
Ralph Goodale

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Canadian politician

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Ralph Goodale
Political Science
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  • Political Science

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Why Is Ralph Goodale Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ralph Edward Goodale is a Canadian diplomat and retired politician who has served as the Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom since April 19, 2021. Goodale was first elected in 1974 as the member of Parliament for Assiniboia, as a member of the Liberal Party. He was defeated in 1979, and moved into provincial Saskatchewan politics, serving as leader of the Saskatchewan Liberals from 1981 to 1988. He returned to federal politics in 1993, as the MP for Regina—Wascana , and served in the governments of Jean Chrétien, Paul Martin and Justin Trudeau, in several roles including as minister of finance and minister of public safety.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ralph Goodale?

Ralph Goodale is affiliated with the following schools: