
Paul Kosok

Most Influential Person Across History

American historian and anthropologist

Paul Kosok's Academic­ Rankings

Paul Kosok
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anthropology Degrees
Paul Kosok
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history Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • History

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Why Is Paul Kosok Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul August Kosok , was an American professor of history and government, who is credited as the first serious researcher of the Nazca Lines in Peru. His work on the lines started in 1939, when he was doing field study related to the irrigation systems of ancient cultures. By the 1950s, he had completed extensive mapping of more than 300 ancient canals in Peru, in collaboration with archeologist Richard P. Schaedel. Kosok demonstrated the culture's sophisticated management of water to support their settlements.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Paul Kosok?

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