
Robert M. W. Dixon

Most Influential Person Now

Australian linguist and author

Robert M. W. Dixon's Academic­ Rankings

Robert M. W. Dixon
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Why Is Robert M. W. Dixon Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Robert Malcolm Ward "Bob" Dixon is a Professor of Linguistics in the College of Arts, Society, and Education and The Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Queensland. He is also Deputy Director of The Language and Culture Research Centre at JCU. Doctor of Letters , he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Letters Honoris Causa by JCU in 2018. Fellow of British Academy; Fellow of the Australian Academy of the Humanities, and Honorary member of the Linguistic Society of America, he is one of three living linguists to be specifically mentioned in The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Linguistics by Peter Matthews .

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Robert M. W. Dixon's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Robert M. W. Dixon?

Robert M. W. Dixon is affiliated with the following schools: