
Paul Watzlawick

Most Influential Person Now

Austrian-American psychologist and philosopher

Paul Watzlawick's Academic­ Rankings

Paul Watzlawick
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psychology Degrees
Paul Watzlawick
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Psychology
  • Philosophy

Why Is Paul Watzlawick Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Paul Watzlawick was an Austrian-American family therapist, psychologist, communication theorist, and philosopher. A theoretician in communication theory and radical constructivism, he commented in the fields of family therapy and general psychotherapy. Watzlawick believed that people create their own suffering in the very act of trying to fix their emotional problems. He was one of the most influential figures at the Mental Research Institute and lived and worked in Palo Alto, California.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Paul Watzlawick?

Paul Watzlawick is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Paul Watzlawick's Academic Contributions?

Paul Watzlawick is most known for their academic work in the field of psychology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of and philosophy.

Paul Watzlawick has made the following academic contributions: