
Rebecca Tamás

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Writer and academic

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According to Wikipedia, Rebecca Tamás is a British poet, writer, critic and editor, the daughter of Hungarian philosopher and public intellectual Gáspár Miklós Tamás. She was born in London in 1988. She studied creative writing at the University of Warwick and at the University of Edinburgh, where she won the Grierson Verse Prize, before completing a PhD at the University of East Anglia. She is a lecturer in creative writing at York St John University where she co-convenes The York Centre for Writing Poetry Series. She is the editor, with Sarah Shin, of the anthology Spells: 21st-century Occult Poetry . She has published three pamphlets of poetry: The Ophelia Letters , Savage and Tiger , and the full-length poetry collection Witch . In 2020 she published the prose collection Strangers: Essays on the Human and Nonhuman.

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