
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski

Most Influential Person Now

Peruvian politician and economist; Prime Minister , President

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski's Academic­ Rankings

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
Political Science
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political-science Degrees
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski
World Rank
Historical Rank
economics Degrees
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  • Political Science
  • Economics

Why Is Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Pedro Pablo Kuczynski Godard , also known simply as PPK , is a Peruvian economist, public administrator, and former politician who served as President of Peru from 2016 to 2018. He served as Prime Minister of Peru and as Minister of Economy and Finance during the presidency of Alejandro Toledo. Kuczynski resigned from the presidency on 23 March 2018, following a successful impeachment vote and days before a probable conviction vote. Since 10 April 2019 he has been in pretrial detention, due to an ongoing investigation on corruption, money laundering, and connections to Odebrecht, a public works company accused of paying bribes.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Pedro Pablo Kuczynski?

Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is affiliated with the following schools: