
Riek Machar

Most Influential Person Now

First vice president of the independent Republic of South Sudan

Why Is Riek Machar Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dr. Riek Machar Teny Dhurgon is a South Sudanese politician who is serving as the First Vice President of South Sudan. Political life In February 2020, Machar was re-sworn in as first vice president following a revitalised peace agreement with Salva Kiir, the current President of South Sudan. He is also the head of the rebel faction known as SPLM-IO that was founded in 2014 following the 2013 war outbreak and has been historically in opposition to Kiir. Between April and July 2016 Machar served as the First Vice President of South Sudan. He is designated to be the First Vice President according to the new "revitalized" peace agreement signed in September 2018. Dr. Riek Machar will take up the post of First Vice President when the new unity government is formed, initially in February 2019, but later delayed until February 2020.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Riek Machar?

Riek Machar is affiliated with the following schools: