
Ray Iwazumi

Most Influential Person Now

American violinist

Ray Iwazumi's Degrees

Why Is Ray Iwazumi Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ray Iwazumi is an American violinist and musicologist. Biography Ray Iwazumi was born in Seattle, Washington. At age four, he began violin lessons with the Suzuki method in Galveston, Texas, and then continued with Beatrice Stanley. At the age of six, he was a prize-winner in the Junior Division of the National Federation Festivals. At age eight, he enrolled at the Mount Royal College Conservatory in Calgary, Canada, where he studied with Lise Elson. At age twelve, he entered The Juilliard School Pre-College Division, where he studied with Dorothy DeLay and Hyo Kang. He continued his studies at Juilliard in college, earning Bachelor of Music, Masters of Music, and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees in 1998, 1999 and 2004, respectively. In 1999, he began studies with Igor Oistrakh at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels under the auspices of a Fulbright grant. At the Royal Conservatory of Brussels, he earned Belgian master's degrees in violin and chamber music in 2000 and 2004, respectively, which he completed in parallel with his doctoral studies at The Juilliard School. He is currently on the faculty at The Juilliard School.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ray Iwazumi?

Ray Iwazumi is affiliated with the following schools: