Pietro Perona
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Italian-American computer scientist
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Pietro Peronacomputer-science Degrees
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Engineering Computer Science
Pietro Perona's Degrees
- PhD Electrical Engineering California Institute of Technology
- Masters Electrical Engineering California Institute of Technology
- Bachelors Electrical Engineering University of Genoa
Why Is Pietro Perona Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Pietro Perona is an Italian-American educator and computer scientist. He is the Allan E. Puckett Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computation and Neural Systems at the California Institute of Technology and director of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center in Neuromorphic Systems Engineering. He is known for his research in computer vision and is the director of the Caltech Computational Vision Group.
Pietro Perona's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
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Published Works
- Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context (2014) (26617)
- A Bayesian hierarchical model for learning natural scene categories (2005) (4019)
- Learning Generative Visual Models from Few Training Examples: An Incremental Bayesian Approach Tested on 101 Object Categories (2004) (3961)
- Graph-Based Visual Saliency (2006) (3593)
- The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset (2011) (3329)
- Pedestrian Detection: An Evaluation of the State of the Art (2012) (2990)
- Caltech-256 Object Category Dataset (2007) (2744)
- One-shot learning of object categories (2006) (2680)
- Object class recognition by unsupervised scale-invariant learning (2003) (2524)
- Self-Tuning Spectral Clustering (2004) (2175)
- Fast Feature Pyramids for Object Detection (2014) (1847)
- Pedestrian detection: A benchmark (2009) (1304)
- Integral Channel Features (2009) (1299)
- Caltech-UCSD Birds 200 (2010) (1153)
- Preattentive texture discrimination with early vision mechanisms. (1990) (1099)
- Learning object categories from Google's image search (2005) (846)
- The Multidimensional Wisdom of Crowds (2010) (826)
- The iNaturalist Species Classification and Detection Dataset (2017) (823)
- Rapid natural scene categorization in the near absence of attention (2002) (779)
- Unsupervised Learning of Models for Recognition (2000) (768)
- Robust Face Landmark Estimation under Occlusion (2013) (729)
- High-throughput Ethomics in Large Groups of Drosophila (2009) (724)
- Functional identification of an aggression locus in the mouse hypothalamus (2010) (721)
- The Fastest Pedestrian Detector in the West (2010) (684)
- Is bottom-up attention useful for object recognition? (2004) (649)
- A Bayesian approach to unsupervised one-shot learning of object categories (2003) (635)
- Evaluation of Features Detectors and Descriptors based on 3D Objects (2005) (602)
- Cascaded pose regression (2010) (564)
- Objects predict fixations better than early saliency. (2008) (488)
- Visual Recognition with Humans in the Loop (2010) (471)
- Recognition in Terra Incognita (2018) (461)
- What do we perceive in a glance of a real-world scene? (2007) (441)
- Bird Species Categorization Using Pose Normalized Deep Convolutional Nets (2014) (436)
- Automated image-based tracking and its application in ecology. (2014) (389)
- Finding faces in cluttered scenes using random labeled graph matching (1995) (388)
- Deformable kernels for early vision (1991) (365)
- Automated monitoring and analysis of social behavior in Drosophila (2009) (359)
- A sparse object category model for efficient learning and exhaustive recognition (2005) (354)
- Toward a Science of Computational Ethology (2014) (343)
- Building a bird recognition app and large scale dataset with citizen scientists: The fine print in fine-grained dataset collection (2015) (342)
- A Visual Category Filter for Google Images (2004) (339)
- A Probabilistic Approach to Object Recognition Using Local Photometry and Global Geometry (1998) (339)
- Inferring Ground Truth from Subjective Labelling of Venus Images (1994) (338)
- Online crowdsourcing: Rating annotators and obtaining cost-effective labels (2010) (335)
- A Factorization Approach to Grouping (1998) (333)
- Motion estimation via dynamic vision (1994) (324)
- Discriminative Clustering by Regularized Information Maximization (2010) (297)
- Towards automatic discovery of object categories (2000) (293)
- Sleep spindle detection: crowdsourcing and evaluating performance of experts, non-experts, and automated methods (2014) (286)
- Overcomplete steerable pyramid filters and rotation invariance (1994) (274)
- Monocular tracking of the human arm in 3D (1995) (266)
- Orientation diffusions (1997) (261)
- Two Different Forms of Arousal in Drosophila Are Oppositely Regulated by the Dopamine D1 Receptor Ortholog DopR via Distinct Neural Circuits (2009) (258)
- Detecting and localizing edges composed of steps, peaks and roofs (1990) (256)
- Beyond pairwise clustering (2005) (252)
- Weakly Supervised Scale-Invariant Learning of Models for Visual Recognition (2007) (246)
- Selective visual attention enables learning and recognition of multiple objects in cluttered scenes (2005) (240)
- Automated measurement of mouse social behaviors using depth sensing, video tracking, and machine learning (2015) (239)
- Learning and using taxonomies for fast visual categorization (2008) (238)
- Tachykinin-Expressing Neurons Control Male-Specific Aggressive Arousal in Drosophila (2014) (233)
- Steerable-scalable kernels for edge detection and junction analysis (1992) (230)
- Unsupervised Learning of Human Motion (2003) (227)
- Entropy-based active learning for object recognition (2008) (226)
- Computational Neuroethology: A Call to Action (2019) (205)
- 3D photography on your desk (1998) (198)
- Task2Vec: Task Embedding for Meta-Learning (2019) (197)
- Multiclass recognition and part localization with humans in the loop (2011) (190)
- A common genetic target for environmental and heritable influences on aggressiveness in Drosophila (2008) (177)
- Optimal reward harvesting in complex perceptual environments (2010) (176)
- Continuous dynamic time warping for translation-invariant curve alignment with applications to signature verification (1999) (175)
- Where is the sun? (1998) (172)
- Grouping and dimensionality reduction by locally linear embedding (2001) (162)
- The Devil is in the Tails: Fine-grained Classification in the Wild (2017) (159)
- Social behavior recognition in continuous video (2012) (159)
- Multiple Component Learning for Object Detection (2008) (157)
- Pruning training sets for learning of object categories (2005) (157)
- Visual methods for three-dimensional modeling (1999) (156)
- Decomposition of human motion into dynamics-based primitives with application to drawing tasks (2003) (156)
- Towards detection of human motion (2000) (150)
- Learning and prediction of slip from visual information (2007) (149)
- Cataloging Public Objects Using Aerial and Street-Level Images — Urban Trees (2016) (149)
- Visual Identification by Signature Tracking (2003) (140)
- Recognition of planar object classes (1996) (136)
- Quickly Boosting Decision Trees - Pruning Underachieving Features Early (2013) (134)
- Rotation invariant texture recognition using a steerable pyramid (1994) (132)
- Hybrid models for human motion recognition (2005) (130)
- Automated multi-day tracking of marked mice for the analysis of social behaviour (2013) (128)
- Crowdclustering (2011) (128)
- Benchmarking and Error Diagnosis in Multi-instance Pose Estimation (2017) (127)
- Combining generative models and Fisher kernels for object recognition (2005) (127)
- Unsupervised learning of visual taxonomies (2008) (126)
- Why does natural scene categorization require little attention? Exploring attentional requirements for natural and synthetic stimuli (2005) (125)
- Automatic recognition of biological particles in microscopic images (2007) (120)
- Strong supervision from weak annotation: Interactive training of deformable part models (2011) (115)
- Mutual Boosting for Contextual Inference (2003) (114)
- Visual Causal Feature Learning (2014) (111)
- Improved Bird Species Recognition Using Pose Normalized Deep Convolutional Nets (2014) (109)
- Real-time 2-D feature detection on a reconfigurable computer (1998) (109)
- Reducing "Structure From Motion": A General Framework for Dynamic Vision Part 1: Modeling (1998) (106)
- Detecting Social Actions of Fruit Flies (2014) (99)
- Similarity Comparisons for Interactive Fine-Grained Categorization (2014) (97)
- On the usefulness of attention for object recognition (2004) (97)
- Deciding How to Decide: Dynamic Routing in Artificial Neural Networks (2017) (92)
- Face Localization via Shape Statistics (1995) (92)
- Learning to Recognize Volcanoes on Venus (1998) (91)
- Decoding Ventromedial Hypothalamic Neural Activity during Male Mouse Aggression (2014) (91)
- Behavioral Responses to a Repetitive Visual Threat Stimulus Express a Persistent State of Defensive Arousal in Drosophila (2015) (91)
- Local analysis for 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces (2001) (89)
- Learning Object Categories From Internet Image Searches (2010) (88)
- Squaring the circle in panoramas (2005) (88)
- From Google Maps to a Fine-Grained Catalog of Street trees (2019) (87)
- Automating the hunt for volcanoes on Venus (1994) (86)
- Human action recognition by sequence of movelet codewords (2002) (86)
- Learning to predict slip for ground robots (2006) (84)
- Fast Terrain Classification Using Variable-Length Representation for Autonomous Navigation (2007) (84)
- Local Shape from Mirror Reflections (2005) (84)
- The Mouse Action Recognition System (MARS) software pipeline for automated analysis of social behaviors in mice (2020) (82)
- Testing Alternative Ground Water Models Using Cross‐Validation and Other Methods (2007) (82)
- Homo economicus in visual search. (2009) (81)
- The Ignorant Led by the Blind: A Hybrid Human–Machine Vision System for Fine-Grained Categorization (2014) (79)
- Presence-Only Geographical Priors for Fine-Grained Image Classification (2019) (77)
- Measuring and Predicting Object Importance (2011) (77)
- Distributed Kd-Trees for Retrieval from Very Large Image Collections (2011) (76)
- Recursive 3-D Visual Motion Estimation Using Subspace Constraints (1997) (75)
- Rethinking Zero-Shot Video Classification: End-to-End Training for Realistic Applications (2020) (73)
- Indexing in large scale image collections: Scaling properties and benchmark (2011) (72)
- Preattentive Perception of Elementary Three-dimensional Shapes (1996) (72)
- 3D Reconstruction by Shadow Carving: Theory and Practical Evaluation (2007) (70)
- Recursive motion and structure estimation with complete error characterization (1993) (70)
- 3D Photography Using Shadows in Dual-Space Geometry (1999) (69)
- Visual input for pen-based computers (1996) (69)
- Some Objects Are More Equal Than Others: Measuring and Predicting Importance (2008) (68)
- Unsupervised learning of models for object recognition (2000) (67)
- Object detection and segmentation from joint embedding of parts and pixels (2011) (67)
- A discriminative framework for modelling object classes (2005) (67)
- The Attentional Drift Diffusion Model of Simple Perceptual Decision-Making (2017) (65)
- Viewpoint-invariant learning and detection of human heads (2000) (63)
- Early computation of shape and reflectance in the visual system (1996) (61)
- Incremental learning of nonparametric Bayesian mixture models (2008) (58)
- Slip Prediction Using Visual Information (2006) (58)
- Recognition by Probabilistic Hypothesis Construction (2004) (58)
- Inter-expert and intra-expert reliability in sleep spindle scoring (2015) (57)
- Probabilistic affine invariants for recognition (1998) (57)
- Synthetic Examples Improve Generalization for Rare Classes (2019) (57)
- A Simple Strategy for Detecting Moving Objects during Locomotion Revealed by Animal-Robot Interactions (2012) (56)
- Teaching Categories to Human Learners with Visual Explanations (2018) (56)
- Reducing "Structure From Motion": A General Framework for Dynamic Vision Part 2: Implementation and Experimental Assessment (1998) (56)
- Describing Common Human Visual Actions in Images (2015) (55)
- Visual navigation using a single camera (1995) (54)
- The iNaturalist Challenge 2017 Dataset (2017) (51)
- Causal feature learning: an overview (2017) (50)
- How Food Controls Aggression in Drosophila (2014) (50)
- Perspective Distortion from Interpersonal Distance Is an Implicit Visual Cue for Social Judgments of Faces (2012) (47)
- Multi-Level Cause-Effect Systems (2015) (46)
- Detecting and localizing edges composed of steps (1990) (46)
- Motion Estimation on the Essential Manifold (1994) (44)
- Knowledge Discovery in Large Image Databases: Dealing with Uncertainties in Ground Truth (1994) (44)
- What do reflections tell us about the shape of a mirror? (2004) (44)
- Learning recurrent representations for hierarchical behavior modeling (2016) (43)
- Shadow carving (2001) (43)
- Finding Faces in Cluttered Scenes Using Labeled Random Graph Matching. (1995) (43)
- Hybrid Generative-Discriminative Visual Categorization (2008) (42)
- A walk through the web’s video clips (2008) (42)
- Camera Calibration from Points and Lines in Dual-space Geometry (2007) (42)
- A computational model of texture segmentation (1989) (42)
- Sequence-to-Sequence Contrastive Learning for Text Recognition (2020) (41)
- Towards causal benchmarking of bias in face analysis algorithms (2020) (41)
- Understanding the Role of Adaptivity in Machine Teaching: The Case of Version Space Learners (2018) (40)
- Vision of a Visipedia (2010) (40)
- Efficient deformable filter banks (1998) (40)
- Image recognition: visual grouping, recognition, and learning. (1999) (39)
- A network for multiscale image segmentation (1988) (39)
- Multi-Label Learning from Single Positive Labels (2021) (39)
- Computing centroids in current-mode technique (1993) (36)
- Bit-width optimization for configurable DSP's by multi-interval analysis (2000) (36)
- Fine-grained classification of pedestrians in video: Benchmark and state of the art (2015) (36)
- Lean Crowdsourcing: Combining Humans and Machines in an Online System (2017) (35)
- Scene segmentation from 3D motion (1998) (35)
- Reconstructive Sparse Code Transfer for Contour Detection and Semantic Labeling (2014) (34)
- Monocular tracking of the human arm in 3D: real-time implementation and experiments (1996) (34)
- Bayesian reasoning on qualitative descriptions from images and speech (2000) (34)
- Non-Parametric Probabilistic Image Segmentation (2007) (32)
- Automatic discovery of image families: Global vs. local features (2009) (32)
- Reach out and touch space (motion learning) (1998) (31)
- Merging Pose Estimates Across Space and Time (2013) (30)
- Anchor Loss: Modulating Loss Scale Based on Prediction Difficulty (2019) (30)
- Computer Vision – ECCV 2012 (2012) (30)
- Scaling object recognition: Benchmark of current state of the art techniques (2009) (30)
- It's all Relative: Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation from Weakly Supervised Data (2018) (29)
- Natural scene categorization in the near absence of attention: further explorations (2010) (29)
- Detecting Motion through Dynamic Refraction (2013) (29)
- Teaching Multiple Concepts to a Forgetful Learner (2018) (28)
- Three dimensional transparent structure segmentation and multiple 3D motion estimation from monocular perspective image sequences (1994) (28)
- Using hierarchical shape models to spot keywords in cursive handwriting data (1998) (28)
- Learning probabilistic structure for human motion detection (2001) (28)
- Camera-Based ID Verification by Signature Tracking (1998) (28)
- Shading and Stereo in Early Perception of Shape and Reflectance (1997) (27)
- Near-Optimal Machine Teaching via Explanatory Teaching Sets (2018) (27)
- Fast Conditional Independence Test for Vector Variables with Large Sample Sizes (2018) (26)
- Tropel: Crowdsourcing Detectors with Minimal Training (2015) (26)
- Monocular perception of biological motion-detection and labeling (1999) (26)
- Monocular Perception of Biological Motion in Johansson Displays (2001) (26)
- Unsupervised Organization of Image Collections: Taxonomies and Beyond (2011) (25)
- Primitives for Human Motion: a Dynamical Approach (2002) (25)
- Finding Boundaries in Images (1990) (25)
- What do planar shadows tell about scene geometry? (1999) (25)
- Task Programming: Learning Data Efficient Behavior Representations (2020) (25)
- Primitives for Human Motion: a Dynamical Approach (2002) (25)
- Recovering Local Shape of a Mirror Surface from Reflection of a Regular Grid (2004) (24)
- A Sparse Object Category Model for Efficient Learning and Complete Recognition (2006) (24)
- Unsupervised Discovery of El Nino Using Causal Feature Learning on Microlevel Climate Data (2016) (24)
- Towards automated large scale discovery of image families (2009) (24)
- A linearized framework and a new benchmark for model selection for fine-tuning (2021) (23)
- Geocoding of trees from street addresses and street-level images (2020) (23)
- Learning slip behavior using automatic mechanical supervision (2007) (23)
- Visual signature verification using affine arc-length (1999) (22)
- Common-Frame Model for Object Recognition (2004) (21)
- Automating joiners (2007) (21)
- A computational model of texture perception (1989) (21)
- Mice in a labyrinth show rapid learning, sudden insight, and efficient exploration (2021) (21)
- X-Y separable pyramid steerable scalable kernels (1994) (21)
- The iWildCam 2018 Challenge Dataset (2019) (21)
- A Lazy Man's Approach to Benchmarking: Semisupervised Classifier Evaluation and Recalibration (2013) (21)
- A Computational Model Of Texture Segmentation (1988) (20)
- Distance Estimation of an Unknown Person from a Portrait (2014) (20)
- Hierarchical Scene Annotation (2013) (20)
- A new perspective on portraiture (2010) (20)
- Unsupervised clustering for google searches of celebrity images (2008) (19)
- Visual input for pen-based computers (1996) (19)
- Structure-independent visual motion control on the essential manifold (1994) (18)
- Face identification in the near-absence of spatial attention (2010) (18)
- Recursive Motion Estimation on the Essential Manifold (1993) (18)
- On Constructing Facial Similarity Maps (2007) (18)
- The Multi-Agent Behavior Dataset: Mouse Dyadic Social Interactions (2021) (18)
- Boundary Detection in Piecewise Homogeneous Textured Images (1992) (17)
- Learning and prediction of slip from visual information: Research Articles (2007) (17)
- Computer Vision in the Operating Room: Opportunities and Caveats (2021) (17)
- Measuring and Predicting Importance of Objects in Our Visual World (2007) (17)
- Unsupervised Learning of Categorical Segments in Image Collections (2008) (16)
- Recursive estimation of camera motion from uncalibrated image sequences (1994) (16)
- Unsupervised Learning of Human Motion Models (2001) (16)
- Lean Multiclass Crowdsourcing (2018) (16)
- What do we see when we glance at a scene (2004) (16)
- Modeling Subjective Uncertainty in Image Annotation (1996) (16)
- Diffusion networks for on-chip image contrast normalization (1994) (15)
- Dynamic rigid motion estimation from weak perspective (1995) (15)
- Online, Real-Time Tracking Using a Category-to-Individual Detector (2014) (15)
- A Probabilistic Cascade of Detectors for Individual Object Recognition (2008) (15)
- Species Distribution Modeling for Machine Learning Practitioners: A Review (2021) (14)
- Dimensionality Reduction Using Automatic Supervision for Vision-Based Terrain Learning (2007) (14)
- Reducing "Structure From Motion": a General Framework for Dynamic Vision - Part 2: Experimental Evaluation (1996) (14)
- Towards Causal Benchmarking of Biasin Face Analysis Algorithms (2021) (14)
- Monocuolar Perception of Biological Motion - Clutter and Partial Occlusion (2000) (14)
- Scale-Space Properties of Quadratic Feature Detectors (1996) (13)
- Bag of Words for Large Scale Object Recognition - Properties and Benchmark (2011) (13)
- Automated analysis of radar imagery of Venus: handling lack of ground truth (1994) (13)
- Self-Supervised Keypoint Discovery in Behavioral Videos (2021) (12)
- Memory bounded inference in topic models (2008) (12)
- The iWildCam 2019 Challenge Dataset (2019) (12)
- Predicting response time and error rates in visual search (2011) (12)
- Towards Weakly-Supervised Text Spotting using a Multi-Task Transformer (2022) (12)
- Visipedia circa 2015 (2016) (12)
- Real Time Motion Detection System and Scene Segmentation (1998) (11)
- Mouse Academy: high-throughput automated training and trial-by-trial behavioral analysis during learning (2018) (10)
- Implementation of a shadow carving system for shape capture (2002) (10)
- Bootstrapping Fine-Grained Classifiers : Active Learning with a Crowd in the Loop (2013) (10)
- Dynamic visual motion estimation from subspace constraints (1994) (10)
- Efficient methods for object recognition using the constellation model (2001) (10)
- Movemes for Modeling Biological Motion Perception (2004) (10)
- Active Annotation Translation (2014) (10)
- Pyramidal implementation of deformable kernels (1995) (10)
- Vision without the Image (2016) (9)
- Motion from fixation (1996) (9)
- Reducing "structure from motion" (1996) (9)
- From Categories to Individuals in Real Time -- A Unified Boosting Approach (2014) (9)
- Segmentation of human motion into dynamics based primitives with application to drawing tasks (2003) (9)
- Second order local analysis for 3D reconstruction of specular surfaces (2002) (9)
- Speed versus accuracy in visual search: Optimal performance and neural architecture. (2015) (9)
- Mice in a labyrinth: Rapid learning, sudden insight, and efficient exploration (2021) (9)
- A probabilistic approach to human motion detection and labeling (2003) (8)
- On the Exact Linearization of Structure From Motion (1994) (8)
- Near Perfect GAN Inversion (2022) (8)
- DARPA Technical Paper: Team Caltech (2005) (8)
- Classification of human actions into dynamics based primitives with application to drawing tasks (2003) (8)
- Structure From Visual Motion as a Nonlinear Observation Problem (1995) (8)
- Searching large-scale image collections (2011) (8)
- Estimating Causal Direction and Confounding of Two Discrete Variables (2016) (8)
- Quantifying synergistic information (2014) (7)
- Improved Multi-Class Cost-Sensitive Boosting via Estimation of the Minimum-Risk Class (2016) (7)
- The Full Images for Natural Knowledge Caltech Office DB (2003) (7)
- Training Machines to Identify Species using GBIF-mediated Datasets (2019) (7)
- Integral Channel Features - Addendum (2009) (7)
- Context Embedding Networks (2017) (7)
- Two Different Forms of Arousal in Drosophila are Independently and Oppositely Regulated by the Dopamine D1 Receptor DopR via Distinct Neural Circuits (2013) (7)
- Automatic Extraction of Facial Action Codes (2001) (7)
- Visual motion estimation from point features: unified view (1995) (6)
- Generalized regressive motion: a visual cue to collision (2015) (6)
- 51-Preajttentive texture discrimination with early vision (2004) (6)
- Far and Yet Close: Multiple Viewpoints for the Perfect Portrait (2013) (6)
- 51-Preajttentive texture discrimination with early vision (2004) (6)
- Towards an optimal decision strategy of visual search (2014) (5)
- Probabilistic coarse-to-fine object recognition (2005) (5)
- UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) A Lazy Man's Approach to Benchmarking: Semisupervised Classifier Evaluation and Recalibration (2013) (5)
- Foreground-Background Segmentation of Video Sequences (2006) (5)
- DDT: Deep Driving Tree for Proactive Planning in Interactive Scenarios (2018) (5)
- Visual Recognition Circa 2008 (2009) (5)
- Interpretable Machine Teaching via Feature Feedback (2017) (5)
- Endotaxis: A Universal Algorithm for Mapping, Goal-Learning, and Navigation (2021) (5)
- Matched sample selection with GANs for mitigating attribute confounding (2021) (5)
- Boundary detection using quadratic filters: performance criteria and experimental assessment (1992) (5)
- A novel system architecture for real-time low-level vision (1999) (5)
- Teaching Multiple Concepts to Forgetful Learners (2018) (5)
- 3D photography using shadows (1998) (4)
- Hierarchical Cascade of Classifiers for Efficient Poselet Evaluation (2014) (4)
- A Digital Antennal Lobe for Pattern Equalization: Analysis and Design (2002) (4)
- On Label Granularity and Object Localization (2022) (4)
- A computational model for motion detection and direction discrimination in humans (2000) (4)
- System-Theoretic Aspects of Dynamic Vision (1995) (4)
- Object Recognition , Computer Vision , and the Caltech 101 : A Response to Pinto (2010) (4)
- Scotopic Visual Recognition (2015) (4)
- Progress in VLSI optical position-sensitive circuits (1998) (4)
- Dynamic Estimation of Rigid Motion from Perspective Views via Recursive Identification of Exterior Differential Systems with Parameters on a Topological Manifold (1994) (4)
- Least-squares multirate FIR filters (1996) (4)
- Seeing into Darkness: Scotopic Visual Recognition (2016) (4)
- A Simple Multi-Class Boosting Framework with Theoretical Guarantees and Empirical Proficiency (2017) (4)
- Weakly Supervised Keypoint Discovery (2021) (3)
- Quantized response times are a signature of a neuronal bottleneck in decision (2014) (3)
- Scale-space Properties of Quadratic Edge Detectors (1994) (3)
- Optimal reward harvesting in complex perceptual (2010) (3)
- CompactKdt: Compact signatures for accurate large scale object recognition (2012) (3)
- PanDA: Panoptic Data Augmentation (2019) (3)
- A Trainable Tool for Finding Small volcanoes in SAR Imagery of Venus (1994) (3)
- Trainable Cataloging for Digital Image Libraries with Applications to Volcano Detection (1995) (3)
- Sampling Methods for Unsupervised Learning (2004) (3)
- Learning animal social behavior from trajectory features (2012) (3)
- Feature Detection and Tracking (1997) (3)
- Distributed Kd-Trees for Ultra Large Scale Object Recognition (2011) (3)
- Guest Editorial (2008) (3)
- Deformable kernel for early vision (1995) (2)
- 3D photography using shadows (1998) (2)
- Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Bias Benchmarking in Face Recognition (2022) (2)
- Automated multi-day tracking of mice for the analysis of social behavior (2013) (2)
- Proceedings of the 12th European conference on Computer Vision - Volume Part I (2012) (2)
- Mutual Boost ing for Contextual Inference (2003) (2)
- A Number Sense as an Emergent Property of the Manipulating Brain (2020) (2)
- Implementation of Deformable Filter Banks (1997) (2)
- The Caltech Fish Counting Dataset: A Benchmark for Multiple-Object Tracking and Counting (2022) (2)
- Rayleigh EigenDirections (REDs): GAN latent space traversals for multidimensional features (2022) (2)
- Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations in Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics (2002) (2)
- Behavioral responses to a repetitive shadow stimulus express a persistent state of defensive arousal in Drosophila (2015) (2)
- Author response: Mice in a labyrinth show rapid learning, sudden insight, and efficient exploration (2021) (2)
- The MABe22 Benchmarks for Representation Learning of Multi-Agent Behavior (2022) (2)
- An Improved Scheme for Detection and Labelling in Johansson Displays (2003) (2)
- A New Geometrical Interpretation of Trilinear Constraints (2000) (2)
- A Factorization Approach to Grouping a Factorization Approach to Grouping (1999) (2)
- A Current-Mode Position Sensitive Circuit (1993) (1)
- Multirate separable implementation of steerable filter banks (1998) (1)
- Orientation Diiusions (1999) (1)
- Invariant Texture Recognition Using a Steerable Pyramid (1994) (1)
- Hazard-free self-timed design: methodology and application (2000) (1)
- Training machines to improve species identification using GBIF-mediated datasets (2019) (1)
- Correction to: "Reducing 'Structure From Motion': A General Framework for Dynamic Vision Part 2: Implementation and Experimental Assessment" (1998) (1)
- Understanding how reward and saliency affect overt attention and decisions (2010) (1)
- Speed Versus Accuracy in Visual Search: Optimal Performance and Neural Implementations (2017) (1)
- Object segmentation and 3D structure from motion (1994) (1)
- Semi-supervised learning and recognition of object classes (2004) (1)
- BKinD-3D: Self-Supervised 3D Keypoint Discovery from Multi-View Videos (2022) (1)
- Can we see the shape of a mirror (2010) (1)
- Progress in visual categorization: technical perspective (2013) (1)
- Automated long-term tracking and analysis of social behavior in groups of mice (2013) (1)
- Autonomous Vision-based Navigation in Buildings (1993) (1)
- CMOS imager with embedded analog early image processor (2003) (1)
- Method for Recovering 3d Surface Shape Based on Grayscale Structured Lighting (2007) (1)
- Hybrid human-machine vision systems: image annotation using crowds, experts and machines (2012) (1)
- Towards open ended learning: budgets, model selection, and representation (2011) (1)
- Semisupervised Classifier Evaluation and Recalibration (2012) (1)
- Influence of 3-D Shape Interpretation on Preattentive Popout and 2-D Mechanisms (1995) (1)
- Robust and Efficient Recovery of Rigid Motion from Subspace Constraints Solved using Recursive Identification of Nonlinear Implicit Systems (1994) (0)
- Carving from Ray-Tracing Constraints: IRT-Carving (2006) (0)
- Visual Knowledge Tracing (2022) (0)
- Contour and Scale Influence on Shape Perception from Shading (1994) (0)
- Proceedings, Part II, of the 12th European Conference on Computer Vision --- ECCV 2012 - Volume 7573 (2012) (0)
- STRUCTURE FROM VISUAL MOTION AS A NONLINEAR OBSERVATION PROBLEM 11Research sponsored by NSF NYI Award, NSF ERC in Neuromorphic Systems Engineering at Caltech, ONR grant N00014-93-1-0990. (1995) (0)
- Distance estimation of an unknown person from a single portrait (2014) (0)
- Endotaxis: A neuromorphic algorithm for mapping, goal-learning, navigation, and patrolling (2022) (0)
- Contextual Object Detection Using Set-Based Classification (2012) (0)
- Systeme et procede de selection attentionnelle (2004) (0)
- An intelligent vision-only operator interface for dexterous robots (2000) (0)
- A neural framework for visual attention (2010) (0)
- Technical Perspective Seeing the Trees, the Forest, and Much More (2010) (0)
- Real-time weed / crop discrimination through fast direct image registration (2012) (0)
- Combining principal component techniques and psychological spaces to find perceptually similar faces (2005) (0)
- Perception of Motion at Different Cortical and Attentional Levels of Processing (1995) (0)
- Vision of a Visipedia This paper envisions bringing together the knowhow and hard work of computer vision researchers into an online tool to form a repository of human understanding of visual imagery. (2010) (0)
- Causal feature learning: an overview (2016) (0)
- Where to look? Dissociating the effect of reward, salience and attention (2010) (0)
- Parsing Pose of People with Interaction (2018) (0)
- Detection of objects in natural scenes with minimal or no attention (2010) (0)
- United States Patent US 007280697 B 2 ( 12 ) ( 10 ) Patent N 0 . : US 7 , 280 , 697 B 2 (2013) (0)
- Special Issue on the Second International Conference on Scale Space Theory in Computer Vision: Guest Editors' Comments (2000) (0)
- Depth from Brightness of Moving Images (1995) (0)
- Supplementary Materials of Seeing into Darkness : Scotopic Visual Recognition (2017) (0)
- A system for real-time 2-D feature detection based on field programmable gate arrays (2000) (0)
- Change detection and visual classification: two sides of the same coin (2016) (0)
- Learning Object Categories From Internet Image Searches This paper shows how the results returned by an image search engine can be used to construct models from Internet images and use them for object recognition. (2010) (0)
- A taxonomy of visual recognition (2004) (0)
- Predictions from a computational model of texture perception compared with psychophysical data (1989) (0)
- Progress in Visual Categorization (2013) (0)
- Motion from Fixations ' (2007) (0)
- Jet-based local image descriptors Jet-Based Local Image Descriptors (2012) (0)
- Recursive Mot ion Est irnat ion on the Essential Manifold * (0)
- The Emergence of Visual Categories - A Computational Perspective (2003) (0)
- On creating facial similarity spaces (2010) (0)
- HMM-guided frame querying for bandwidth-constrained video search (2019) (0)
- Unsupervised learning of object classes from natural scenes (2010) (0)
- The Ignorant Led by the Blind: A Hybrid Human–Machine Vision System for Fine-Grained Categorization (2014) (0)
- Call for Papers: Special Issue on Partial Differential Equations in Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Computer Graphics (2000) (0)
- What, when and how of target detection in visual search (2010) (0)
- Task Programming: Learning Data Efficient Behavior Representations Supplementary Material (2021) (0)
- Multi-Dimensional, Nuanced and Subjective – Measuring the Perception of Facial Expressions (2022) (0)
- Rayleigh EigenDirections (REDs): Nonlinear GAN Latent Space Traversals for Multidimensional Features (2022) (0)
- Edinburgh Research Explorer Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet (2018) (0)
- Real-Time Tracking Using a Category-to-Individual Detector : Supplementary Material (2014) (0)
- Microbalanced textures are preattentively discriminable (1991) (0)
- Analyse d'ecriture par camera (1999) (0)
- Motion from "X" by Compensating "Y" (1995) (0)
- Blindsight in normal observers: Pattern discrimination and priming effects. (1996) (0)
- Explorer Segmentation Propagation in ImageNet (2012) (0)
- Volcano Detection Without Ground Truth (1994) (0)
- Probabilistic Aane Invariants for Recognition (1998) (0)
- Multi-View Image Compositions (2005) (0)
- Motion from \x" by Compensating \y" a Uniied Framework for Motion Estimation from Image Sequences by Compensating for the Image-motion of a Point, a Line or a Plane (2007) (0)
- Introduction to Mathematical aspects of computer vision (1999) (0)
- Monocular perception of biological motion in (2001) (0)
- Seeing the trees, the forest, and much more (2010) (0)
- Incremental Learning of Nonparametric Bayesian Mixture Models : Extended Thesis (2011) (0)
- Optimal rewarding harvesting in complex visual environments (2010) (0)
- Merging Pose Estimates Across Space and Time : Appendices (2013) (0)
- Motion from " X " by Compensating CCY , , * (1995) (0)
- Intrinsic gradient networks (2012) (0)
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