
Raymond Allchin

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British archaeologist

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  • Anthropology

Why Is Raymond Allchin Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Frank Raymond Allchin, FBA was a British archaeologist and Indologist. He and his wife, Bridget Allchin, formed one of the most influential British partnerships in the post-Independence study of South Asian archaeology. Producing a large body of scholarship ranging from archaeological excavations, ethnoarchaeology as well as epigraphy and linguistics, the Allchins made their work and that of others accessible through a series of sole, joint and edited publications. Seminal works include The Birth of Indian Civilisation , which was later superseded by their books The Rise of Indian Civilisation in India and Pakistan and The Archaeology of Early Historic South Asia .

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Raymond Allchin?

Raymond Allchin is affiliated with the following schools: