
Peter Matz

Most Influential Person Now

American musician, composer, arranger and conductor

Peter Matz's Academic­ Rankings

Peter Matz
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Peter Matz
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USA Rank
philosophy Degrees
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Why Is Peter Matz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Peter Matz was an American musician, composer, arranger and conductor. His musical career in film, theater, television and studio recording spanned fifty years, and he worked with a number of prominent artists, including Marlene Dietrich, Noël Coward and Barbra Streisand. Matz won three Emmys and a Grammy Award and is best known for his work on Streisand's early albums as well as for his work as the orchestral conductor and musical director for The Carol Burnett Show.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Peter Matz?

Peter Matz is affiliated with the following schools: