Reshma Jagsi
American radiation oncologist
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- Doctorate Medicine Harvard University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Reshma Jagsi is an American Radiation oncologist. She is the Lawrence W. Davis Professor and Chair in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Senior Faculty Fellow in the Center for Ethics at Emory University. Overall, she is the author of over 450 published articles in peer-reviewed medical journals and continues scholarly research in three primary areas of interest: breast cancer, bioethics, and gender equity, with the support of grants from the National Institutes of Health , the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, and the Susan G. Komen Foundation, for which she serves as a Senior Scholar.
Reshma Jagsi's Published Works
Published Works
- The "gender gap" in authorship of academic medical literature--a 35-year perspective. (2006) (685)
- Long-term outcomes for neoadjuvant versus adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer: meta-analysis of individual patient data from ten randomised trials (2018) (614)
- Development and validation of a heart atlas to study cardiac exposure to radiation following treatment for breast cancer. (2011) (541)
- Gender Differences in Time Spent on Parenting and Domestic Responsibilities by High-Achieving Young Physician-Researchers (2014) (506)
- Estimating the Risks of Breast Cancer Radiotherapy: Evidence From Modern Radiation Doses to the Lungs and Heart and From Previous Randomized Trials. (2017) (473)
- Radiation therapy for the whole breast: Executive summary of an American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) evidence-based guideline. (2018) (392)
- Trends and variation in use of breast reconstruction in patients with breast cancer undergoing mastectomy in the United States. (2014) (334)
- Gender differences in the salaries of physician researchers. (2012) (333)
- Radiation field design in the ACOSOG Z0011 (Alliance) Trial. (2014) (306)
- Sexual Harassment and Discrimination Experiences of Academic Medical Faculty. (2016) (300)
- COVID-19 medical papers have fewer women first authors than expected (2020) (249)
- Surgeon recommendations and receipt of mastectomy for treatment of breast cancer. (2009) (245)
- Exposure of the Heart in Breast Cancer Radiation Therapy: A Systematic Review of Heart Doses Published During 2003 to 2013. (2015) (245)
- Residents report on adverse events and their causes. (2005) (239)
- Unacceptable cosmesis in a protocol investigating intensity-modulated radiotherapy with active breathing control for accelerated partial-breast irradiation. (2010) (226)
- Current Perceptions Regarding Surgical Margin Status After Breast-Conserving Therapy: Results of a Survey (2005) (213)
- Mentor Networks in Academic Medicine: Moving Beyond a Dyadic Conception of Mentoring for Junior Faculty Researchers (2013) (201)
- Long-term financial burden of breast cancer: experiences of a diverse cohort of survivors identified through population-based registries. (2014) (200)
- Increasing the dose intensity of chemotherapy by more frequent administration or sequential scheduling: a patient-level meta-analysis of 37 298 women with early breast cancer in 26 randomised trials (2019) (197)
- What is an Adequate Margin for Breast-Conserving Surgery? Surgeon Attitudes and Correlates (2010) (197)
- Sex Differences in Attainment of Independent Funding by Career Development Awardees (2009) (193)
- Lipofilling of the Breast Does Not Increase the Risk of Recurrence of Breast Cancer: A Matched Controlled Study (2016) (183)
- International Guidelines on Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020) (181)
- Mentoring and the Career Satisfaction of Male and Female Academic Medical Faculty (2014) (180)
- Gaps in Incorporating Germline Genetic Testing Into Treatment Decision-Making for Early-Stage Breast Cancer. (2017) (179)
- Decision involvement and receipt of mastectomy among racially and ethnically diverse breast cancer patients. (2009) (171)
- A cardiac contouring atlas for radiotherapy (2017) (168)
- Social and Clinical Determinants of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy. (2014) (163)
- Gender Differences in Publication Productivity, Academic Position, Career Duration, and Funding Among U.S. Academic Radiation Oncology Faculty (2014) (158)
- Locoregional recurrence rates and prognostic factors for failure in node-negative patients treated with mastectomy: implications for postmastectomy radiation. (2003) (156)
- A Standard Set of Value-Based Patient-Centered Outcomes for Breast Cancer: The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM) Initiative (2017) (149)
- Underascertainment of radiotherapy receipt in Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results registry data (2012) (147)
- Access to breast reconstruction after mastectomy and patient perspectives on reconstruction decision making. (2014) (147)
- Impact of Radiotherapy on Complications and Patient-Reported Outcomes After Breast Reconstruction (2018) (146)
- Complications After Mastectomy and Immediate Breast Reconstruction for Breast Cancer: A Claims-Based Analysis (2016) (146)
- Patient-reported Quality of Life and Satisfaction With Cosmetic Outcomes After Breast Conservation and Mastectomy With and Without Reconstruction: Results of a Survey of Breast Cancer Survivors. (2015) (142)
- Gender Differences in Salary in a Recent Cohort of Early-Career Physician–Researchers (2013) (135)
- Sex, role models, and specialty choices among graduates of US medical schools in 2006-2008. (2014) (131)
- Adoption of intensity-modulated radiation therapy for breast cancer in the United States. (2011) (131)
- Academic Productivity Differences by Gender and Child Age in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine Faculty During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) (130)
- Asia's ascent--global trends in biomedical R&D expenditures. (2014) (129)
- Striving for Gender Equity in Academic Medicine Careers: A Call to Action (2016) (127)
- Factors Associated With Age Disparities Among Cancer Clinical Trial Participants. (2019) (125)
- Uptake, Results, and Outcomes of Germline Multiple-Gene Sequencing After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (2018) (123)
- Work–Life Balance in Academic Medicine: Narratives of Physician-Researchers and Their Mentors (2013) (118)
- Senior adult oncology, version 2.2014: clinical practice guidelines in oncology . (2014) (116)
- Fertility and Childbearing Among American Female Physicians. (2016) (115)
- Differences in the Acute Toxic Effects of Breast Radiotherapy by Fractionation Schedule: Comparative Analysis of Physician-Assessed and Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Large Multicenter Cohort. (2015) (113)
- Sexual Harassment in Medicine - #MeToo. (2017) (111)
- Radiotherapy for invasive breast cancer in North America and Europe: results of a survey. (2005) (110)
- Comparison of Population-Based Observational Studies With Randomized Trials in Oncology. (2019) (109)
- Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Decisions in a Population-Based Sample of Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer (2016) (109)
- Role of Bone-Modifying Agents in Metastatic Breast Cancer: An American Society of Clinical Oncology-Cancer Care Ontario Focused Guideline Update. (2017) (109)
- The representation of women on the editorial boards of major medical journals: a 35-year perspective. (2008) (108)
- Genetic Testing and Counseling Among Patients With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer (2017) (104)
- Similarities and Differences in the Career Trajectories of Male and Female Career Development Award Recipients (2011) (100)
- Correlates of worry about recurrence in a multiethnic population‐based sample of women with breast cancer (2011) (96)
- Differences in Mentor-Mentee Sponsorship in Male vs Female Recipients of National Institutes of Health Grants (2017) (96)
- Trends in Reoperation After Initial Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer: Addressing Overtreatment in Surgical Management (2017) (96)
- Ethics and Resource Scarcity: ASCO Recommendations for the Oncology Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2020) (94)
- A global call for action to include gender in research impact assessment (2016) (93)
- Evaluation of four techniques using intensity-modulated radiation therapy for comprehensive locoregional irradiation of breast cancer. (2010) (91)
- Residual disease after re‐excision lumpectomy for close margins (2009) (90)
- Ethical Challenges Arising in the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview from the Association of Bioethics Program Directors (ABPD) Task Force (2020) (90)
- Unmet need for clinician engagement regarding financial toxicity after diagnosis of breast cancer (2018) (86)
- Patterns and correlates of adjuvant radiotherapy receipt after lumpectomy and after mastectomy for breast cancer. (2010) (85)
- It Is Time for Zero Tolerance for Sexual Harassment in Academic Medicine. (2017) (84)
- Frequency, nature, effects, and correlates of conflicts of interest in published clinical cancer research (2009) (84)
- Concerns about cancer risk and experiences with genetic testing in a diverse population of patients with breast cancer. (2015) (82)
- Gender Differences in Publication Productivity, Academic Rank, and Career Duration Among U.S. Academic Gastroenterology Faculty (2016) (81)
- Imposter Syndrome: Treat the Cause, Not the Symptom. (2019) (81)
- Trastuzumab for early-stage, HER2-positive breast cancer: a meta-analysis of 13 864 women in seven randomised trials (2021) (81)
- Rates of myocardial infarction and coronary artery disease and risk factors in patients treated with radiation therapy for early‐stage breast cancer (2007) (80)
- The Educational Impact of ACGME Limits on Resident and Fellow Duty Hours: A Pre–Post Survey Study (2006) (78)
- The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education's limits on residents' work hours and patient safety. A study of resident experiences and perceptions before and after hours reductions. (2008) (78)
- Women's participation in the medical profession: insights from experiences in Japan, Scandinavia, Russia, and Eastern Europe. (2014) (77)
- Work Activities and Compensation of Male and Female Cardiologists. (2016) (75)
- Is there a dose-response relationship for heart disease with low-dose radiation therapy? (2013) (74)
- Respiratory motion of the heart and positional reproducibility under active breathing control. (2005) (73)
- Outcomes of a pilot faculty mentoring program. (2004) (72)
- Adjuvant endocrine therapy initiation and persistence in a diverse sample of patients with breast cancer (2013) (72)
- Considerations for observational research using large data sets in radiation oncology. (2014) (70)
- Results of a survey regarding irradiation of internal mammary chain in patients with breast cancer: practice is culture driven rather than evidence based. (2004) (68)
- Cost and Complications of Local Therapies for Early-Stage Breast Cancer (2017) (66)
- Impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on long‐term employment of survivors of early‐stage breast cancer (2014) (65)
- Under‐representation of women in high‐impact published clinical cancer research (2009) (65)
- From #MeToo to #TimesUp in health care: can a culture of accountability end inequity and harassment? (2019) (63)
- #MedToo: A Large-Scale Examination of the Incidence and Impact of Sexual Harassment of Physicians and Other Faculty at an Academic Medical Center. (2020) (62)
- ESTRO ACROP consensus guideline for target volume delineation in the setting of postmastectomy radiation therapy after implant-based immediate reconstruction for early stage breast cancer. (2019) (60)
- Choosing wisely? Patterns and correlates of the use of hypofractionated whole-breast radiation therapy in the state of Michigan. (2014) (59)
- NCCN Guidelines Insights: Older Adult Oncology, Version 2.2016. (2016) (58)
- Batting 300 Is Good: Perspectives of Faculty Researchers and Their Mentors on Rejection, Resilience, and Persistence in Academic Medical Careers (2013) (58)
- Adoption of hypofractionated radiation therapy for breast cancer after publication of randomized trials. (2014) (57)
- Treatment‐associated toxicities reported by patients with early‐stage invasive breast cancer (2017) (57)
- The management of ductal carcinoma in situ in North America and Europe (2004) (57)
- Becoming a doctor, starting a family--leaves of absence from graduate medical education. (2007) (57)
- A targeted intervention for the career development of women in academic medicine. (2007) (56)
- Stroke rates and risk factors in patients treated with radiation therapy for early-stage breast cancer. (2006) (56)
- Recurrence risk perception and quality of life following treatment of breast cancer (2017) (55)
- A Mixed-Methods Investigation of the Motivations, Goals, and Aspirations of Male and Female Academic Medical Faculty (2016) (55)
- Long-Term Follow-Up on the Educational Impact of ACGME Duty Hour Limits: A Pre-Post Survey Study (2012) (55)
- Older adult oncology, version 2.2016: Featured updates to the NCCN guidelines (2016) (55)
- Surgeon Attitudes Toward the Omission of Axillary Dissection in Early Breast Cancer (2018) (55)
- Treatment decisions and employment of breast cancer patients: Results of a population‐based survey (2017) (52)
- Recent Trends in Chemotherapy Use and Oncologists’ Treatment Recommendations for Early-Stage Breast Cancer (2018) (52)
- Gaps in Receipt of Clinically Indicated Genetic Counseling After Diagnosis of Breast Cancer. (2018) (52)
- Decline of cosmetic outcomes following accelerated partial breast irradiation using intensity modulated radiation therapy: results of a single-institution prospective clinical trial. (2013) (52)
- Career development of physician scientists: a survey of leaders in academic medicine. (2011) (52)
- Factors associated with receipt of breast cancer adjuvant chemotherapy in a diverse population-based sample. (2012) (51)
- Pregnancy and Parenthood in Radiation Oncology, Views and Experiences Survey (PROVES): Results of a Blinded Prospective Trainee Parenting and Career Development Assessment. (2015) (51)
- Progress and controversies: Radiation therapy for invasive breast cancer (2014) (50)
- Childbearing and Family Leave Policies for Resident Physicians at Top Training Institutions (2018) (50)
- Standing on the shoulders of giants: results from the Radiation Oncology Academic Development and Mentorship Assessment Project (ROADMAP). (2013) (49)
- Breast Cancer Biology: Clinical Implications for Breast Radiation Therapy. (2018) (48)
- Achieving gender equity in the radiation oncology physician workforce (2018) (48)
- Recent Time Trends and Predictors of Heart Dose From Breast Radiation Therapy in a Large Quality Consortium of Radiation Oncology Practices. (2017) (48)
- Female Representation in the Academic Oncology Physician Workforce: Radiation Oncology Losing Ground to Hematology Oncology. (2017) (47)
- Should Immediate Autologous Breast Reconstruction Be Considered in Women Who Require Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy? A Prospective Analysis of Outcomes (2017) (47)
- Gender variations in citation distributions in medicine are very small and due to self-citation and journal prestige (2019) (46)
- A Randomized Comparison of Radiation Therapy Techniques in the Management of Node-Positive Breast Cancer: Primary Outcomes Analysis. (2018) (45)
- Gender trends in radiation oncology in the United States: a 30-year analysis. (2014) (45)
- Factors Associated With Success of Clinician–Researchers Receiving Career Development Awards From the National Institutes of Health: A Longitudinal Cohort Study (2017) (45)
- Maternity Leave in Residency: A Multicenter Study of Determinants and Wellness Outcomes. (2019) (44)
- Lessons Learned From Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: Practical Measures to Mitigate the Impact of a Catastrophic Natural Disaster on Radiation Oncology Patients. (2019) (44)
- Negotiation in Academic Medicine: Narratives of Faculty Researchers and Their Mentors (2013) (43)
- Regulation of junior doctors' work hours: an analysis of British and American doctors' experiences and attitudes. (2004) (43)
- Concurrent Veliparib With Chest Wall and Nodal Radiotherapy in Patients With Inflammatory or Locoregionally Recurrent Breast Cancer: The TBCRC 024 Phase I Multicenter Study. (2018) (42)
- Gender Differences in Resources and Negotiation Among Highly Motivated Physician-Scientists (2015) (41)
- Underascertainment of Radiotherapy Receipt in SEER Registry Data (2012) (40)
- NRG Oncology-Radiation Therapy Oncology Group Study 1014: 1-Year Toxicity Report From a Phase 2 Study of Repeat Breast-Preserving Surgery and 3-Dimensional Conformal Partial-Breast Reirradiation for In-Breast Recurrence. (2017) (40)
- Effectiveness of Breast-Conserving Surgery and 3-Dimensional Conformal Partial Breast Reirradiation for Recurrence of Breast Cancer in the Ipsilateral Breast: The NRG Oncology/RTOG 1014 Phase 2 Clinical Trial. (2019) (39)
- Aromatase inhibitors versus tamoxifen in premenopausal women with oestrogen receptor-positive early-stage breast cancer treated with ovarian suppression: a patient-level meta-analysis of 7030 women from four randomised trials (2022) (39)
- NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Older Adult Oncology, Version 1.2021. (2021) (39)
- Surgeon Influence on Variation in Receipt of Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy for Women With Breast Cancer (2017) (39)
- The Promise of the Abscopal Effect and the Future of Trials Combining Immunotherapy and Radiation Therapy. (2016) (39)
- A prospective, multicenter study of complementary/alternative medicine (CAM) utilization during definitive radiation for breast cancer. (2013) (38)
- Association Between 21-Gene Assay Recurrence Score and Locoregional Recurrence Rates in Patients With Node-Positive Breast Cancer. (2020) (37)
- Influence of human papillomavirus on the clinical presentation of oropharyngeal carcinoma in the United States (2017) (37)
- Promoting the Appropriate Use of Advanced Radiation Technologies in Oncology: Summary of a National Cancer Policy Forum Workshop. (2017) (36)
- Women’s Representation Among Members and Leaders of National Medical Specialty Societies (2019) (36)
- Surgeon and Radiation Oncologist Views on Omission of Adjuvant Radiotherapy for Older Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer (2017) (35)
- Unplugging the Pipeline - A Call for Term Limits in Academic Medicine. (2019) (34)
- The impact of doctor–patient communication on patients’ perceptions of their risk of breast cancer recurrence (2017) (34)
- Improving Breast Cancer Surgical Treatment Decision Making: The iCanDecide Randomized Clinical Trial. (2018) (34)
- Patient-reported financial toxicity and adverse medical consequences in head and neck cancer. (2019) (34)
- Real-time rationing of scarce resources: the Northeast Proton Therapy Center experience. (2004) (33)
- The ethics of medical education (2004) (32)
- Scholastic Activity Among Radiation Oncology Residents at US Academic Institutions: a Benchmark Analysis (2013) (32)
- Barriers and Facilitators to De-Implementation of the Choosing Wisely® Guidelines for Low-Value Breast Cancer Surgery (2020) (32)
- Assessment of Use, Specificity, and Readability of Written Clinical Informed Consent Forms for Patients With Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy. (2019) (32)
- Patterns of Local-Regional Management Following Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer: Results From ACOSOG Z1071 (Alliance). (2016) (32)
- Patient satisfaction with postmastectomy breast reconstruction: A comparison of saline and silicone implants: McCarthy CM, Klassen AF, Cano SJ, et al (Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Ctr, NY; McMaster Univ, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Univ College London, UK; et al) Cancer 116:5584-5591, 2010 (2011) (32)
- Patient Preferences for Primary Care Provider Roles in Breast Cancer Survivorship Care. (2017) (32)
- Effects of Radiotherapy in Early-Stage, Low-Recurrence Risk, Hormone-Sensitive Breast Cancer (2018) (31)
- Sex Differences in Salaries of Department Chairs at Public Medical Schools. (2020) (31)
- Women in academic surgery over the last four decades (2020) (31)
- Results of the 2003 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) surveys of residents and chief residents in the United States. (2005) (31)
- Racial disparities in guideline-concordant cancer care and mortality in the United States (2018) (30)
- Attracting Future Radiation Oncologists: An Analysis of the National Resident Matching Program Data Trends From 2004 to 2015. (2015) (30)
- Influence of Age on Guideline-Concordant Cancer Care for Elderly Patients in the United States. (2017) (30)
- Postmastectomy radiation therapy: indications and controversies. (2007) (30)
- Patient Reactions to Surgeon Recommendations About Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy for Treatment of Breast Cancer (2017) (30)
- PARP1 Inhibition Radiosensitizes Models of Inflammatory Breast Cancer to Ionizing Radiation (2019) (29)
- Can Observational Data Replace Randomized Trials? (2016) (29)
- Targeted radiosensitization with PARP1 inhibition: optimization of therapy and identification of biomarkers of response in breast cancer (2014) (29)
- Perceived Impact of Resident Work Hour Limitations on Medical Student Clerkships: A Survey Study (2005) (28)
- Promoting population health through financial stewardship. (2014) (28)
- Postmastectomy Radiotherapy After Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy: A Review of the Evidence. (2015) (28)
- Qualitative analysis of practicing oncologists' attitudes and experiences regarding collection of patient-reported outcomes. (2013) (28)
- Association of Germline Genetic Testing Results With Locoregional and Systemic Therapy in Patients With Breast Cancer. (2020) (27)
- Mentorship Experiences of Early-Career Academic Radiation Oncologists in North America. (2018) (27)
- Childbearing Decisions in Residency: A Multicenter Survey of Female Residents (2020) (27)
- Coordinating Cancer Care: Patient and Practice Management Processes Among Surgeons Who Treat Breast Cancer (2010) (27)
- Hospital Visitation Policies During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (2020) (27)
- How can we best respect patient autonomy in breast cancer treatment decisions? (2015) (26)
- Attitudes toward blinding of peer review and perceptions of efficacy within a small biomedical specialty. (2014) (26)
- Putting Women on the Escalator: How to Address the Ongoing Leadership Disparity in Radiation Oncology. (2019) (26)
- Qualitative Assessment of Academic Radiation Oncology Department Chairs' Insights on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Progress, Challenges, and Future Aspirations. (2018) (26)
- Psychometric properties of a brief measure of autonomy support in breast cancer patients (2015) (26)
- A research agenda for radiation oncology: results of the radiation oncology institute's comprehensive research needs assessment. (2012) (26)
- Citation-based estimation of scholarly activity among domestic academic radiation oncologists: 5-year update (2014) (25)
- Association of Gender and Parenthood With Conference Attendance Among Early Career Oncologists. (2019) (25)
- Quality at the American Society for Radiation Oncology Annual Meeting: Gender Balance Among Invited Speakers and Associations with Panel Success. (2019) (24)
- Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy: An Overview for the Practicing Surgeon (2013) (24)
- Coordination of breast cancer care between radiation oncologists and surgeons: a survey study. (2010) (24)
- Direct and Indirect Harassment Experiences and Burnout among Academic Faculty in Japan. (2018) (23)
- Perspectives of Patients With Cancer on the Ethics of Rapid-Learning Health Systems. (2017) (23)
- Results of the 2004 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) survey. (2006) (23)
- Treatment decisions and employment of breast cancer patients: Results of a population-based survey. (2017) (22)
- Inferring the Effects of Cancer Treatment: Divergent Results From Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group Meta-Analyses of Randomized Trials and Observational Data From SEER Registries. (2016) (22)
- A Survey Study of Female Radiation Oncology Residents' Experiences to Inform Change. (2019) (22)
- Are Patients With Cancer Less Willing to Share Their Health Information? Privacy, Sensitivity, and Social Purpose. (2015) (22)
- The association between patient attitudes and values and the strength of consideration for contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in a population‐based sample of breast cancer patients (2017) (22)
- Playing Into Stereotypes: Engaging Millennials and Generation Z in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response (2020) (22)
- Women in radiation oncology: time to break through the glass ceiling. (2006) (22)
- The Financial Impact on Reimbursement of Moderately Hypofractionated Postoperative Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer: An International Consortium Report. (2020) (22)
- Second Opinions From Medical Oncologists for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Prevalence, Correlates, and Consequences (2017) (22)
- The Intersection of Work and Home Challenges Faced by Physician Mothers During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Mixed-Methods Analysis. (2021) (21)
- Reducing Overtreatment of Cancer With Precision Medicine: Just What the Doctor Ordered. (2018) (21)
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities Among Participants in US-Based Phase 3 Randomized Cancer Clinical Trials (2020) (21)
- Shared Decision Making in Cancer Care: Does One Size Fit All? (2015) (21)
- Ischemic Cardiac Events Following Treatment of the Internal Mammary Nodal Region Using Contemporary Radiation Planning Techniques. (2017) (21)
- Decreasing incidence of upper age restriction enrollment criteria among cancer clinical trials. (2019) (21)
- The Ethical Imperative and Evidence-Based Strategies to Ensure Equity and Diversity in Radiation Oncology. (2017) (20)
- Postmastectomy radiotherapy for breast cancer (2009) (20)
- Long-Term Economic and Employment Outcomes Among Partners of Women With Early-Stage Breast Cancer. (2017) (20)
- Long-term Patient-Reported Outcomes in Older Breast Cancer Survivors: A Population-Based Survey Study. (2017) (20)
- Public Disclosure on Social Media of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals: Content Analysis of Twitter Data (2020) (20)
- The calculus of national medical research policy--the United States versus Asia. (2012) (20)
- What Can Medicine Learn From Social Science Studies of Sexual Harassment? (2018) (20)
- Standing Up against Gender Bias and Harassment - A Matter of Professional Ethics. (2020) (20)
- Sex Differences in Academic Productivity Across Academic Ranks and Specialties in Academic Medicine (2021) (19)
- The impact of industry on oncology research and practice. (2015) (19)
- Meta-Research: Is Covid-19 Amplifying the Authorship Gender Gap in the Medical Literature? (2020) (19)
- Patient Perspectives on Treatment Options for Older Women With Hormone Receptor–Positive Breast Cancer (2020) (19)
- An Innovative Program to Support Gender Equity and Success in Academic Medicine: Early Experiences From the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation's Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists (2018) (19)
- Promoting gender equity in grant making: what can a funder do? (2019) (18)
- Gender, Professional Experiences, and Personal Characteristics of Academic Radiation Oncology Chairs: Data to Inform the Pipeline for the 21st Century. (2019) (18)
- Perspectives on Oncology-Specific Language During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study. (2020) (18)
- Readability of Patient Education Materials From High-Impact Medical Journals: A 20-Year Analysis (2021) (18)
- Variation in Definitive Therapy for Localized Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Among National Comprehensive Cancer Network Institutions. (2016) (18)
- Physician attitudes about cost consciousness for breast cancer treatment: differences by cancer sub-specialty (2018) (18)
- #WomenWhoCurie: Leveraging Social Media to Promote Women in Radiation Oncology (2019) (18)
- Patient Perspectives on the Ethical Implementation of a Rapid Learning System for Oncology Care. (2017) (18)
- Qualitative Study of Oncologists' Views on the CancerLinQ Rapid Learning System. (2017) (18)
- Progression-free survival is a suboptimal predictor for overall survival among metastatic solid tumour clinical trials. (2020) (18)
- Postmastectomy radiation therapy for patients with locally advanced breast cancer. (2009) (17)
- Debating the oncologist's role in defining the value of cancer care: we have a duty to society. (2014) (17)
- Conflicts of interest and the physician-patient relationship in the era of direct-to-patient advertising. (2007) (17)
- Special report: results of the 2000-2002 Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology (ARRO) surveys. (2004) (17)
- Integration of Breast Reconstruction and Postmastectomy Radiotherapy. (2020) (17)
- Promoting Equity for Women in Medicine - Seizing a Disruptive Opportunity. (2021) (17)
- NRG Oncology/RTOG 1014: 3 Year Efficacy Report From a Phase II Study of Repeat Breast Preserving Surgery and 3D Conformal Partial Breast Re-Irradiation (PBrI) for In-Breast Recurrence (2015) (17)
- Parenting during Graduate Medical Training - Practical Policy Solutions to Promote Change. (2019) (17)
- Assessment of Differences in Clinical Activity and Medicare Payments Among Female and Male Radiation Oncologists (2019) (16)
- Provider perspectives on presenting risk information and managing worry about recurrence among breast cancer survivors (2015) (16)
- Patterns of Work-Related Burnout in Physician-Scientists Receiving Career Development Awards From the National Institutes of Health. (2019) (16)
- Linguistic Biases in Letters of Recommendation for Radiation Oncology Residency Applicants from 2015 to 2019 (2020) (16)
- Patterns and Correlates of Knowledge, Communication, and Receipt of Breast Reconstruction in a Modern Population-Based Cohort of Patients with Breast Cancer. (2019) (16)
- Patterns of Treatment and Outcomes for Definitive Therapy of Early Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. (2017) (16)
- Readability of patient education materials in radiation oncology - are we improving? (2019) (16)
- Oncologists' Experiences and Attitudes About Their Role in Philanthropy and Soliciting Donations From Grateful Patients. (2015) (16)
- Close to Home: Employment Outcomes for Recent Radiation Oncology Graduates. (2016) (15)
- The use of bolus in postmastectomy radiation therapy for breast cancer: A systematic review. (2021) (15)
- Women Surgeons’ Experiences of Interprofessional Workplace Conflict (2020) (15)
- Wide Variation in the Diffusion of a New Technology: Practice-Based Trends in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) Use in the State of Michigan, With Implications for IMRT Use Nationally. (2015) (15)
- Identifying Patients Whose Symptoms Are Underrecognized During Treatment With Breast Radiotherapy. (2022) (15)
- Development of a model web-based system to support a statewide quality consortium in radiation oncology. (2017) (15)
- Prescription drug coverage: implications for hormonal therapy adherence in women diagnosed with breast cancer (2015) (15)
- Discussion: immediate post-mastectomy breast reconstruction followed by radiotherapy: risk factors for complications (2010) (15)
- Surgeons' knowledge and practices regarding the role of radiation therapy in breast cancer management. (2013) (14)
- Rising and Falling Trends in the Use of Chemotherapy and Targeted Therapy Near the End of Life in Older Patients With Cancer. (2019) (14)
- Identifying Equitable Screening Mammography Strategies for Black Women in the United States Using Simulation Modeling (2021) (14)
- Local Therapy Decisional Regret in Older Women With Breast Cancer: A Population-Based Study. (2019) (14)
- Workplace resources, mentorship, and burnout in early career physician-scientists: a cross sectional study in Japan (2020) (14)
- Ethical considerations for the clinical oncologist in an era of oncology drug shortages. (2014) (14)
- Intra-European differences in the radiotherapeutic management of breast cancer: a survey study. (2006) (14)
- Employment of nurse practitioners and physician assistants in breast cancer care. (2010) (14)
- Improving Consistency and Quality of Care for Older Adults With Cancer: The Challenges of Developing Consensus Guidelines for Radiation Therapy. (2017) (14)
- Providers of follow-up care in a population-based sample of breast cancer survivors (2014) (14)
- Simulation Modeling of Cancer Clinical Trials: Application to Omitting Radiotherapy in Low-risk Breast Cancer (2018) (14)
- Patient views and correlates of radiotherapy omission in a population‐based sample of older women with favorable‐prognosis breast cancer (2018) (14)
- Reducing Bias in Oncology Research: The End of the Radiation Variable in the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) Program. (2017) (14)
- Closing the Gender Pay Gap in Medicine. (2021) (14)
- Behavioral Health and Burnout Among Physician Mothers Who Care for a Person With a Serious Health Problem, Long-term Illness, or Disability (2019) (14)
- Performance Status Restriction in Phase III Cancer Clinical Trials. (2020) (13)
- Gender Differences in Endowed Chairs in Medicine at Top Schools. (2020) (13)
- Fate of manuscripts rejected from the Red Journal. (2015) (13)
- Institutional Report Cards for Gender Equality: Lessons Learned from Benchmarking Efforts for Women in STEM. (2019) (13)
- Does Cancer Literature Reflect Multidisciplinary Practice? A Systematic Review of Oncology Studies in the Medical Literature Over a 20-Year Period. (2015) (13)
- Trends in Female Authorship in Major Journals of 3 Oncology Disciplines, 2002-2018 (2021) (13)
- Radiation Treatments May Contribute to the Development of Cardiac Dysfunction in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Chemotherapy and Trastuzumab (2008) (13)
- Individualized, patient-centered application of consensus guidelines to improve the quality of breast cancer care. (2014) (13)
- Diving beneath the surface: addressing gender inequities among clinical investigators. (2019) (13)
- What Factors Influence Women’s Perceptions of their Systemic Recurrence Risk after Breast Cancer Treatment? (2018) (13)
- Post-Mastectomy Breast Reconstruction: Exploring Plastic Surgeon Practice Patterns and Perspectives. (2020) (13)
- A Delphi study and International Consensus Recommendations: The use of bolus in the setting of postmastectomy radiation therapy for early breast cancer. (2021) (13)
- Cctg MA.39 tailor RT: A randomized trial of regional radiotherapy in biomarker low-risk node-positive breast cancer (NCT03488693). (2019) (13)
- The Most Valuable Resource Is Time: Insights from a Novel National Program to Improve Retention of Physician-Scientists with Caregiving Responsibilities. (2019) (12)
- Individualizing Surveillance Mammography for Older Patients After Treatment for Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Multidisciplinary Expert Panel and International Society of Geriatric Oncology Consensus Statement. (2021) (12)
- Prospective head and neck cancer research: a four-decade bibliometric perspective. (2013) (12)
- Use of Online Communication by Patients With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer During the Treatment Decision Process. (2016) (12)
- Representation of women as authors of collaborative cancer clinical trials. (2014) (12)
- Industry Funding Among Leadership in Medical Oncology and Radiation Oncology in 2015. (2017) (12)
- Factors Associated With Attainment of Specialty Board Qualifications and Doctor of Medical Science Degrees Among Japanese Female Doctors (2016) (12)
- External-beam accelerated partial-breast irradiation: exploring the limits of tolerability. (2013) (12)
- Leading by Design: Lessons for the Future From 25 Years of the Executive Leadership in Academic Medicine (ELAM) Program for Women. (2020) (11)
- Patient Experiences and Clinician Views on the Role of Radiation Therapy for Ductal Carcinoma In Situ. (2018) (11)
- Physician-Patient Communication-An Actionable Target for Reducing Overly Aggressive Care Near the End of Life. (2016) (11)
- Radiation therapy to the internal mammary nodal region in breast cancer: the debate continues. (2013) (11)
- Medical Specialty Board Parental, Caregiver, and Medical Leave Policy Updates After 2021 American Board of Medical Specialties Mandate. (2021) (11)
- Resident satisfaction with radiation oncology training (2018) (11)
- Women Oncologists’ Perceptions and Factors Associated With Decisions to Pursue Academic vs Nonacademic Careers in Oncology (2021) (11)
- Effect of Public Deliberation on Patient Attitudes Regarding Consent and Data Use in a Learning Health Care System for Oncology. (2019) (11)
- Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction: Exploring Plastic Surgeon Practice Patterns and Perspectives. (2020) (11)
- Association of Salary Differences Between Medical Specialties With Sex Distribution. (2021) (11)
- Decreased Lung Perfusion After Breast/Chest Wall Irradiation: Quantitative Results From a Prospective Clinical Trial. (2017) (11)
- Mechanical properties of the shoulder and pectoralis major in breast cancer patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery with axillary surgery and radiotherapy (2019) (11)
- Primary care provider–reported involvement in breast cancer treatment decisions (2019) (10)
- From Muslim Registries to Radical Health Care Reform-Caring for Patients in an Era of Political Anxiety. (2017) (10)
- Correlates of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy in a population-based sample. (2011) (10)
- Patient-Reported Outcomes after Irradiation of Tissue Expander versus Permanent Implant in Breast Reconstruction: A Multicenter Prospective Study (2020) (10)
- Toward Improving Patients' Experiences of Acute Toxicity From Breast Radiotherapy: Insights From the Analysis of Patient-Reported Outcomes in a Large Multicenter Cohort. (2020) (10)
- Anxiety Levels Among Physician Mothers During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2021) (10)
- Specialist Physicians’ Attitudes and Practice Patterns Regarding Disclosure of Pre-referral Medical Errors (2017) (10)
- Radiation-Induced Skin Changes after Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy: A Pilot Study on Indicators for Timing of Delayed Breast Reconstruction (2018) (10)
- Hypofractionated Whole Breast Radiotherapy: Adapting to the Evidence. (2015) (10)
- Is contralateral prophylactic mastectomy (CPM) overused? Results from a population-based study. (2012) (10)
- Importance of First and Second Authorship in Assessing Citation-Based Scholarly Activity of US Radiation Oncology Residents and Subsequent Choice of Academic Versus Private Practice Career. (2018) (9)
- Radiation oncology authors and reviewers prefer double-blind peer review (2018) (9)
- Financial Toxicity During Breast Cancer Treatment: A Qualitative Analysis to Inform Strategies for Mitigation. (2021) (9)
- Medical Maximizing–Minimizing Preferences in Relation to Low-Value Services for Older Women with Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer: A Qualitative Study (2020) (9)
- The Role of Facility Variation on Racial Disparities in Use of Hypofractionated Whole Breast Radiotherapy. (2019) (9)
- The influence of 21-gene recurrence score assay on chemotherapy use in a population-based sample of breast cancer patients (2017) (9)
- Ethical Issues and Recommendations in Grateful Patient Fundraising and Philanthropy (2018) (9)
- Prevalence of cannabis use among individuals with a history of cancer in the United States (2021) (9)
- Surgeon Attitudes and Use of MRI in Patients Newly Diagnosed with Breast Cancer (2017) (9)
- Abstract P5-14-19: Radiation field design on the ACOSOG Z0011 trial (2013) (9)
- Mentoring Underrepresented Minority Physician-Scientists to Success (2021) (9)
- Communication of Recurrence Risk Estimates to Patients Diagnosed With Breast Cancer. (2016) (9)
- Adverse Cosmesis in a Protocol Investigating IMRT with Active Breathing Control for Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI) (2008) (8)
- Research funding for radiation oncology: an unfortunately small sliver of an inadequate pie. (2013) (8)
- Family/Medical Leave for Diagnostic Radiology, Interventional Radiology, and Radiation Oncology Residents in the United States: A Policy Opportunity. (2021) (8)
- Abstract S5-08: Late side-effects of breast cancer radiotherapy: Second cancer incidence and non-breast-cancer mortality among 40,000 women in 75 trials (2016) (8)
- Attitudes toward and use of cancer management guidelines in a national sample of medical oncologists and surgeons. (2014) (8)
- Oncologists’ influence on receipt of adjuvant chemotherapy: does it matter whom you see for treatment of curable breast cancer? (2017) (8)
- Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy. (2017) (8)
- Financial Toxicity in Breast Reconstruction: A National Survey of Women Who have Undergone Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy (2021) (8)
- Association of Insurance Status with the Use of Immediate Breast Reconstruction in Women with Breast Cancer (2017) (8)
- Association of Industry Sponsorship With Cancer Clinical Trial Accrual. (2020) (8)
- Debating the Optimal Approach to Nodal Management After Pathologic Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Patients With Breast Cancer. (2019) (7)
- Disparities in older adult accrual to cancer trials: Analysis from the alliance for clinical trials in oncology (A151736). (2021) (7)
- Sex-Based Disparities Among Cancer Clinical Trial Participants. (2019) (7)
- Attitudes toward and use of cancer management guidelines in a national sample of medical oncologists and surgeons. (2012) (7)
- Author-level data confirm the widening gender gap in publishing rates during COVID-19 (2022) (7)
- The 21-Gene Recurrence Score and Locoregional Recurrence Rates in Patients With Node-Positive Breast Cancer Treated on SWOG S8814 (2016) (7)
- Evidence-based sizing of non-inferiority trials using decision models (2019) (7)
- Nationwide Survey of Patients' Perspectives Regarding Their Radiation and Multidisciplinary Cancer Treatment Experiences. (2019) (7)
- Recommendations for single faction radiation therapy and stereotactic body radiation therapy in palliative treatment of bone metastases: A statewide practice patterns survey. (2019) (7)
- Meaningful and Accurate Disclosure of Conflict of Interest at the ASTRO National Meeting: A Need for Reassessment of Current Policies. (2018) (7)
- Gaps in Online Breast Cancer Treatment Information for Older Women (2020) (7)
- ENRICH: Validating a multidimensional patient-reported financial toxicity measure. (2019) (7)
- Overall and COVID-19-specific citation impact of highly visible COVID-19 media experts: bibliometric analysis (2021) (6)
- Sexual Harassment in Radiology: Prevalence and Opportunities for Improvement. (2020) (6)
- Mentorship in Radiation Oncology: Role of Gender Diversity in Abstract Presenting and Senior Author Dyads on Subsequent High-Impact Publications (2019) (6)
- Pragmatic Solutions to Counteract the Regressive Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic for Women in Academic Oncology. (2021) (6)
- Author response: COVID-19 medical papers have fewer women first authors than expected (2020) (6)
- Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of 3D-Conformal Radiotherapy versus Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) in a Prospective Multicenter Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients. (2021) (6)
- Social Media and Gender Equity in Oncology. (2019) (6)
- Effect of Surgeon Factors on Long-Term Patient-Reported Outcomes After Breast-Conserving Therapy in Older Breast Cancer Survivors (2020) (6)
- Development of an Illustrated Scale for Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients. (2020) (6)
- Global biomedical R&D expenditures. (2014) (6)
- Value of cancer care: ethical considerations for the practicing oncologist. (2014) (6)
- Nomogram-based estimate of axillary nodal involvement in ACOSOG Z0011 (Alliance): validation and association with radiation protocol variations (2020) (6)
- Access to Breast Reconstruction and Patient Perspectives on Decision Making (2016) (6)
- Gender Bias: Another Rising Curve to Flatten? (2021) (6)
- TBCRC 024 Initial Results: A Multicenter Phase 1 Study of Veliparib Administered Concurrently With Chest Wall and Nodal Radiation Therapy in Patients With Inflammatory or Locoregionally Recurrent Breast Cancer (2015) (6)
- Cumulative Micro-Mentorship: How Social Media Is Facilitating the Advancement of Female Physicians. (2019) (6)
- The Challenges of Providing Feedback to Referring Physicians After Discovering Their Medical Errors. (2018) (6)
- Financial toxicity impact on younger versus older adults with cancer in the setting of care delivery (2022) (6)
- Gender Differences in Work–Life Integration Among Medical Physicists (2021) (5)
- Incidence and Group Comparisons of Harassment Based on Gender, LGBTQ+ Identity, and Race at an Academic Medical Center. (2020) (5)
- Study protocol: A randomized controlled trial of a comprehensive breast cancer treatment patient decision tool (iCanDecide) (2017) (5)
- Trends in Disclosures of Industry Sponsorship. (2016) (5)
- Gender Differences in Time Spent on Parenting and Domestic Responsibilities (2014) (5)
- Preventing the tower from toppling for women in surgery (2019) (5)
- Development of a new photonumeric scale for acute radiation dermatitis in patients with breast cancer. (2015) (5)
- Picture a Professional: Rethinking Expectations of Medical Professionalism Through the Lens of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. (2021) (5)
- Public Attitudes Regarding Hospitals and Physicians Encouraging Donations From Grateful Patients. (2020) (5)
- Big data, ethics, and regulations: Implications for consent in the learning health system. (2018) (5)
- Gender Differences in Work-Family Conflict Experiences of Faculty in Academic Medicine (2021) (5)
- Inflammatory breast cancer defined: proposed common diagnostic criteria to guide treatment and research (2022) (5)
- Common pathways to Dean of Medicine at U.S. medical schools (2021) (5)
- Ongoing Gender Inequity in Leadership Positions of Academic Oncology Programs: The Broken Pipeline. (2020) (5)
- "I'm Being Forced to Make Decisions I Have Never Had to Make Before": Oncologists' Experiences of Caring for Seriously Ill Persons With Poor Prognoses and the Dilemmas Created by COVID-19. (2021) (5)
- Provider Involvement in Care During Initial Cancer Treatment and Patient Preferences for Provider Roles After Initial Treatment. (2019) (5)
- Long-term Quality of Life in Patients With Breast Cancer After Breast Conservation vs Mastectomy and Reconstruction. (2022) (5)
- Satisfaction of breast cancer patients regarding surgery and radiation therapy: A survey in Japan (2016) (5)
- Gender Differences in Research Productivity, Academic Rank, and Career Duration Among U.S. Academic Gastroenterology Faculty: Naomi Nakao Gender‐Based Research Award: 2174 (2014) (5)
- Ethical Duty of Health Care Systems to Address Interfacility Medical Error Discovery. (2018) (4)
- Current Social Media Use Among Radiation Oncology Trainees (2020) (4)
- Knowledge regarding and patterns of genetic testing in patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer participating in the iCanDecide trial (2018) (4)
- Composition of the Current Academic Radiation Oncology Workforce in Comprehensive Cancer Centers (2021) (4)
- Cardiac MRI and blood biomarkers for evaluation of radiation-induced cardiotoxicity in breast cancer patients: results of a phase II clinical trial. (2021) (4)
- Implant Breast Reconstruction and Radiation: A Multicenter Analysis of Long-Term Health-Related Quality of Life and Satisfaction (2014) (4)
- Effect of Surgeon Factors on Long-Term Patient-Reported Outcomes after Breast Conserving Therapy in Older Breast Cancer Survivors (2019) (4)
- Recruitment Challenges and Opportunities for Radiation Oncology Residency Programs During the 2020-2021 Virtual Residency Match (2020) (4)
- A population-based study of invitation to and participation in clinical trials among women with early-stage breast cancer (2020) (4)
- Genetic testing decisions of breast cancer patients: Results from the iCanCare study. (2015) (4)
- The association of age with acute toxicities in NRG oncology combined modality lower GI cancer trials. (2019) (4)
- Flattening the Rationing Curve: The Need for Explicit Guidelines for Implicit Rationing during the COVID-19 Pandemic (2020) (4)
- Breast cancer radiation therapy: A bibliometric analysis of the scientific literature (2022) (4)
- Abstract S3-07: Impact of radiotherapy on complications and patient-reported satisfaction with breast reconstruction: Findings from the prospective multicenter MROC study (2017) (4)
- Institutional imperatives for the advancement of women in medicine and science through the COVID-19 pandemic (2021) (4)
- Adoption of hypofractionated radiotherapy for early-stage invasive breast cancer after publication of randomized trials. (2014) (4)
- Sensitivity of Psychosocial Distress Screening to Identify Cancer Patients at Risk for Financial Hardship During Care Delivery. (2021) (4)
- Evaluation of Equitable Racial and Ethnic Representation Among Departmental Chairs in Academic Medicine, 1980-2019 (2021) (4)
- Gender differences in research reporting (2019) (4)
- Targeting ESR1 mutation–induced transcriptional addiction in breast cancer with BET inhibition (2022) (3)
- Planned Interim Analysis Results from a Prospective Multicenter Single-Arm Cohort Study of Patients Receiving Endocrine Therapy but Not Radiotherapy after Breast-Conserving Surgery for Early-Stage Breast Cancer with Favorable Biologic Features (2019) (3)
- Breast and Prostate Cancer: Lessons to Be Shared. (2017) (3)
- Tailoring the Omission of Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Breast Cancer Based on Tumor Biology. (2022) (3)
- A Modified Communication and Optimal Resolution Program for Intersystem Medical Error Discovery: Protocol for an Implementation Study (2019) (3)
- From Stigma to Validation: A Qualitative Assessment of a Novel National Program to Improve Retention of Physician-Scientists with Caregiving Responsibilities. (2020) (3)
- Promoting Gender Equity at the Red Journal: A Decade's Work. (2021) (3)
- Patient burden with current surveillance paradigm and factors associated with interest in altered surveillance for early stage HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer. (2021) (3)
- A Scoping Review of Behavioral Interventions Addressing Medical Financial Hardship. (2021) (3)
- Financial toxicity of cancer care: Defining pathways of decline vs resilience. (2018) (3)
- Socioeconomic Factors Associated With Burnout Among Oncology Trainees. (2020) (3)
- Lessons Learned from Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico: Practical Measures to Mitigate the Impact of a Catastrophic Natural Disaster on Radiation Oncology Patients (2019) (3)
- Development of a Photonumeric Scale for Acute Radiation Dermatitis in Breast Cancer Patients (2014) (3)
- Oncology scan--breast cancers. (2012) (3)
- Differences between cancer patients and others who use medicinal Cannabis (2021) (3)
- Association of Compensation and Educational Debt with Burnout and Perceived Impact of Debt on Women Physicians' Career and Lifestyle Choices (2020) (3)
- Unmet need for clinician engagement about financial toxicity after diagnosis of breast cancer. (2018) (3)
- External-Beam Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (2016) (3)
- What Has Been Will Be Again-Challenges in Post-Residency Radiation Oncology Employment. (2020) (3)
- Insights from an Intervention to Support Early Career Faculty with Extraprofessional Caregiving Responsibilities (2021) (3)
- Experiences with fertility and infertility among generation X physicians (2013) (3)
- Mitigating Implicit Bias in Radiation Oncology (2021) (3)
- Malpractice suits and physician apologies in cancer care. (2011) (3)
- Implementation of Federal Dependent Care Policies for Physician-Scientists at Leading US Medical Schools. (2019) (3)
- The International Core Literature Consensus (ICLC): an Alternative Curriculum for Oncologists (2011) (3)
- Patient Perceptions on a Non-Blinded Randomized Trial of Radiotherapy Technologies: A Novel Survey Study Exploring Therapeutic Misconception. (2020) (3)
- Impact of Sexual Harassment and Social Support on Burnout in Physician Mothers. (2022) (3)
- Informing patient decisions regarding management of ductal carcinoma in situ. (2013) (3)
- Abstract S3-07: Complication and economic burden of local therapy options for early breast cancer (2016) (3)
- Association between Prior Malignancy Exclusion Criteria and Age Disparities in Cancer Clinical Trials (2022) (3)
- The Trials (and Tribulations) of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in Oncology. (2019) (3)
- Formal Reporting of Identity-Based Harassment at an Academic Medical Center: Incidence, Barriers, and Institutional Responses (2022) (3)
- Gender Equity in Epidemiology: Miles to Go. (2017) (3)
- Patient Preferences Regarding Informed Consent Models for Participation in a Learning Health Care System for Oncology. (2020) (3)
- Association Between Physician and Patient Reported Symptoms in Patients Treated with Definitive Radiotherapy for Locally Advanced Lung Cancer in a Statewide Consortium. (2021) (3)
- In Response to Dr. Wolmark and Colleagues (2010) (2)
- Report from the SWOG Radiation Oncology Committee: Research Objectives Workshop 2017 (2018) (2)
- Evaluation of 3 Techniques for Intensity Modulated Radiation to the Breast and Regional Nodes (2009) (2)
- Restricted Access to Abortion, the Dobbs Ruling, and Radiation Oncology: Standing United Against Reproductive Injustice. (2022) (2)
- Disparities in the Use of Breast-Conserving Therapy Among Patients with Early-Stage Breast Cancer: Lautner M, Lin H, Shen Y, et al (The Univ of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Ctr, Houston) JAMA Surg 150:778-786, 2015 § (2016) (2)
- Gender Differences in Publication Productivity, Academic Position, and Career Duration Among Current Academic Radiation Oncology Faculty (2012) (2)
- Radiation Therapy in Older Adults With Cancer: A Critical Modality in Geriatric Oncology. (2022) (2)
- Uptake of Adjuvant Durvalumab After Definitive Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy for Stage III Nonsmall-cell Lung Cancer (2022) (2)
- Women's leadership in the development of medicine (2010) (2)
- Rising to the Challenge: Strategies to Support Latinas and Other Women of Color in Science and Medicine. (2021) (2)
- A qualitative study to evaluate physician attitudes regarding omission of surgery among exceptional responders to neoadjuvant systemic therapy for breast cancer (NRG-CC006) (2021) (2)
- Breast Radiation Therapy--Sometimes Less May Be More. (2015) (2)
- ESTRO consensus guideline for target volume delineation in the setting of postmastectomy radiation therapy after implant-based immediate reconstruction for early stage breast cancer (2019) (2)
- Gender Diversity in Radiation Oncology Board Certification. (2020) (2)
- Visiting Professorship in Academic Radiation Oncology. (2019) (2)
- The gender of radiation oncologists treating breast and genitourinary cancers at US comprehensive cancer centers (2020) (2)
- An unbiased view about bias: Not yet (2019) (2)
- Breast cancer in the supraclavicular region: is the horse out of the barn? (2011) (2)
- Management of worry about recurrence in breast cancer survivors. (2013) (2)
- Focal Radiation Therapy for Cancer. (2019) (2)
- Trends in Publication Speed of Radiation Oncology Research from 2010 to 2019 (2021) (2)
- A piece of my mind. How deep the bias. (2008) (2)
- Financial Toxicity as an End Point in Prospective Clinical Trials Involving Radiation Therapy (2022) (2)
- NRG Oncology/RTOG 1014: Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) and Cosmesis From a Phase II Study of Repeat Breast Preserving Surgery and 3D Conformal (3D-CRT) Partial Breast Re-Irradiation (PBrI) for In-Breast Recurrence. (2018) (2)
- Depigmentation Within the Radiation Field in Patients With Vitiligo. (2016) (2)
- Disease Control After Hypofractionation Versus Conventional Fractionation for Triple Negative Breast Cancer: Comparative Effectiveness in a Large Observational Cohort. (2021) (2)
- Contralateral prophylactic mastectomy decision-making in the population-based iCanCare study of early-stage breast cancer patients: Knowledge and physician influence. (2015) (2)
- Evaluation of Dose Accuracy in the Near-Surface Region for Whole Breast Irradiation Techniques in a Multi-Institutional Consortium. (2022) (2)
- Assessment of Paid Childbearing and Family Leave Policies for Administrative Staff at Top US Medical Schools. (2020) (2)
- A piece of my mind. What's in a name? (2013) (2)
- Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy Detection via a Smartphone App: Cross-sectional Pilot Study (2021) (2)
- The Role of Medicare Reimbursement in Determining Access to Palliative Radiotherapy During Hospice Care. (2019) (2)
- Radiation Use and Field Design in Women With Node Positive Breast Cancer Treated With Preoperative Systemic Therapy and Breast Surgery Including Axillary Dissection on a Prospective Clinical Trial ACOSOG Z1071 [Alliance] (2015) (2)
- Oral Scientific SessionNRG Oncology/RTOG 1014: 1-Year Toxicity Report From a Phase II Study of Repeat Breast Preserving Surgery and 3D Conformal Partial-Breast Reirradiation (PBrI) for In-Breast Recurrence (2015) (2)
- In regard to Wu and Vapiwala et al. (2016) (2)
- The Lancet Breast Cancer Commission: tackling a global health, gender, and equity challenge (2022) (2)
- Salary and Resources Provided to Junior Faculty in Radiation Oncology. (2019) (2)
- Organizations in science and medicine must hold each other accountable for discriminatory practices (2022) (2)
- Incidence, Nature, and Consequences of Oncologists' Experiences With Sexual Harassment (2022) (2)
- Prevalence and predictors of second opinions from medical oncologists for early-stage breast cancer: Results from the iCanCare study. (2015) (2)
- Utilization of Hypofractionation in an Insured Population (2013) (2)
- Remote Mentorship in Radiation Oncology: Lessons to Share (2021) (2)
- Survey of Twitter and Social Media Use Among US Radiation Oncologists (2020) (1)
- Changes in pectoralis major stiffness and thickness following radiotherapy for breast cancer: a 12-month follow-up case series. (2022) (1)
- A Health Systems Ethical Framework for De-Implementation in Health Care. (2021) (1)
- Abstract 17129: Differences in Work Activities and Compensation of Male and Female Cardiologists in Community Practice in 2013 (2015) (1)
- Predicting a “Lazarus Effect” in Patients With Advanced Cancer Near the End of Life: Prognostic Uncertainty, Oncologists’ Emotions, and Ethical Questions (2019) (1)
- Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Blood Biomarkers for Evaluation of Radiation-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Patients With Breast Cancer: Results of a Phase 2 Clinical Trial (2021) (1)
- Sex Differences in Career Development Awardees' Subsequent Grant Attainment (2010) (1)
- Sexual harassment of oncologists. (2021) (1)
- No Dose Response Relationship for Heart Disease at Low Doses (2011) (1)
- 49 – Postmastectomy Radiotherapy (2018) (1)
- Public Disclosure on Social Media of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals: Content Analysis of Twitter Data (Preprint) (2020) (1)
- Early-stage breast cancer: falling risks and emerging options (2017) (1)
- Utilization and Toxicity of Breast Boost Radiation Therapy Following Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation: Comparative Analysis of a Large, Statewide Multicenter Cohort (2018) (1)
- Reviewers for the Journal, January-June 2016. (2016) (1)
- Utilization of Hypofractionated Regimens for Treatment of Breast Cancer in an Insured Population Before and After Initiation of ASTRO’s “Choosing Wisely” Campaign (2014) (1)
- Medical Student Parental Leave Policies at U.S. Medical Schools. (2022) (1)
- Carpe Diem: An opportunity for the ABR to support its trainees with family-friendly policies (2020) (1)
- Quality of life after multicatheter breast brachytherapy. (2018) (1)
- Association between researcher gender and sex of participants in clinical cancer research (2008) (1)
- Utilization of Hypofractionated Regimens for the Treatment of Bone Metastases Before and After Initiation of ASTRO’s “Choosing Wisely” Campaign (2014) (1)
- Correction to: Nomogram-based estimate of axillary nodal involvement in ACOSOG Z0011 (Alliance): validation and association with radiation protocol variations (2020) (1)
- How Do Cancer Patients Differ from Others Who Use Medicinal Cannabis? (2020) (1)
- Ethical Issues Involved in Grateful Patient Fundraising. (2019) (1)
- Abstract P2-19-01: Impact of breast reconstruction approach on patient-reported satisfaction with cosmetic outcomes after mastectomy with and without radiotherapy (2013) (1)
- Long-term consequences of treatment on paid work after diagnosis of breast cancer. (2011) (1)
- Cardiac MRI for Evaluation of Radiation-Induced Cardiotoxicity in Breast Cancer Patients: A Phase II Clinical Trial (2019) (1)
- Perceived financial decline related to breast reconstruction following mastectomy in a diverse population‐based cohort (2021) (1)
- Governance of a Learning Health Care System for Oncology: Patient Recommendations. (2020) (1)
- Goldilocks and margins for DCIS: Identifying "just right". (2016) (1)
- Patient-Reported Financial Toxicity in a Population-Based Cohort of Oropharynx Cancer Survivors. (2022) (1)
- Perceptions of Pressures to Alter or Misrepresent Time Allocation Among Clinician–Researchers With NIH Career Development Awards (2020) (1)
- Evaluation of Sexual Harassment Policies at Medical Institutions to Understand Attention to Harassment of Physicians by Patients (2021) (1)
- Primary outcomes analysis of a multicenter randomized controlled trial of an interactive decision tool for patients with breast cancer. (2017) (1)
- Informed Consent in Radiation Oncology. (2020) (1)
- Recurrence risk perception and quality of life after treatment of breast cancer. (2016) (1)
- Abstract GS3-07: Identifying patients whose symptoms are under-recognized during breast radiotherapy: Comparison of patient and physician reports of toxicity in a multicenter cohort (2021) (1)
- Mediators of Racial Disparities in Heart Dose among Whole Breast Radiotherapy Patients. (2022) (1)
- Collaborative Quality Initiative in the Treatment of Breast and Lung Cancer: An Important Step Toward High Quality Cost-Effective Care (2013) (1)
- Breast radiotherapy for ductal carcinoma in situ: could less be more? (2022) (1)
- Energizing the Conversation: How to Identify and Overcome Gender Inequalities in Academic Medicine. (2020) (1)
- Gender Equity in Radiation Oncology: Culture Change Is a Marathon, Not a Sprint (2022) (1)
- A qualitative investigation of resilience and well‐being among medical physics residents (2022) (1)
- Recent time trends in chemotherapy use and oncologists' chemotherapy recommendations for early-stage, hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. (2017) (1)
- Diversity in the Oncological Workforce: Losing Ground and Narrowing the Gap Comparison of Radiation Oncology (RO) and Hematology Oncology (HO) (2015) (1)
- Readability of informed consent forms for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy: A nationwide survey. (2018) (1)
- Gaps in integrating genetic testing into management of breast cancer. (2017) (1)
- Funding for biomedical research. (2013) (1)
- Diversity and Representation of Physicians During the COVID-19 News Cycle. (2020) (1)
- Gender Differences in Endowed Chairs in Pediatrics. (2022) (1)
- Correction to: Inflammatory breast cancer defined: proposed common diagnostic criteria to guide treatment and research (2022) (1)
- Variation in the use of intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) in the state of Michigan: 2005-2010. (2012) (1)
- Ethics-Centered Guidelines for Social Media Use by Oncology Professionals: A Call to Action. (2022) (1)
- Peer review: economy, identity, diversity (2021) (1)
- Gender Microaggressions During Virtual Residency Interviews and Impact on Ranking of Programs During the Residency Match. (2022) (1)
- Abstract 3924: PARP inhibition as a radiosensitizing strategy to improve locoregional control in inflammatory breast cancer (2019) (1)
- The Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium: A Novel Initiative to Improve the Quality of Radiation Oncology Care. (2022) (1)
- Comparing long-term treatment-associated toxicities in cancer patients: approaches, caveats, and recommendations. (2014) (1)
- In reply to Ambati. (2014) (0)
- Quality Improvement in a Statewide Collaborative Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium. (2021) (0)
- Undissected Axilla and Axillary Radiotherapy-In Reply. (2019) (0)
- What drives overtreatment? Surgeon and radiation oncologist views on omission of adjuvant radiotherapy for elderly women with early stage breast cancer. (2017) (0)
- Pectoralis muscle dosimetry and post-treatment rehabilitation utilization for early-stage breast cancer patients (2023) (0)
- Abstract SP066: Omitting radiotherapy in select situations (2021) (0)
- Shared DecisionMaking in Cancer Care Does One Size Fit All ? (2015) (0)
- Impact of Cardiac Sparing Techniques on Cardiac Doses for Left Breast Cancer Patients: A Multicenter Analysis (2015) (0)
- Investigating Whether Cancer Literature Reflects Multidisciplinary Practice: A Systematic Review (2015) (0)
- Abstract: Effects of Radiation on Risks and Patient-Reported Outcomes in Expander-Implant Reconstruction: Is There a “Best” Time to Radiate? (2018) (0)
- Abstract P2-11-01: Effects of radiotherapy on breast cancer outcomes among stage I, low-Recurrence risk, hormone-Sensitive breast cancer: Pooled analysis of individual data from phase III trials (2018) (0)
- Surgeon influence on receipt of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy: Does it matter who you see for breast cancer surgery? (2018) (0)
- Abstract OT1-12-01: A phase III trial evaluating De-escalation of Breast Radiation (DEBRA) following breast-conserving surgery (BCS) of stage 1, HR+, HER2-, RS ≤18 breast cancer: NRG-BR007 (2023) (0)
- Gender Differences Among Academic Radiation Oncology National Institutes of Health (NIH) Funding Recipients (2022) (0)
- Equal Pay for Equal Work in the Dean Suite: Addressing Occupational Gender Segregation and Compensation Inequities Among Medical School Leadership. (2022) (0)
- Abstract MS2-1: Overtreatment: First, do no harm (2019) (0)
- Abstract P1-15-01: Association between ischemic cardiac events and targeting of the internal mammary nodal region with adjuvant radiation for breast cancer (2015) (0)
- Compliance with evidence-based guidelines for radiation of vertebral metastases. (2013) (0)
- Trends in Close Margin Status and Radiation Therapy Boost in Early Stage Breast Cancer Treated with Breast Conserving Therapy (2020) (0)
- Use of Chemotherapy in Patients Receiving Hypofractionated Whole-Breast Irradiation: An Analysis within a State-Wide Quality Consortium (2019) (0)
- Abstract PD4-07: Contemporary practice patterns for the use of regional nodal irradiation during post-lumpectomy radiotherapy for patients with N0/N1 breast cancer (2021) (0)
- Avoiding Overtreatment of Women ≥70 With Early-Stage Breast Cancer: A Provider-Level Deimplementation Strategy. (2022) (0)
- Use of Breast Reconstruction and Early Complication Rates in a Working-Age, Insured, National Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Mastectomy With and Without Radiation (2013) (0)
- Gender differences in endowed chairs in Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences from the top-10 NIH-funded medical schools in the US (2022) (0)
- Mentorship in Radiation Oncology: Role of Gender Diversity in ASTRO Abstract Presenting and Senior Author Dyads on Subsequent High-Impact Publications (2019) (0)
- Dicere Non Nocere: Public Disclosure of Identifiable Patient Information by Health Professionals on Social Media (2020) (0)
- 127 Prospective Screening of Patients with Breast Cancer for Mild and Moderate Lymphedema: Analysis of Natural History and Prognostic Factors (2011) (0)
- A comprehensive analysis of the demographics and citation-based productivity of radiation oncologists practicing at comprehensive cancer centers. (2020) (0)
- Population-Based Assessment of Patient-Reported Cosmetic Outcomes in Older Breast Cancer Survivors (2016) (0)
- Patient-Reported Economic Outcomes in Modern Radiotherapy Trials (2022) (0)
- Mechanical properties of the shoulder and pectoralis major in breast cancer patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery with axillary surgery and radiotherapy (2019) (0)
- Author response: Gender variations in citation distributions in medicine are very small and due to self-citation and journal prestige (2019) (0)
- Progression-Free Survival is a Suboptimal Predictor for Overall Survival Among Metastatic Solid Tumor Clinical Trials (2020) (0)
- Abstract P3-18-04: Evaluating de-escalation of breast radiation (DEBRA) following lumpectomy for breast conservative treatment of stage 1, hr+, HER2-, RS ≤18 breast cancer: NRG-BR007 a phase III trial (2022) (0)
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion in radiation oncology: a bibliometric analysis and critical review. (2023) (0)
- Sexual Experiences Questionnaire--Modified Version (2021) (0)
- Radiation but With Delayed Reconstruction. (2018) (0)
- Trainee and program director perspectives of parental leave and parenthood in oncologic specialties. (2022) (0)
- NCCN Senior Adult Oncology , Version 2 . 2014 Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (2014) (0)
- NRG-BR007: A phase III trial evaluating de-escalation of breast radiation (DEBRA) following breast-conserving surgery (BCS) of stage 1, hormone receptor+, HER2-, RS ≤18 breast cancer. (2022) (0)
- Scholastic Activity Among Radiation Oncology Residents at US Academic Institutions: a Benchmark Analysis (2012) (0)
- Radiotherapy Use and Locoregional Recurrence Rates on SWOG 1007, a US Cooperative Group Trial Enrolling Patients with Favorable-Risk Node-Positive Breast Cancer (2022) (0)
- Patients Seen in Radiation Oncology Who Use Cannabis Are More Likely to Also Have Active Prescriptions for Opiates or Benzodiazepines (2022) (0)
- Geographic Analysis of the United States Academic Radiation Oncology Workforce (2020) (0)
- ASO Visual Abstract: Financial Toxicity in Breast Reconstruction: A National Survey of Women Who Have Undergone Breast Reconstruction After Mastectomy (2021) (0)
- Intratreatment Changes in RAD51 Foci Formation Predict Radiosensitization by PARP1 Inhibition in Breast Cancer Cell Lines (2012) (0)
- Improving patient-centered communication in breast cancer: a study protocol for a multilevel intervention of a shared treatment deliberation system (SharES) within the NCI community oncology research program (NCORP) (Alliance A231901CD) (2023) (0)
- 54: International Expert Delphi Consensus Guidelines for the Use of Bolus in Post Mastectomy Radiation Therapy (2021) (0)
- Author reply (0)
- Factors associated with bilateral versus single mastectomy in a diverse, population-based sample of breast cancer patients. (2009) (0)
- Patterns in Attending and Resident Remote Work Policies in Academic Radiation Oncology Departments. (2021) (0)
- Cannabis Use in Patients Seen in an Academic Radiation Oncology Department. (2021) (0)
- Are We Missing Acute Toxicities Associated with Hypofractionated Breast Irradiation? A Report from a Large Multi-Center Cohort Study (2019) (0)
- Mitigating Bias in Recruitment: Attracting a Diverse, Dynamic Workforce to Sustain the Future of Radiation Oncology (2022) (0)
- A Mentored Pathway into the Sciences for Underrepresented Populations: A Newly Crafted Educational Modality for Women Exploring Career Opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine (2020) (0)
- Involvement and Receipt of Mastectomy Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Breast Cancer Patients (2009) (0)
- Abstract P1-15-12: Development of a photonumeric scale for acute radiation dermatitis in breast cancer patients (2015) (0)
- Bullying in Academic Medicine: Experiences of Women Physician Leaders (2022) (0)
- Initial pilot testing of a smartphone app for detection of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy. (2020) (0)
- In Reply to Esparza et al. (2021) (0)
- Industry Funding in the Oncological Literature (2015) (0)
- Importance of First and Second Authorship in Assessing Citation-Based Scholarly Activity of United States Radiation Oncology Residents and Subsequent Choice of Academic versus Private Practice Career (2018) (0)
- Career Trajectory Factors Affecting Gender Diversity in Academic Radiology Department Chairs: Results of a Survey of SCARD Members. (2023) (0)
- Nomogram-Based Estimate of Axillary Nodal Involvement in ACOSOG Z0011 (Alliance): Validation and Association with Radiation Protocol Variations and Outcomes (2018) (0)
- Radiation-induced increases in PARP1 activity to predict for long-term radiosensitization by PARP1 inhibition in preclinical breast cancer models. (2013) (0)
- In reply [10] (2005) (0)
- Reply to S.M. Sorscher and A.B. Hafeez Bhatti. (2015) (0)
- Radiation Oncology resident perspectives on diversity, equity, and inclusion: an Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee (ARRO EISC) inaugural resident survey. (2022) (0)
- Structural Factors, Power, and the Physician Sex Pay Gap-Reply. (2021) (0)
- Desire for and use of genetic testing in a population-based sample of breast cancer patients. (2013) (0)
- Modeling accrual of older adults to cancer clinical trials: (Alliance A151736). (2019) (0)
- 190 : Rates of Myocardial Infarction, Coronary Artery Disease, and Risk Factors in Breast Cancer Patients Treated With Radiation (2006) (0)
- Salary Differences by Gender—Reply (2012) (0)
- NCCN: Continuing Education (2021) (0)
- Medical Oncologists’ and Surgeons’ approaches to communication of breast cancer recurrence risk. (2015) (0)
- Patient Experiences, Trust, and Preferences for Health Data Sharing. (2021) (0)
- Racial Differences in Treatments and Toxicity in Patients With Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Thoracic Radiation Therapy (2022) (0)
- Gender, Professional Experiences, and Personal Characteristics of Academic Radiation Oncology Chairs (2018) (0)
- Factors Associated with Patient-Reported and Physician-Assessed Acute Toxicity after Hypofractionated Breast Radiotherapy, a Report from a Large Multi-Center Cohort Study (2019) (0)
- Visiting Professorship in Academic Radiation Oncology (2019) (0)
- Reply to S.A. Rum et al. (2016) (0)
- Abstract: Autologous Breast Reconstruction and Post-Mastectomy Radiation: Is Delayed Reconstruction a Thing of the Past? (2016) (0)
- Time Trends and Predictors of Heart Dose From Breast Radiation Therapy in a Large Consortium of Community and Academic Practices (2016) (0)
- Abstract 136: Patient Experiences With Cost Discussions And Financial Toxicity In Breast Reconstruction (2020) (0)
- Detecting the Dark Matter of Unpublished Clinical Cancer Studies: An Analysis of Phase 3 Randomized Controlled Trials. (2021) (0)
- Facility and Individual-Level Factors Contribute to Racial Disparities in Heart Dose Among Breast Radiotherapy Patients (2019) (0)
- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation Fund to Retain Clinical Scientists: innovating support for early-career family caregivers (2022) (0)
- Abstract ES8-2: Can radiation replace ALND after positive SLNB? (2022) (0)
- 85: The Use of Bolus in Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy for Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review (2021) (0)
- Decisions Regarding Accelerated Partial-Breast Irradiation in a Population-Based Sample of Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients (2015) (0)
- OP-JNCI190115 1358..1360 (2019) (0)
- In Reply to Thomas. (2018) (0)
- Why Gender-Based Bullying Is Normalized in Academic Medicine: Experiences and Perspectives of Women Physician Leaders. (2022) (0)
- Expanding the Definition of Gifts from Grateful Patients. (2022) (0)
- Impact of 1st surgeon recommendation against CPM on patient treatment experiences and satisfaction. (2016) (0)
- Frequency, barriers, outcomes, and consequences of reporting sexual harassment in clinical oncology (2022) (0)
- Erroneous Sentence in Cancer Care Chronicles Article. (2017) (0)
- Gender Representation Among United States Medical Board Leadership. (2022) (0)
- Fixing the System: Strategies to Support Women in Academic Medicine. (2022) (0)
- Perception of Medical Student Mistreatment: Does Specialty Matter? (2021) (0)
- Underrecognition of Symptoms During Breast Radiotherapy-Reply. (2022) (0)
- Frequency of physician misconceptions that may drive underuse of radiotherapy (RT) in patients with breast cancer. (2012) (0)
- Abstract P2-02-06: Genetic counseling, germline genetic testing, and impact of results in patients with newly diagnosed breast cancer (2017) (0)
- Adoption of hypofractionated radiotherapy (HyRT) for ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS): A SEER-Medicare study. (2014) (0)
- Assessment of Differences in Academic Rank and Compensation by Gender and Race/Ethnicity Among Academic Radiation Oncologists in the United States (2023) (0)
- Influence of decision support persons on breast cancer treatment decisions among Latinas. (2022) (0)
- Radiation Oncology residency training program integration of diversity, equity, and inclusion: An Association of Residents in Radiation Oncology Equity and Inclusion Subcommittee (ARRO EISC) inaugural program director survey. (2023) (0)
- Comparative Effectiveness Analysis of 3DCRT versus Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy in a Prospective Multicenter Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients (2016) (0)
- Speaker Introductions at Grand Rounds: Differences in Formality of Address by Gender and Specialty. (2021) (0)
- Results of the MGH international survey regarding irradiation of the internal mammary chain in patients with breast cancer: practice is culture-driven rather than evidence-based (2003) (0)
- Shared decision-making attitudes and practices in multidisciplinary cancer care teams. (2020) (0)
- Readability of Online Patient Education Materials in Radiation Oncology – Are We Improving? (2019) (0)
- Gender Composition in Biomedical Research Grant Submissions and Grant Review Panels Before Versus During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (2023) (0)
- Trends in Radiation Oncology Treatment Fractionation at a Single Academic Center, 2010 to 2020 (2022) (0)
- Recent Reports of Cosmetic Outcomes After Accelerated Partial-Breast Irradiation Using External-Beam Techniques (2010) (0)
- The value of performance metrics in a large statewide consortium: using planning target volumes towards improvements in breast planning. (2018) (0)
- Adoption of Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Hypofractionated and Conventionally Fractionated Radiation in the United States (2014) (0)
- Quality at the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO) Annual Meeting: Gender Balance among Invited Speakers and Associations with Panel Success (2019) (0)
- 777 A Gender Comparison of Highly Productive Academic Gastroenterologists (2015) (0)
- Quiet, Yet Enormous, Steps Toward Gender Equity During COVID-19 (2022) (0)
- In Reply to Ling and Beriwal. (2022) (0)
- Assessment of Differences in Academic Rank and Salary by Gender and Race Among United States Academic Radiation Oncologists. (2021) (0)
- Comparison of SEER registry data to patient self-report. (2010) (0)
- Resident Hours in the Pursuit of Better Health Care—Reply (2006) (0)
- Reply: The role of predictability in the choice of the type of breast reconstruction. (2020) (0)
- Gender Differences of Endowed Professorship in Obstetrics and Gynecology Departments at Top Academic Institutions [A72] (2022) (0)
- ‘I’m being forced to make decisions I have never had to make before’: Oncologists and the conundrums created by COVID-19. (2021) (0)
- Practice Selection of Graduating Radiation Oncology Residents (2016) (0)
- Increasing use of Hypofractionated Whole Breast Irradiation: An Analysis of Practice Patterns within a State-Wide Quality Consortium (2018) (0)
- Abstract P4-20-05: Patient-reported cosmetic outcomes in older breast cancer survivors: A population-based survey study (2017) (0)
- Factors associated with endowed chair allocation in medical oncology divisions and departments in the United States. (2021) (0)
- Abstract P1-09-05: Effect of Wire vs Magnetic Seed Localization on Lumpectomy Cavity Size (2023) (0)
- Abstract LB-240: Circulating tumor cell (CTC) analysis in NRG oncology/RTOG 1014, repeat breast conserving treatment after in-breast recurrence (IBR) (2017) (0)
- Productivity Differences by Gender and Child Age in Science , Technology , Engineering , Mathematics , and Medicine Faculty During the COVID-19 Pandemic (2021) (0)
- Workplace resources, mentorship, and burnout in early career physician-scientists: a cross sectional study in Japan (2020) (0)
- The role of postoperative radiotherapy in node negative breast cancer patients with pT3–T4 disease (2008) (0)
- Maternity Leave in Residency (2019) (0)
- Incivility, Work Withdrawal, and Organizational Commitment Among US Surgeons (2021) (0)
- Gene Expression Changes Predict Acute and Late Toxicity to Combined PARP1 Inhibition and Radiation (RT) in High Risk Breast Cancer Patients- Results of the Biomarker Analysis of TBCRC 024 (2018) (0)
- Abstract A075: Gender diversity in academic oncology programs (2020) (0)
- Abstract ES1-3: Advanced technologies to optimize outcomes and minimize toxicities (2018) (0)
- Surgeon influence on receipt of contralateral prophylactic mastectomy for breast cancer. (2017) (0)
- OCEAN (wOmen’s Career choicEs About oNcology) Study: Motivations to pursue or not pursue academic oncology. (2021) (0)
- Mastectomy rates in relation to adoption of a margin guideline. (2017) (0)
- Evaluating Radiation Omission Decisions in a Population-Based Sample of Older Adults Receiving Lumpectomy for Breast Cancer (2017) (0)
- In reply to Rusthoven and Kavanagh. (2015) (0)
- Preliminary Report Assessing Resident and Faculty Evaluations Across Radiation Oncology Programs. (2021) (0)
- Abstract P6-15-03: Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) defined: Proposed common diagnostic criteria and scoring - Moving beyond the subjective ‘clinical diagnosis’ of IBC to advance research (2020) (0)
- Potential effect of robust and simple IMRT approach for left-sided breast cancer on cardiac mortality (2009) (0)
- Additional Factors in the Association of Gender and Parenthood With Conference Attendance-Reply. (2019) (0)
- 1200 Training the clinical research investigators of tomorrow - first results from the Flims Impact Survey 2015 (2015) (0)
- Adjuvant radiotherapy use in a population-based sample of breast cancer patients. (2009) (0)
- Abstract P1-12-18: Mechanical properties of the shoulder and pectoralis major in women undergoing breast conserving therapy with axillary dissection and regional nodal radiotherapy versus sentinel node biopsy and radiotherapy to the breast alone (2019) (0)
- Chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy detection via smartphone app in a cross-sectional pilot study (Preprint) (2021) (0)
- Patterns and Correlates of Knowledge , Communication , and Receipt of Breast Reconstruction in a Modern Population-Based Cohort of Patients with Breast Cancer Supplemental digital content (2019) (0)
- Racial Differences in Toxicity in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Patients Treated with Thoracic Radiotherapy (2020) (0)
- Ensuring Safe and Equitable Environments for Women Training to Become Physicians. (2020) (0)
- Role of Postmastectomy Radiation for DCIS (2015) (0)
- The impact of chemotherapy on toxicity and cosmetic outcome in patients receiving whole breast irradiation: an analysis within a state-wide quality consortium. (2022) (0)
- Racial and ethnic variation in employment and financial experiences of breast cancer survivors. (2013) (0)
- Incorporating financial toxicity considerations into clinical trial design to facilitate patient‐centered decision‐making in oncology (2023) (0)
- Contralateral Prophylactic MastectomyDecisions in a Population-Based Sample of Patients With Early-Stage Breast Cancer (2017) (0)
- The International Core Literature Consensus (ICLC) : A tool for Resident training. (2016) (0)
- The Case for Health Reform-The Oncologist's Perspective. (2020) (0)
- Current clinical practice in the management of phyllodes tumors of the breast: an international cross-sectional study among surgeons and oncologists (2023) (0)
- Abstract PD6-6: Identifying patients at higher risk of toxicity after breast radiotherapy: Analysis of patient-reported outcomes in the Michigan Radiation Oncology Quality Consortium cohort (2020) (0)
- Postmastectomy Radiation Therapy (2010) (0)
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Perspectives Among Radiation Oncology Program Directors: A Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Survey. (2021) (0)
- Navigator-assisted hypofractionation (NAVAH) to address radiation therapy access disparities facing African-Americans with breast cancer (2022) (0)
- Factors Associated With Endowed Chair Allocation in Medical Oncology in the United States (2022) (0)
- Analysis of Resident and Faculty Assessment Methods Used by United States Radiation Oncology Residency Programs (2021) (0)
- Sex Differences in Grant Funding. (2019) (0)
- 64 Implementation of Federal Dependent Care Policies for Physician Scientists at Top US Medical Schools (2019) (0)
- Women’s Representation among Lead Investigators of Clinical Trials in Oncology (2019) (0)
- Women Surgeons’ Perspectives on System-level Strategies to Address Interpersonal Workplace Conflict (2020) (0)
- Gender Diversity in Academic Oncology Programs in the United States and Abroad (2020) (0)
- Cannabis use in patients seen in an academic radiation oncology department. (2022) (0)
- 5. Women as Physician-Scientists (2016) (0)
- Reply: Postmastectomy Breast Reconstruction: Exploring Plastic Surgeon Practice Patterns and Perspectives (2020) (0)
- ASCO Ethical Guidance for the US Oncology Community Where Reproductive Health Care Is Limited by Law. (2023) (0)
- Trends in Radiation Oncology Treatment Fractionation at a Single Academic Center, 2014-2020. (2021) (0)
- Statewide rates of adjuvant checkpoint inhibitor use after definitive chemoradiation for stage III non-small cell lung cancer. (2021) (0)
- Hypofractionated radiotherapy after mastectomy: a new frontier. (2019) (0)
- Using Patient Preferences to Determine Noninferiority Margins in Trials. (2019) (0)
- Accelerated partial-breast irradiation: A promising technique under investigation (2007) (0)
- Gender-based Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Medical Physics. (2022) (0)
- Current Practice Influence of Age on Guideline-Concordant Cancer Care for Elderly Patients in the United States (2017) (0)
- Improving informed breast cancer systemic treatment decision-making. (2018) (0)
- Abstract CS1-3: Contemporary role of radiotherapy in axillary management (2016) (0)
- Axillary management in early breast cancer: Surgeon attitudes in a population-based study. (2017) (0)
- Financial and employment toxicity related to breast reconstruction following mastectomy in a diverse population-based cohort. (2020) (0)
- Association Between Ischemic Cardiac Events and Treatment of the Internal Mammary Nodal Region Using Contemporary RT Planning (2015) (0)
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