Robert J. Sampson
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American sociologist
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Robert J. Sampson's Degrees
- PhD Sociology University of Chicago
- Masters Sociology University of Chicago
Why Is Robert J. Sampson Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Robert J. Sampson is the Woodford L. and Ann A. Flowers University Professor at Harvard University and Director of the Social Sciences Program at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. From 2005 through 2010, Sampson served as the Chair of the Department of Sociology at Harvard. In 2011–2012, he was elected as the President of the American Society of Criminology.
Robert J. Sampson's Published Works
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Published Works
- Neighborhoods and violent crime: a multilevel study of collective efficacy. (1997) (10952)
- Community Structure and Crime: Testing Social-Disorganization Theory (1989) (4003)
- ASSESSING "NEIGHBORHOOD EFFECTS": Social Processes and New Directions in Research (2002) (3852)
- Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points Through Life. (1994) (3754)
- Systematic Social Observation of Public Spaces: A New Look at Disorder in Urban Neighborhoods1 (1999) (2390)
- Beyond Social Capital: Spatial Dynamics of Collective Efficacy for Children (1999) (2061)
- Neighborhood inequality, collective efficacy, and the spatial dynamics of urban violence (2001) (1878)
- Seeing Disorder: Neighborhood Stigma and the Social Construction of “Broken Windows” (2004) (1349)
- Legal Cynicism and (Subcultural?) Tolerance of Deviance: The Neighborhood Context of Racial Differences (1998) (1290)
- Understanding Desistance from Crime (2001) (1245)
- Trajectories of change in criminal offending: Good marriages and the desistance process. (1998) (1117)
- 1. Ecometrics: Toward a Science of Assessing Ecological Settings, with Application to the Systematic Social Observation of Neighborhoods (1999) (1071)
- Crime and Deviance Over the Life Course: The Salience of Adult Social Bonds (1990) (1051)
- Urban Black Violence: The Effect of Male Joblessness and Family Disruption (1987) (987)
- Social anatomy of racial and ethnic disparities in violence. (2005) (926)
- The Effects of Neighborhood Disadvantage on Adolescent Development (1996) (912)
- A Life-Course View of the Development of Crime (2005) (872)
- Shared beginnings, divergent lives : delinquent boys to age 70 (2007) (863)
- Local Friendship Ties and Community Attachment in Mass Society: A Multi-Level Systemic Model (1988) (850)
- A life course theory of cumulative disadvantage and the stability of delinquency. (1997) (799)
- Crime in the Making (1993) (760)
- Great American City: Chicago and the Enduring Neighborhood Effect (2012) (666)
- Urban poverty and the family context of delinquency: a new look at structure and process in a classic study. (1994) (660)
- Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points through Life (1994) (607)
- Durable effects of concentrated disadvantage on verbal ability among African-American children (2008) (552)
- Deviant Lifestyles, Proximity to Crime, and the Offender-Victim Link in Personal Violence (1990) (544)
- Violent victimization and offending: Individual-, situational-, and community-level risk factors. (1994) (543)
- Violent Crime and The Spatial Dynamics of Neighborhood Transition: Chicago, 1970–1990 (1997) (534)
- Crime and Deviance in the Life Course (1992) (489)
- Rethinking Crime and Immigration (2008) (479)
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Crime and Criminal Justice in the United States (1997) (468)
- Linking the Micro- and Macrolevel Dimensions of Community Social Organization (1991) (459)
- Moving to Inequality: Neighborhood Effects and Experiments Meet Social Structure1 (2008) (455)
- Neighborhood selection and the social reproduction of concentrated racial inequality (2008) (423)
- Linking the micro- and macro-level dimensions of lifestyle-routine activity and opportunity models of predatory victimization (1987) (415)
- Neighborhood and Crime: The Structural Determinants of Personal Victimization (1985) (370)
- Socioeconomic Achievement in the Life Course of Disadvantaged Men: Military Service as a Turning Point, Circa 1940-1965 (1996) (370)
- Civil Society Reconsidered: The Durable Nature and Community Structure of Collective Civic Action1 (2005) (363)
- The Neighborhood Context of Well-Being (2003) (320)
- Juvenile Arrest and Collateral Educational Damage in the Transition to Adulthood (2013) (300)
- Divergent Pathways of Gentrification (2014) (297)
- Structural variations in Juvenile Court processing: Inequality, the underclass, and social control (1993) (295)
- Systematic social observation of children's neighborhoods using Google Street View: a reliable and cost-effective method. (2012) (281)
- Conventional and Delinquent Activities: Implications for the Prevention of Violent Victimization among Adolescents (1992) (279)
- Collective Regulation of Adolescent Misbehavior (1997) (257)
- Crime in Cities: The Effects of Formal and Informal Social Control (1986) (256)
- Cultural Mechanisms and Killing Fields: A Revised Theory of Community-Level Racial Inequality (2006) (251)
- Deterrent Effects of the Police on Crime: A Replication and Theoretical Extension (1988) (251)
- Methodological Sensitivities to Latent Class Analysis of Long-Term Criminal Trajectories (2004) (248)
- Disparity and diversity in the contemporary city: social (dis)order revisited. (2009) (246)
- The Sex Ratio, Family Disruption, and Rates of Violent Crime: The Paradox of Demographic Structure (1991) (243)
- Collective Efficacy Theory: Lessons Learned and Directions for Future Inquiry. (2006) (243)
- Punishment's place: the local concentration of mass incarceration (2010) (239)
- Neighborhood Social Capital as Differential Social Organization (2009) (234)
- The Place of Context: A Theory and Strategy for Criminology's Hard Problems (2013) (222)
- Urban mobility and neighborhood isolation in America’s 50 largest cities (2018) (206)
- Spatial Heterogeneity in the Effects of Immigration and Diversity on Neighborhood Homicide Rates (2009) (206)
- Effects of Socioeconomic Context on Official Reaction to Juvenile Delinquency (1986) (201)
- The Social Ecology of Crime (1986) (193)
- Race and Criminal Violence: A Demographically Disaggregated Analysis of Urban Homicide (1985) (190)
- Neighborhood-Level Context and Health: Lessons from Sociology (2003) (188)
- The Neighborhood Context of Well-Being (2003) (187)
- Supportive parenting mediates neighborhood socioeconomic disparities in children's antisocial behavior from ages 5 to 12 (2012) (187)
- Gold Standard Myths: Observations on the Experimental Turn in Quantitative Criminology (2010) (186)
- Transcending Tradition: New Directions in Community Research, Chicago Style (2002) (173)
- Continuity and Discontinuity in Criminal Careers (1996) (170)
- Converging Evidence for Neighborhood Effects on Children's Test Scores: An Experimental, Quasi-experimental, and Observational Comparison* (2010) (164)
- 6. A Multivariate, Multilevel Rasch Model with Application to Self-Reported Criminal Behavior (2003) (163)
- Neighbourhood and Community (2004) (160)
- Group Size, Heterogeneity, and Intergroup Conflict: A Test of Blau's Inequality and Heterogeneity (1984) (159)
- Assessing Direct and Indirect Effects in Multilevel Designs with Latent Variables (1999) (157)
- The Sutherland-Glueck Debate: On the Sociology of Criminological Knowledge (1991) (146)
- There Will be Fighting in The Streets: The Distorting Lens of Social Movement Theory (2005) (139)
- Understanding variability in lives through time: Contributions of life-course criminology. (1995) (136)
- Divergent Pathways of Gentrification: Racial Inequality and the Social Order of Renewal in Chicago Neighborhoods (2015) (131)
- Translating Causal Claims: Principles and Strategies for Policy-Relevant Criminology (2013) (118)
- Durable Inequality: Spatial Dynamics, Social Processes and the Persistence of Poverty in Chicago Neighborhoods (2006) (112)
- Structural Density and Criminal Victimization (1983) (112)
- Order, Conflict, and Violence: The social order of violence in Chicago and Stockholm neighborhoods: a comparative inquiry (2008) (110)
- Racial Stratification and the Durable Tangle of Neighborhood Inequality (2009) (107)
- The Explanation of Crime: Context, Mechanisms, and Development (2006) (104)
- Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods: Community Survey, 1994-1995 (1999) (104)
- The Explanation of Crime: How does community context matter? Social mechanisms and the explanation of crime rates (2006) (99)
- Integrating individual and ecological aspects of crime (1993) (98)
- Shared Beginnings, Divergent Lives: Delinquent Boys (2005) (95)
- Neighbourhood effects and beyond: Explaining the paradoxes of inequality in the changing American metropolis (2018) (95)
- Personal Violence by Strangers: An Extension and Test of the Opportunity Model of Predatory Victimization (1987) (94)
- Ecometrics in the Age of Big Data (2015) (93)
- Neighborhood Family Structure and the Risk of Personal Victimization (1986) (93)
- Desistance from Crime over the Life Course (2003) (92)
- Spatial (Dis)Advantage and Homicide in Chicago Neighborhoods (2004) (89)
- The Community Context of Violent Crime (1993) (89)
- Urban sustainability in an age of enduring inequalities: Advancing theory and ecometrics for the 21st-century city (2017) (84)
- Environmental Inequality: The Social Causes and Consequences of Lead Exposure (2018) (84)
- Key Issues in the Social Ecology of Crime (1986) (80)
- A General Age-Graded Theory of Crime: Lessons Learned and the Future of Life-Course Criminology (2017) (78)
- Assessing Sampson and Laub’s Life-Course Theory of Crime (2006) (76)
- The incarceration ledger (2011) (76)
- On the Robustness and Validity of Groups (2004) (70)
- The Role for Sustainably Managed Forests in Climate Change Mitigation (2007) (69)
- The World in a City (2012) (65)
- Turning Points and the Future of Life-Course Criminology (2016) (65)
- Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data (1998) (58)
- Open Doors Don't Invite Criminals: Is Increased Immigration Behind the Drop in Crime? (2006) (58)
- Moynihan Redux: Legacies and Lessons (2009) (58)
- The Real Gold Standard: Measuring Counterfactual Worlds That Matter Most to Social Science and Policy (2019) (56)
- Linking Time and Place: Dynamic Contextualism and the Future of Criminological Inquiry (1993) (56)
- Analytical Sociology and Social Mechanisms: Neighborhood effects, causal mechanisms and the social structure of the city (2011) (55)
- The Social Integration of American Cities: Network Measures of Connectedness Based on Everyday Mobility Across Neighborhoods (2019) (53)
- Public and Private Spheres of Neighborhood Disorder (2015) (52)
- From Lead Exposure in Early Childhood to Adolescent Health: A Chicago Birth Cohort (2017) (50)
- Introduction: Mutual engagement: Criminology and sociology? (2002) (49)
- Neighborhood stigma and the perception of disorder (2005) (47)
- Punishing and toxic neighborhood environments independently predict the intergenerational social mobility of black and white children (2019) (46)
- Family Management and Child Development : Insights from Social Disorganization Theory (2017) (44)
- Whither the Sociological Study of Crime (2000) (42)
- Moving and the Neighborhood Glass Ceiling (2012) (42)
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Community Collective Efficacy following the 2004 Florida Hurricanes (2014) (41)
- When Prediction Fails: From Crime-Prone Boys to Heterogeneity in Adulthood (2005) (40)
- Ecometrics in the Age of Big Data: Measuring and Assessing "Broken Windows" Using Large- scale Administrative Records (2015) (36)
- Public Perceptions of Criminal Justice Policy: Does Victimization Make a Difference? (1990) (34)
- Techniques of Research Neutralization (1999) (32)
- 13. Violence, Cognition, and Neighborhood Inequality in America (2015) (30)
- Crime and the Life Course in a Changing World: Insights from Chicago and Implications for Global Criminology (2015) (29)
- Unemployment, marital discord, and deviant behavior: The long-term correlates of childhood misbehavior. (1994) (28)
- Compounded Deprivation in the Transition to Adulthood: The Intersection of Racial and Economic Inequality Among Chicagoans, 1995–2013 (2015) (27)
- The Birth Lottery of History: Arrest over the Life Course of Multiple Cohorts Coming of Age, 1995–20181 (2021) (27)
- The Characterological Imperative: On Heckman, Humphries, and Kautz's The Myth of Achievement Tests: The GED and the Role of Character in American Life (2016) (26)
- Urban Income Inequality and the Great Recession in Sunbelt Form: Disentangling Individual and Neighborhood-Level Change in Los Angeles (2017) (26)
- Sex differences in self-reported delinquency and official records: A multiple-group structural modeling approach (1985) (22)
- Coercion and punishment in long-term perspectives: The long-term effect of punitive discipline (1995) (22)
- A Life-Course Theory and Long-Term Project on Trajectories of Crime (2009) (22)
- Crime and the Production of Safe Schools (2011) (22)
- The Varying Effects of Neighborhood Disadvantage on College Graduation: Moderating and Mediating Mechanisms (2019) (21)
- Triple Disadvantage: Neighborhood Networks of Everyday Urban Mobility and Violence in U.S. Cities (2020) (21)
- The impact of housing policies on community social disorganization and crime. (1990) (20)
- Community Well-Being and the Great Recession (2018) (20)
- How neighborhoods matter : the value of investing at the local level (2001) (18)
- After Life Imprisonment (2016) (18)
- Life-Course and Developmental Criminology: Looking Back, Moving Forward—ASC Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology Inaugural David P. Farrington Lecture, 2017 (2020) (18)
- Studying Modern Chicago (2002) (17)
- Economic Inequality and Personal Victimisation: An Areal Perspective (1982) (17)
- From residence to movement: The nature of racial segregation in everyday urban mobility (2021) (16)
- The Age-Graded Theory of Informal Social Control (2018) (16)
- Neighborhood socioeconomic inequality based on everyday mobility predicts COVID-19 infection in San Francisco, Seattle, and Wisconsin (2022) (15)
- Unraveling the Social Context of Physique and Delinquency (1997) (15)
- Critical Theory and Criminology (1986) (14)
- Supportive parenting mediates widening neighborhood socioeconomic disparities in children ’ s antisocial behavior from ages 5 to 12 (2013) (14)
- Glen Elder's Influence on Life-Course Criminology: Serendipity and Cross-Disciplinary Fertilization (2008) (14)
- Achieving the Middle Ground in an Age of Concentrated Extremes (2015) (14)
- Analytic approaches to disorder (2009) (14)
- Chapter 1. Immigration and the New Social Transformation of the American City (2017) (14)
- Traditional Contributions to Radical Criminology (1987) (14)
- The Explanation of Crime: Introduction: Toward a unified approach to crime and its explanation (2006) (13)
- Draft — Do Not Circulate Without Permission Individual and Community Economic Mobility in the Great Recession Era : The Spatial Foundations of Persistent Inequality (2015) (13)
- "After-School" Chicago: Space and the City (2008) (13)
- 3 Eliding the Theory/Research and Basic/Applied Divides Implications of Merton’s Middle Range (2010) (12)
- Thinking about Context (2013) (11)
- Skill-Based Contextual Sorting: How Parental Cognition and Residential Mobility Produce Unequal Environments for Children (2020) (11)
- Beyond Residential Segregation: Mobility-Based Connectedness and Rates of Violence in Large Cities (2020) (10)
- Erratum: Social anatomy of racial and ethnic disparities (American Journal of Public Health (2006) 95 (224-232) DOI:10.2105/AJPH.2004.037705) (2006) (10)
- Criminal Justice Processing and the Social Matrix of Adversity (2014) (10)
- When disaster strikes, it's survival of the sociable (2013) (10)
- When Things Aren't What They Seem: Context and Cognition in Appearance-Based Regulation (2012) (10)
- Negotiating Adolescence in Times of Social Change: A Neighborhood-Level Perspective on Social Change and the Social Control of Adolescent Delinquency (1999) (9)
- Crimes Through Time@@@Crime in the Making: Pathways and Turning Points Through Life. (1994) (9)
- Violence and Childhood in the Inner City: The Embeddedness of Child and Adolescent Development (1997) (9)
- Organized for What? Recasting Theories of Social (Dis)organization (2018) (8)
- Assessing the Potential of Secondary Data Analysis: A New Look at the Gluecks’ Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency Data (1990) (8)
- Rethinking Criminal Propensity and Character: Cohort Inequalities and the Power of Social Change (2021) (7)
- 5. Continuity and Change in Neighborhood Culture: Toward a Structurally Embedded Theory of Social Altruism and Moral Cynicism (2015) (7)
- Social change and cohort differences in group-based arrest trajectories over the last quarter-century (2021) (7)
- Neighborhood Violence and Cognitive Functioning (2017) (7)
- Inequality from the top down and bottom up: towards a revised Wacquant (2014) (7)
- After Life Imprisonment: Reentry in the Era of Mass Incarceration (2016) (6)
- Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social: Preface (2002) (6)
- A General Theory of Crime.By Michael R. Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi. Stanford University Press, 1990. 297 pp. Cloth $39.50; paper $12.95 (1992) (6)
- What They Don’t Know Says A Lot: Residents’ Knowledge of Neighborhood Crime in Contemporary China (2018) (6)
- Childhood exposure to polluted neighborhood environments and intergenerational income mobility, teenage birth, and incarceration in the USA (2021) (6)
- Budgeting for Immigration Enforcement: A Path to Better Performance (2013) (6)
- Explaining Crime over the Life Course... and All Points in between (2004) (5)
- Research Design for the Study of Mixed-Income Housing (2009) (4)
- Group-Based Trajectories in Life Course Criminology (2009) (4)
- Book Reviews (2001) (4)
- The Birth Lottery of History: Arrest over the Life Course of Multiple Cohorts Coming of Age, 1995–2018 (2021) (4)
- Budgeting for Immigration Enforcement (2011) (4)
- Communities and Crime Revisited: Intellectual Trajectory of a Chicago School Education (2017) (4)
- User Desires and Graphics Capability in the Academic Environment (1972) (3)
- Life-Course and Developmental Criminology: Looking Back, Moving Forward—ASC Division of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology Inaugural David P. Farrington Lecture, 2017 (2019) (3)
- Social Disorganization, Collective Efficacy, and Macro-Level Theories of Social Control (2017) (3)
- Sheldon and Eleanor Glueck’s Unraveling Juvenile Delinquency Study: The Lives of 1,000 Boston Men in the Twentieth Century * (2017) (3)
- Fortran II time-trend package for the IBM 1620 computer (1967) (3)
- Google street view shows that gentrification in Chicago has largely bypassed poor minority neighborhoods, reinforcing urban inequality (2014) (2)
- Social Control and Adolescent Development: A View from Life-Course Criminology (2007) (2)
- Mineral Springs and Well Waters of Eastern Kansas and Their Relation to the Geothermal Field (1993) (2)
- After the experimental turn: A commentary on Deaton and Cartwright. (2018) (2)
- Turning Points in the Life Course (2020) (2)
- Move Up or Out? Confronting Compounded Deprivation (2019) (2)
- Sociology. Moving and the neighborhood glass ceiling. (2012) (2)
- Survival of the sociable (2013) (2)
- The Causal Effect of Physical Disorder on Crime: An Instrumental Variables Approach (2011) (2)
- Cohort Profile: Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods and Its Additions (PHDCN+) (2022) (2)
- Delinquency, Sociology of (2001) (2)
- The Enduring Neighborhood Effect, Everyday Urban Mobility, and Violence in Chicago (2022) (1)
- Preface (2002) (1)
- The Consistency of White Advantage and the Heterogeneity of Nonwhite Disadvantage: Neighborhood Trajectories over Two Decades in the Lives of Multiple Birth Cohorts (2021) (1)
- Reply to Vallée: Different questions for different data (2018) (1)
- Removing Radical Blinders on the Study of Crime Causation: Reply to Bohm and Barak (1987) (1)
- Social Ecology and Collective Efficacy Theory (2018) (1)
- Legacies of inequality, legacy lead exposures, and improving population well-being (2022) (1)
- The chamber of commerce: A new proactive factor in technology transfer (1994) (1)
- Charting a Path Forward for Criminology (2018) (0)
- Structural Criminology.John Hagan (1990) (0)
- Linking Individual and Community Economic Mobility: The Spatial Foundations of Persistent Inequality in the United States (2015) (0)
- ExpandedAccesstoNaloxone:OptionsforCriticalResponsetothe EpidemicofOpioidOverdoseMortality (2009) (0)
- Visualizing How Race, Support for Black Lives Matter, and Gun Ownership Shape Views of the U.S. Capitol Insurrection of January 6, 2021 (2022) (0)
- On the Social Development of Antisocial Behaviour. Book Review. (2001) (0)
- What They Don’t Know Says A Lot: Residents’ Knowledge of Neighborhood Crime in Contemporary China (2018) (0)
- Invitation Article : A Network Approach to Neighborhoods, Cities, and Crime Based on Everyday Urban Mobility (2020) (0)
- Why Don’t American Cities Burn? by Michael Katz (review) (2013) (0)
- by Race / Ethnicity : Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods ( PHDCN ) Waves 1 Through 3 , Age (2005) (0)
- The seventh international congress on catalysis Tokyo, Japan, 30 June–4 July 1980 (1981) (0)
- The Experience of Poverty U . S . Poverty in Perspective : (2018) (0)
- The Causes of Crime: Facts and Theory. (1985) (0)
- Book Review: On the Social Development of Antisocial Behaviour (2001) (0)
- Reciprocated Exchange - Chicago Neighborhood Study 1999 ; Copyrighted: Sampson, R. J.; Morenoff, J. D.; Earls, F. (2005) (0)
- Breaking the Cycle of Compounded Adversity in the Lives of Institutionalized Youth. (2017) (0)
- The Making of the Chicago Project (2015) (0)
- Crime and Social Change in Middle England: Questions of Order in an English Town. By Evi Girling, Ian Loader, and Richard Sparks. New York: Routledge, 2000. Pp. xiv+211. $27.99 (2001) (0)
- Disadvantaged Neighborhoods and Youth Survey (2015) (0)
- Quick Read Synopsis (2005) (0)
- Legal Cynicism Scale (2015) (0)
- Research Interests: Urban Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Inequality, and Immigration Dissertation: "Gentrification in the Changing Contemporary City: The Role of Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration in Neighborhood Renewal" (2015) (0)
- Extreme Disadvantage: Conceptualization and Measurement (2016) (0)
- Contributors (2005) (0)
- Cohort Profile: Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods and Its Additions (PHDCN+) (2022) (0)
- Interactionist Utilizers in Criminology (2007) (0)
- Book Review:On the Borders of Crime: Conflict Management and Criminology. Leslie W. Kennedy (1991) (0)
- Editor's introduction to volume 4 (1984) (0)
- Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Crime and Criminal Justice in the United States Author ( s ) : (2007) (0)
- Crime, criminals, and cures: medical model revisited. (2000) (0)
- Introduction (1990) (0)
- Legacies of Crime: A Follow-Up of the Children of Highly Delinquent Girls and Boys. By Peggy C. Giordano. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. Pp. xi+251. $85.00 (cloth); $27.99 (paper). (2011) (0)
- Continuity and Discontinuity in Criminal Careers.By Paul E. Tracy and Kimberly Kempf-Leonard. Plenum Press, 1996. 263 pp. Cloth, $44.50 (1998) (0)
- Roads well traveled and a life well lived (2020) (0)
- Collective Efficacy - Chicago Neighborhood Study 1997 ; Copyrighted: Sampson, R. J.; Raudenbush, S. W.; Earls, F. (2005) (0)
- Perceived Social Cohesion Scale (2012) (0)
- The Explanation of Crime: Index (2006) (0)
- Research Designs for the Study of Mixed-Income Housing: Social Science Research Council (2009) (0)
- Social Control of Children - Chicago Neighborhood Study 1999 ; Copyrighted: Sampson, R. J.; Morenoff, J. D.; Earls, F. (2005) (0)
- Crime and the Life Course in a Changing World: Insights from Chicago and Implications for Global Criminology (2015) (0)
- Beyond Residential Segregation: Mobility-Based Connectedness and Rates of Violence in Large Cities (2020) (0)
- In Memoriam Joan R. Petersilia (1951–2019) (2020) (0)
- Intergenerational Connections - Chicago Neighborhood Study 1999 ; Copyrighted: Sampson, R. J.; Morenoff, J. D.; Earls, F. (2005) (0)
- Structural Variations in Juvenile Court Processing (2020) (0)
- Childhood exposure to polluted neighborhood environments and intergenerational income mobility, teenage birth, and incarceration in the USA (2021) (0)
- Review essay: The reassertion of race, space, and punishment's place in urban sociology and critical criminology † (2013) (0)
- Lessons and current challenges for urban sociologists. A conversation with robert j. sampson (2020) (0)
- Diverging trajectories of neighborhood disadvantage by race and birth cohort from childhood through young adulthood (2023) (0)
- Why Don't American Cities Burn? By Michael Katz (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2012. 210 pp. $29.95) (2013) (0)
- Using SURFACE III as a research tool for spatial analysis (1990) (0)
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Robert J. Sampson is most known for their academic work in the field of sociology. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
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