
Randolph Sinks Foster

Most Influential Person Across History

American bishop

Randolph Sinks Foster's Academic­Influence.com Rankings

Randolph Sinks Foster
Religious Studies
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  • Religious Studies

Why Is Randolph Sinks Foster Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Randolph Sinks Foster was an American bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, elected in 1872. Biography Born on February 22, 1820, at Williamsburg, Ohio, U.S., the son of Israel Foster and Mary "Polly" Kain, he attended Augusta College in Kentucky, but left to become a Preacher in the Ohio Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church when he was only seventeen. He was ordained to the Traveling Ministry by Bishops Waugh and Hedding. He went on to become the pastor of the Mulberry Street M.E. Church in New York City, where he met Daniel Drew, the financier who provided the original funding for the Drew Theological Seminary in Madison, New Jersey.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Randolph Sinks Foster?

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