
Robert Thomas Aitken

Most Influential Person Across History


Robert Thomas Aitken's Academic­ Rankings

Robert Thomas Aitken
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

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Why Is Robert Thomas Aitken Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Robert Thomas Aitken was an American anthropologist known for his work in Oceania while at the Bishop Museum in Hawaiʻi. Biography Born in Livermore, California, in 1890, Aitken was raised and educated with his sister and two brothers atop Mt. Hamilton, where his father was an astronomer at the Lick Observatory. He married Gladys Page Baker in 1915, and had two sons, Robert Baker Aitken and Malcolm Darroch Aitken.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Robert Thomas Aitken?

Robert Thomas Aitken is affiliated with the following schools: