings of Text Trustworthiness (2017) (34)
- What Responses to Domain-Specific Analogy Problems Reveal about Emerging Competence: A New Perspective on an Old Acquaintance. (1998) (33)
- Dimensions of the interplay between learning and teaching (1993) (33)
- Knowledge and knowing: The journey from philosophy and psychology to human learning. (2012) (33)
- A national survey of induction and mentoring: How it is perceived within communities of practice (2014) (32)
- Text Comprehension: A Retrospective, Perspective, and Prospective (2014) (32)
- Using the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory-High School Version Writ Singaporean Females: Examinig Psychometric Properties (1998) (32)
- Developmental Differences in Relational Reasoning among Primary and Secondary School Students. (2016) (31)
- Reflection and Reflexivity in Practice Versus in Theory: Challenges of Conceptualization, Complexity, and Competence (2017) (31)
- Interest Assessment and the Content Area Literacy Environment: Challenges for Research and Practice (2001) (30)
- Higher order thinking and knowledge: Domain-general and domain-specific trends and future directions. (2011) (30)
- The State of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology (2008) (30)
- Can We Get There From Here? (2003) (29)
- Epistemological threads in the fabric of conceptual change research. (2007) (28)
- The persuasiveness of persuasive discourse (2001) (27)
- Analogical Reasoning and Early Mathematics Learning (1997) (25)
- Relational thinking and relational reasoning: harnessing the power of patterning (2016) (25)
- Gifted and Nongifted Students' Perceptions of Intelligence (1985) (25)
- Modeling metacognition in design thinking and design making (2020) (24)
- Students' Conceptions of Knowledge, Information, and Truth. (2012) (23)
- Individual differences in the process of relational reasoning (2016) (23)
- Uncovering perceptions of the induction and mentoring experience: developing a measure that works (2012) (23)
- Relational Reasoning in STEM Domains: a Foundation for Academic Development (2017) (23)
- Calibration of the Test of Relational Reasoning. (2016) (22)
- The impact of new learning environments in an engineering design course (2008) (22)
- Effects of Teacher Training on Children's Analogical Reasoning Performance. (1987) (21)
- The Influence of Prior Knowledge, Beliefs, and Interest on Learning from Persuasive Text. (1998) (21)
- Examining interest throughout multiple text use (2019) (20)
- Research News And Comment: Toward a Model of Academic Development: Schooling and the Acquisition of Knowledge (2000) (20)
- In the Year 2020: Envisioning the Possibilities for Educational Psychology (2004) (20)
- Cold and warm perspectives on the cognitive affective engagement model of multiple source use (2018) (20)
- Profiling reading in print and digital mediums (2018) (19)
- Relational Reasoning (2016) (19)
- Corroborating students’ self-reports of source evaluation (2018) (18)
- Persuasion as a Metaphor for Teaching: A Case in Point (2001) (18)
- Analogy Training: A Study of the Effects on Verbal Reasoning. (1986) (18)
- Positioning Interest and Curiosity within a Model of Academic Development (2016) (18)
- Effects of Two Instructional Approaches and Peer Tutoring on Gifted and Nongifted Sixth-Grade Students' Analogy Performance. (1988) (18)
- Examining response confidence in multiple text tasks (2015) (17)
- Prior Knowledge Activation in Design and in Practice (2015) (17)
- Contexts that promote interest, self-determination, and learning: lasting impressions and lingering questions (2000) (17)
- The Effects of Time, Access, and Question Type on Response Accuracy and Frequency of Lookbacks in Older, Proficient Readers (1984) (17)
- The effects of persuasive and expository text on metacognitive monitoring and control (2015) (16)
- Past as prologue: Educational psychology’s legacy and progeny (2017) (16)
- Reading Comprehension Failure in Children (1991) (16)
- Text navigation in multiple source use (2017) (16)
- Examining epistemic frames in conceptual change research: implications for learning and instruction (2012) (15)
- Relational reasoning in word and in figure (2016) (15)
- Gifted Education: A Comprehensive Roadmap (1981) (15)
- Induction and Mentoring in Early Childhood Educational Organizations: Embracing the complexity of teacher learning in contexts (2016) (15)
- Evolution of a Learning Theory: A Case Study (2006) (15)
- The Learning and Study Strategies of Highly Able Female Students in Singapore. (1998) (14)
- The effects of gender, ability, and grade on analogy performance☆ (1990) (14)
- The arguments for and the reasoning about epistemic cognition (2016) (14)
- Expertise and the Adult Learner: A Historical, Psychological, and Methodological Exploration (2008) (13)
- Reading competence, interest, and reading goals in three gifted young adolescent readers (2010) (13)
- Information Management Versus Knowledge Building: Implications for Learning and Assessment in Higher Education (2018) (13)
- Projecting educational psychology’s future from its past and present: A trend analysis. (2012) (13)
- Climate Change, Gender and Development in Africa (2011) (13)
- Perspectives on the past, present and future of educational psychology (Afterword) (2016) (12)
- The Link between Climate Change, Gender and Development in Africa (2011) (12)
- Early Mathematics Learning in Perspective: Eras and Forces of Change (2013) (12)
- Interrogating the relation between conceptual change and epistemic beliefs (2016) (12)
- Adapting the Safety Planning Intervention for Use in a Veterans Psychiatric Inpatient Group Setting (2012) (12)
- “Reading” Paintings: Evidence for Trans-Symbolic and Symbol-Specific Comprehension Processes (2015) (11)
- Seeking Common Ground: Surveying the Theoretical and Empirical Landscapes for Curiosity and Interest (2019) (11)
- What Research Has Revealed About Readers’ Struggles With Comprehension in the Digital Age: Moving Beyond the Phonics Versus Whole Language Debate (2020) (11)
- Individual differences in college-age learners: The importance of relational reasoning for learning and assessment in higher education. (2019) (11)
- Looking down the road: Future directions for research on depth and regulation of strategic processing. (2018) (11)
- Beliefs about Reading, Text, and Learning from Text (2014) (11)
- Young Children's Creative Solutions To Realistic and Fanciful Story Problems (1994) (11)
- What Would Dewey Say? Channeling Dewey on the Issue of Specificity of Epistemic Beliefs: A Response to Muis, Bendixen, and Haerle (2006) (2006) (11)
- Profiling Students’ Multiple Source Use by Question Type (2016) (11)
- Issues of Constructs, Contexts, and Continuity: Commentary on Learning in Higher Education (2017) (10)
- Contextualizing Learner-Centered Principles for Teachers and Teaching (2007) (10)
- Educators' Perceptions of Philosophy, Psychology, and Education 1 (1997) (10)
- The Relevance of Relevance for Learning and Performance (2018) (10)
- The art (and science) of seduction: Why, when, and for whom seductive details matter (2019) (10)
- Knowledge and Literacy: A Transgenerational Perspective. (1998) (10)
- Assessing the Effects of Training Social Studies Content and Analogical Reasoning Processes on Sixth-Graders' Domain-Specific and Strategic Knowledge (1989) (9)
- The Epistemic Dimension of Competence in the Social Sciences (2010) (9)
- Intentionality to Learn, in an Academic Domain (2010) (9)
- Strategy Use in Learning From Multiple Texts: An Investigation of the Integrative Framework of Learning From Multiple Texts (2020) (8)
- Navigating Print and Digital Sources: Students’ Selection, Use, and Integration of Multiple Sources Across Mediums (2018) (8)
- Situating text, talk, and transfer in conceptual change: concluding thoughts (2013) (8)
- Coming Home: Educational Psychology's Philosophical Pilgrimage (2003) (8)
- Teaching Analogical Reasoning Processes. (1984) (7)
- Scaffolding Reading Comprehension for Competent Readers (2018) (7)
- Running head : EFFICACY , KNOWLEDGE , AND BELIEFS Modeling Teachers ’ Efficacy , Knowledge , and Pedagogical Beliefs (2005) (7)
- Epistemological Threads in the Fabric of Pedagogical Research (2012) (7)
- How We Think: A Theory of Goal-Oriented Decision Making and Its Educational Applications, by Alan H. Schoenfeld (2012) (7)
- Examining the influence of knowledge, beliefs, and motivation in conceptual change (2008) (7)
- Young Children’s Analogical Reasoning (2014) (7)
- Explicating and Exemplifying Empiricist and Cognitivist Paradigms in the Study of Human Learning (2012) (7)
- The role of metacognition in the first-year design lab (2020) (7)
- Test of Relational Reasoning (2016) (7)
- Evaluating Students’ Errors on Cognitive Tasks: Applications of Polytomous Item Response Theory and Log-Linear Modeling (1994) (7)
- Use of Passage Cues in Answering of Questions: Investigation of the Effects of an Explicit External Criterion on Adults' Studying Behavior (1981) (7)
- The development of relational reasoning in primary and secondary school students: a longitudinal investigation in technology education (2020) (7)
- The author's role in cueing strategic processing of college textbooks (1987) (7)
- Postscript: In pursuit of integration (2018) (6)
- Relational reasoning’s contributions to mathematical thinking and performance in Chinese elementary and middle-school students. (2020) (6)
- Engagement and literacy: reading between the lines (2018) (6)
- An Atlas Has More Than One Map: A Reply to Our Commentators (2009) (6)
- A Cognitive Perspective on Mathematics: Issues of Perception, Instruction, and Assessment (1992) (6)
- Through Myth to Reality: Reframing Education as Academic Development (2010) (6)
- Training Analogical Reasoning Skills in the Gifted. (1984) (5)
- Audiobooks, Print, and Comprehension: What We Know and What We Need to Know (2022) (5)
- Into the Future : A Prospective Look at the Model of Domain Learning (2017) (5)
- Basal Reading Manuals: What Do Teachers Think of Them and How Do They Use Them?. (1986) (5)
- Knowledge and Belief Change in Academic Development (2017) (5)
- Knowledge Domains and Domain Learning (2010) (5)
- The impact of Organizational Culture in managing the change to the use of FOSS at a South African University (2011) (5)
- An Escherian perspective: The recursive nature of reading research (1999) (5)
- Assessing Differential Item Functioning on the Test of Relational Reasoning (2018) (5)
- In Praise of (Reasoned and Reasonable) Speculation: A Response to Robinson et al.’s Moratorium on Recommendations for Practice (2013) (5)
- Prior knowledge and its activation in elementary classroom discourse (2020) (5)
- Expertise and the Adult Learner (2008) (4)
- A Retrospective and Prospective Examination of Cognitive Strategies and Academic Development (2018) (4)
- Rethinking the nature of change in students’ knowledge and beliefs: introduction to the special issue on persuasion (2001) (4)
- Enlarging the Gap between Theory and Practice: A Review of the Boder Test of Reading-Spelling Patterns. (1984) (4)
- College students' use of task‐related information during studying (1986) (4)
- Introduction to Research on Learning (2010) (4)
- A tribute to Paul R. Pintrich's contributions to Psychology and Education. (2004) (4)
- Introduction to Research on Instruction (2010) (3)
- The effects of knowledge activation training on rural middle-school students’ expository text comprehension: A mixed-methods study. (2020) (3)
- Confronting the Misconceptions of Testing and Assessment. (1991) (3)
- Rethinking Schooling as Academic Development. (2004) (3)
- Verbal Test of Relational Reasoning (2017) (3)
- Beyond "cold" cognition. (1993) (2)
- Effects of Training in Problem Solving on the Problem-Solving Abilities of Gifted Fourth Graders: A Comparison of the Future Problem Solving and Instrumental Enrichment Programs. (1987) (2)
- Adults’ Views About Knowing and Believing (2019) (2)
- Reading Research and Practice Over the Decades (2018) (2)
- Research and practice: Elaborative strategies: Promises and dilemmas for instruction in large college classes (1988) (2)
- Elementary and Middle School Students’ Conceptions of Knowledge, Information, and Truth (2015) (2)
- The role of educational context in beliefs about knowledge, information, and truth: an exploratory study (2018) (2)
- Yes…But: Footnotes To Sage Advice (2008) (2)
- Leveraging What Students Know to Make Sense of Texts: What the Research Says About Prior Knowledge Activation (2023) (2)
- The Development of Relational Reasoning in South Korean Elementary and Middle-School Students: A Cross-Sectional Investigation (2021) (2)
- Motivation and Performance Differences in (2016) (2)
- 2 A Historical Perspective on Reading Research and Practice (2004) (2)
- The Other Gifted. (1982) (2)
- Identifying obstacles to transfer of critical thinking skills (2021) (2)
- Confronting the Challenges of Undergraduates’ Argumentation Writing in a “Learning How to Learn” Course (2023) (1)
- College Students’ Perceptions of Relevance, Personal Interest, and Task Value (2022) (1)
- Comprehension Instruction in a Reading Clinic: Comparison of Clinic and Classroom. (1983) (1)
- Gifted Education: Needed Theory (1984) (1)
- A Critical Discussion of Deep and Surface Processing: What It Means, How It Is Measured, the Role of Context, and Model Specification (2012) (1)
- Test of Relational Reasoning-Junior (2021) (1)
- Effects of Realistic and Unrealistic Criteria for Performance on the Studying Behavior of Expert Adult Readers. (1982) (1)
- Relational Reasoning in Tertiary Education: What Is Its Value and How Can It Be Assessed and Trained? (2022) (1)
- Learning to Write SUSAN D E L A PA Z AND DEBORAH MCCU TC HEN (2016) (1)
- Relational Reasoning and Its Manifestations in the Educational Context: a Systematic Review of the Literature (2013) (1)
- Exploring Potential Educational and Social Contributors to Relational Reasoning Development (2021) (1)
- “Here Be Dragons!” Mapping the Realm of Higher-Order, Critical, and Critical-Analytic Thinking (2023) (1)
- The development of relational reasoning in primary and secondary school students: a longitudinal investigation in technology education (2019) (0)
- Prior knowledge and its activation in elementary classroom discourse (2020) (0)
- Teaching and Learning in Reading: Donna Alvermann, Michele Simpson, and Jill Fitzgerald (2012) (0)
- Running head : FRAMING OF PERSONAL EPISTEMOLOGIES ‟ PORTRAITS 1 Incorporating Task and Context into the Framing of Personal Epistemologies ’ Portraits (2011) (0)
- Learning to Read EMI LY F OX AND PAT RICIA A . ALEXANDER (2016) (0)
- Academic Pathways From Preschool Through Elementary School: Scott G. Paris, FredJ Morrison, and Kevin F. Miller (2012) (0)
- Investigating tactical understanding of high school rugby players. (2014) (0)
- Finding wisdom in the life of a humble man: Lessons learned from my father (2020) (0)
- Introduction to Research on Learning RICHARD E . M AY E R AND PAT RICIA A . ALEXANDER (2016) (0)
- Corrigendum (2014) (0)
- Modified Writing Apprehension Test (2016) (0)
- Assessment of Teacher Learning and Development: Carol Kehr Tittle (2012) (0)
- Domain-Specific Beliefs Questionnaire (2013) (0)
- The Smart Use of Smart Technologies in Teaching and Learning: Where we are and Where we Need to be (2022) (0)
- Examining response confidence in multiple text tasks (2015) (0)
- In Praise of (Reasoned and Reasonable) Speculation: A Response to Robinson et al.’s Moratorium on Recommendations for Practice (2013) (0)
- CLASS OF 1950 – 60TH REUNION (2009) (0)
- Adult Development, Schooling, and the Transition to Work: M Cecil Smith, Thomas G. Reio, Jr. (2012) (0)
- of Expository Text Comprehension Domain Knowledge and Analogic Reasoning Ability as Predictors (2013) (0)
- Readers Accuracy and Frequency of Lookbacks in Older, Proficient The Effects of Time, Access, and Question Type on Response (2013) (0)
- Teaching and Learning in Technology-Rich Environments: Susanne P. Lajoie, Roger Azevedo (2012) (0)
- The Design of Powerful Learning Environments: Ton de Jong, Jules Pieters (2012) (0)
- Correction to: The role of educational context in beliefs about knowledge, information, and truth: an exploratory study (2017) (0)
- Music: The 4th R (1985) (0)
- Pay Equity Among Kansas Extension Agents (2009) (0)
- Issues of Constructs, Contexts, and Continuity: Commentary on Learning in Higher Education (2017) (0)
- Reader Attributes, Task Attributes, and Reading Comprehension Proficiency: The Relation Revealed by Two Analytic Approaches (2022) (0)
- Alexander, Patricia A., Diane L. Schallert, and Victoria C. Hare, "Coming to Terms: How Researchers in Learning and Literacy Talk About Knowledge," Review of Educational Research, 61 (Fall, 1991), 315-343.* (1991) (0)
- Developments in Assessment of Student Learning: Kadriye Ercikan (2012) (0)
- The role of educational context in beliefs about knowledge, information, and truth: an exploratory study (2017) (0)
- Individual Differences in Cognitive Function: Phillip L. Ackerman, David F. Lohman (2012) (0)
- Individual Differences Relations and Interrelations (2015) (0)
- Cultural Conceptions of Learning and Development: Patricia M. Greenfield, Elise Trumbull, Heidi Keller, Carrie Rothstein-Fisch, Lalita Suzuki, and Blanca Quiroz (2012) (0)
- Science Education: Integrating Views of Learning and Instruction: Marcia C. Linn, Bat-Sheva Eylon (2012) (0)
- Spontaneous focusing on what and why? What children’s imprecise responses reveal about their mathematical thinking and relational reasoning (2020) (0)
- Competence and Control Beliefs: Distinguishing the Means and Ends: Dale H. Schunk, Barry J. Zimmerman (2012) (0)
- Thinking Critically and Analytically about Critical-Analytic Thinking: an Introduction (2014) (0)
- Frames of Inquiry in Educational Psychology: Beyond the Quantitative-Qualitative Divide: Deborah L. Butler (2012) (0)
- Social Cultural Perspectives in Educational Psychology: Jack Martin (2012) (0)
- Sense of Belonging, Social Bonds, and School Functioning: Jaana Juvonen (2012) (0)
- Psychological Assessment Calibration of the Test of Relational Reasoning (2016) (0)
- Examining interest throughout multiple text use (2018) (0)
- Education Research: A Century of Discovery. Review of Research in Education. Volume 40. (2016) (0)
- Interactive Analogical Measure (2014) (0)
- Developing an Interactive Tool to Assess Young Children’s Analogical Reasoning: Examining the Effect of Feedback (2013) (0)
- Second Language Learning: Issues in Research and Teaching: Amado M. Padilla (2012) (0)
- The Future of Strategy Theory, Research, and Implementation (2020) (0)
- Relational Reasoning in STEM Domains: a Foundation for Academic Development (2016) (0)
- Seductive Effect of Teacher Questions Contrasting Instructional and Structural Importance: The (2013) (0)
- Cognitive Strategies Instruction: From Basic Research to Classroom Instruction: Michael Pressley, Karen R. Harris (2012) (0)
- Gifted Reading Programs: Uncovering the Hidden Potential. (1980) (0)
- Perspective Shift in Adult Readers: The Effects of the Generic on the Recall of Expository Text. [Instructional Research Laboratory Technical Paper]. (1982) (0)
- Effects of Age, Vocabulary Knowledge, Gender, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status on Young Children's Analogy Performance. (1988) (0)
- Profiles of Experts’ Cognitive and Metacognitive Processing during Performance of a Novel Problem-Solving Task (2022) (0)
- Education Research (2016) (0)
- Ethnicity, Learning: Lynn Okagaki (2012) (0)
- Modeling metacognition in design thinking and design making (2019) (0)
- Knowledge: Structures and Processes: Gregory Schraw (2012) (0)
- Problem Solving: Richard E. Mayer, Merlin C. Wittrock (2012) (0)
- Correction to: The role of educational context in beliefs about knowledge, information, and truth: an exploratory study (2017) (0)
- Examining epistemic frames in conceptual change research: implications for learning and instruction (2011) (0)
- VEEM : comments on gender perspectives in the research program (1998) (0)
- Incoming Editors’ Statement and Description of Our Inaugural Issue (2008) (0)
- The Role of Peers and Group Learning: Angela M. O'Donnell (2012) (0)
- Best Practices in Teaching and Learning for Resident Physicians (2023) (0)
- Editorial: Assessing information processing and online reasoning as a prerequisite for learning in higher education (2022) (0)
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