
Philippe Frémeaux

Most Influential Person Now

French economic journalist

Philippe Frémeaux's Academic­ Rankings

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Philippe Frémeaux
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economics Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Economics

Why Is Philippe Frémeaux Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Philippe Frémeaux was a French economic journalist with the magazine Alternatives économiques. Biography After his studies in economic science, public rights, and political science, Frémeaux pursued a career in teaching, journalism, and consulting. He first worked as a professor of social sciences and economics at Sciences Po from 1975 to 1983. He was also a lecturer at CELSA Paris in the 2000s. As a consultant, Frémeaux worked for Le BIPE from 1983 to 1999, where he led numerous advisory missions for the French Ministry of Industry and the European Commission.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Philippe Frémeaux?

Philippe Frémeaux is affiliated with the following schools: