R. Jay Turner
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American sociologist
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R. Jay Turner's Degrees
- PhD Sociology University of California, Berkeley
- Masters Sociology University of California, Berkeley
- Bachelors Sociology University of California, Berkeley
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Why Is R. Jay Turner Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, R. Jay Turner was a widely cited academic sociologist who uses demographic techniques to research epidemiology. He was a professor of sociology and psychiatry at Vanderbilt University, and he was affiliated with the Center for Research on Health Disparities. He also maintained the title of Emeritus Professor of Sociology and Epidemiology and a Professor of Psychology at Florida State University. While at FSU he was affiliated with the Center for Demography and Population Health.
R. Jay Turner's Published Works
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Published Works
- The epidemiology of social stress (1995) (1299)
- Social support and social structure: a descriptive epidemiology. (1994) (772)
- Lifetime traumas and mental health: the significance of cumulative adversity. (1995) (651)
- Status variations in stress exposure: implications for the interpretation of research on race, socioeconomic status, and gender. (2003) (639)
- The stress process and the social distribution of depression. (1999) (550)
- Social support as a contingency in psychological well-being. (1981) (534)
- Physical disability and depression: a longitudinal analysis. (1988) (525)
- BIS/BAS Levels and Psychiatric Disorder: An Epidemiological Study (2003) (465)
- Social support: Conceptualization, measurement, and implications for mental health. (1983) (460)
- Stressful life events and depressive symptoms: disaggregating the effects of acute stressors and chronic strains. (1988) (343)
- Stress burden and the lifetime incidence of psychiatric disorder in young adults: racial and ethnic contrasts. (2004) (331)
- Family structure and substance use problems in adolescence and early adulthood: examining explanations for the relationship. (2006) (295)
- Family structure and the mental health of children. Concurrent and longitudinal community-wide studies. (1977) (295)
- A longitudinal study of the role and significance of mattering to others for depressive symptoms. (2001) (282)
- Perceived discrimination, social stress, and depression in the transition to adulthood: Racial contrasts (2002) (279)
- Family Structure and Mental Health: The Mediating Effects of Socioeconomic Status, Family Process, and Social Stress∗ (2005) (267)
- Checklist measurement of stressful life events. (1995) (266)
- Direct, Indirect, and Moderating Effects of Social Support on Psychological Distress and Associated Conditions (1983) (266)
- Class and psychological vulnerability among women: the significance of social support and personal control. (1983) (250)
- Exposure to Community Violence and Young Adult Crime: The Effects of Witnessing Violence, Traumatic Victimization, and Other Stressful Life Events (2002) (239)
- Psychosocial Resources and the Stress Process (1994) (222)
- Social support and outcome in teenage pregnancy. (1990) (215)
- Unemployment, underemployment and depressive affect among Southeast Asian refugees (1993) (203)
- Psychiatric and substance use disorders in South Florida: racial/ethnic and gender contrasts in a young adult cohort. (2002) (199)
- Living with psychiatric patients: implications for the mental health of family members. (1987) (188)
- Catastrophic stress and factors affecting its consequences among Southeast Asian refugees. (1989) (184)
- Cumulative adversity and drug dependence in young adults: racial/ethnic contrasts. (2003) (172)
- Social Integration and Support (1999) (172)
- Gender and depression: assessing exposure and vulnerability to life events in a chronically strained population. (1989) (161)
- Physical limitations and depressive symptoms: exploring the nature of the association. (2008) (158)
- Cumulative lifetime adversities and alcohol dependence in adolescence and young adulthood. (2008) (152)
- Cumulative adversity and posttraumatic stress disorder: evidence from a diverse community sample of young adults. (2003) (129)
- Race/ethnicity and depressive symptoms in community-dwelling young adults: a differential item functioning analysis (2002) (128)
- Innovations in the measurement of life stress: crisis theory and the significance of event resolution. (1992) (128)
- Understanding Health Disparities: The Promise of the Stress Process Model (2009) (120)
- Physical disability and mental health: An epidemiology of psychiatric and substance disorders. (2006) (118)
- Personal Resources and the Social Distribution of Depression (1999) (117)
- Schizophrenics in the community (1967) (109)
- Stability of retrospective reports in depression: traumatic events, past depressive episodes, and parental psychopathology. (2002) (107)
- Hispanic drug abuse in an evolving cultural context: an agenda for research. (2006) (106)
- Understanding Health Disparities (2013) (106)
- Social Relations, Social Integration, and Social Support (2013) (101)
- Personal Resources and Depression in the Transition to Adulthood: Ethnic Comparisons∗ (2004) (100)
- Childhood adversity and adult health: Evaluating intervening mechanisms. (2016) (90)
- Major Depression and Depressive Symptomatology among the Physically Disabled: Assessing the Role of Chronic Stress (1990) (89)
- Stress Exposure, Race, and Young Adult Male Crime (2003) (88)
- Social anxiety disorder as a risk factor for alcohol use disorders: a prospective examination of parental and peer influences. (2009) (86)
- Anxiety and risk for substance dependence among late adolescents/young adults. (2005) (85)
- Stress burden, drug dependence and the nativity paradox among U.S. Hispanics. (2006) (84)
- Gender, social status, and emotional reliance. (1999) (79)
- Understanding variations in exposure to social stress (2005) (79)
- Physical Disability, Unemployment, and Mental Health. (2004) (78)
- Physical Disability and Depression: Clarifying Racial/Ethnic Contrasts (2010) (73)
- The Deterrence Hypothesis Reexamined: Sports Participation and Substance Use among Young Adults (2003) (70)
- Physical disability and psychological distress. (1989) (70)
- Religious involvement among unmarried adolescent mothers: a source of emotional support? (1995) (69)
- Psychological Distress in the Postpartum Period: The Significance of Social Support. (1986) (68)
- Physical disability and suicidal ideation: a community-based study of risk/protective factors for suicidal thoughts. (2009) (63)
- Childhood exposure to adversity and risk of substance-use disorder in two American Indian populations: the meditational role of early substance-use initiation. (2009) (62)
- The pursuit of socially modifiable contingencies in mental health. (2003) (60)
- Social support and mental health. (2009) (57)
- Race, Socioeconomic Position, and Physical Health (2017) (56)
- Social contingencies in mental health: a seven-year follow-up study of teenage mothers. (2000) (54)
- Early and mid-adolescence risk factors for later substance abuse by African Americans and European Americans. (2002) (53)
- Depression and disability: The stress process in a chronically strained population. (1985) (52)
- Assessing Risk Factors for Problem Parenting: The Significance of Social Support. (1985) (48)
- Major Life Events: Their Personal Meaning, Resolution, and Mental Health Significance∗ (2008) (43)
- Early Adolescent Family Experiences and Perceived Social Support in Young Adulthood (2011) (36)
- The Social Antecedents of Anger Proneness in Young Adulthood (2007) (35)
- Screening for problem parenting: preliminary evidence on a promising instrument. (1986) (34)
- Occupational mobility and schizophrenia: an assessment of the social causation and social selection hypotheses. (1967) (33)
- The relationship of cumulative and proximal adversity to onset of substance dependence symptoms in two American Indian communities. (2007) (27)
- The multidimensionality of health: associations between allostatic load and self-report health measures in a community epidemiologic study (2016) (23)
- Psychological adjustment in chronic disa- bility: the role of social support in the case of the hearing impaired* (1983) (21)
- Social Relationships and Social Support (2014) (20)
- Patterns of health care in non-fatal deliberate self-harm (1979) (19)
- Work and Mental Illness (1965) (18)
- Field survey methods in psychiatry. The effects of sampling strategy upon findings in research on schizophrenia. (1969) (17)
- Sociology of mental health : selected topics from forty years 1970s-2010s (2014) (17)
- Physical Limitation and Anger (2012) (15)
- Field survey methods in psychiatry. A symptom check list, mental status scale, and clinical status scale for evaluation of psychiatric impairment. (1966) (14)
- The Parent-Adult-Child Projective Drawing Task: A Therapeutic Tool in TA (1988) (13)
- Marital status and schizophrenia: a study of incidence and outcome. (1970) (12)
- Family Structure and Substance Use Problems in Adolescence and Early Adulthood (2005) (10)
- Social factors in psychiatric outcome: toward the resolution of interpretive controversies. (1978) (8)
- The prevalence of physical disability in southwestern Ontario. (1985) (7)
- Health disparities and the stress hypothesis: a commentary on Schwartz and Meyer. (2010) (7)
- Social mobility and schizophrenia. (1968) (7)
- Physical Limitation and Anger: Assessing the Role of Stress Exposure and Psychosocial Resources (2009) (5)
- Stress: Measurement by Self-report and Interview (2001) (5)
- Jobs and schizophrenia. (1977) (5)
- Social relations and community tenure in schizophrenia. (1967) (4)
- Sociology of Mental Health (2014) (4)
- Social competence and schizophrenic outcome: an investigation and critique. (1968) (3)
- Epidemiological data for mental health center pnning. I. Field survey methods in ocial psychiatry: the problem of the lost population. (1970) (3)
- Substance Use among Young Adults The Deterrence Hypothesis Reexamined : Sports Participation and (2003) (3)
- Social structure and crisis: A study of nursing organization and patient adjustment (2005) (2)
- The epidemiological study of schizophrenia: a current appraisal. (1972) (2)
- Self-Rated Health Measure (2017) (2)
- Validation of the parent-adult-child (PAC-D) projective drawing test / (1990) (1)
- The Impact of Caregiving: Comparisons of Different Family Contexts and Experiences (2019) (1)
- Anxiety and risk for substance use disorders among late adolescents/young adults. (2005) (1)
- Provision of Social Relations (PSR) 1983 (2007) (0)
- Class and mobility in schizophrenic outcome (2005) (0)
- Review: by Carl A. Grant (2010) (0)
- The effort to understand the meanings of the well-demonstrated linkages (2016) (0)
- ‘Real world’ heart rate reactivity: Conceptual and methodological issues (1985) (0)
- Clarifying the Physical Limitation--Anger Relationship: The Role of Stress Exposure and Psychosocial Resources (2010) (0)
- Review: Teach! Change! Empower! Solutions for Closing the Achievement Gaps by Carl A. Grant (2010) (0)
- Social class and participation in outpatient care by schizophrenics (1969) (0)
- Social structure and psychiatric disorder: a theoretical note. (1967) (0)
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