
Ray C. Dougherty

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American linguist

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Why Is Ray C. Dougherty Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ray C. Dougherty is an American linguist and was a member of the Arts and Science faculty at New York University until 2014 . He received his bachelor's and master's degrees in engineering from Dartmouth College in the early 1960s and his Ph.D. in linguistics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1968. At MIT, Dougherty was one of the first students of Noam Chomsky, working in the field of transformational grammar. During the Linguistics Wars of the 1970s, Dougherty was a critic of the generative semantics movement. Specializing in computational linguistics, Dougherty has published several books and articles on the subject.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ray C. Dougherty?

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