
Robert J. Sawyer

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Canadian science fiction writer

Robert J. Sawyer's Academic­ Rankings

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  • Communications

Why Is Robert J. Sawyer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Robert James Sawyer is a Canadian and American science fiction writer. He has had 24 novels published and his short fiction has appeared in Analog Science Fiction and Fact, Amazing Stories, On Spec, Nature, and numerous anthologies. He has won many writing awards, including the best-novel Nebula Award , the best-novel Hugo Award , the John W. Campbell Memorial Award , the Robert A. Heinlein Award , and more Aurora Awards than anyone else in history.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Robert J. Sawyer?

Robert J. Sawyer is affiliated with the following schools:

What Are Robert J. Sawyer's Academic Contributions?

Robert J. Sawyer is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Robert J. Sawyer has made the following academic contributions: