
Petro Yefymenko

Most Influential Person Across History

Ukrainian ethnographer and historian

Petro Yefymenko's Academic­ Rankings

Petro Yefymenko
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anthropology Degrees
Petro Yefymenko
Historical Rank
history Degrees
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  • Anthropology
  • History

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Why Is Petro Yefymenko Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Petro Yefymenko , was a Ukrainian ethnographer and historian, statistician by profession. Life and work Petro Yefymenko studied at Kharkiv University until his expulsion and Moscow University . As a student, he belonged to secret student societies, including Kharkiv-Kyiv Secret Society .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Petro Yefymenko?

Petro Yefymenko is affiliated with the following schools: