
Robert T. Craig

Most Influential Person Now

Communication Theorists from the University of Colorado

Robert T. Craig's Academic­ Rankings

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According to Wikipedia, Robert T. Craig is an American communication theorist from the University of Colorado, Boulder who received his BA in Speech at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and his MA and PhD in communication from Michigan State University. Craig was on the 1988 founding board of the journal "Research on Language and Social Interaction," a position he continues to hold. From 1991 to 1993 Craig was the founding editor of the International Communication Association journal "Communication Theory" which has been in continuous publication since 1991. He is currently the editor for the ICA Handbook series. In 2009 Craig was elected as a Lifetime Fellow for the International Communication Association, an organization he was president for in 2004–2005.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Robert T. Craig?

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