Roberta Rudnick
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Earth Sciences
Roberta Rudnick's Degrees
- PhD Geology Stanford University
- Masters Geology Stanford University
- Bachelors Geology Stanford University
Why Is Roberta Rudnick Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Roberta L. Rudnick is an American earth scientist and professor of geology at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2010 and was awarded the Dana Medal by the Mineralogical Society of America. Rudnick is a world expert in the continental crust and lithosphere.
Roberta Rudnick's Published Works
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Published Works
- Composition of the Continental Crust (2014) (8134)
- Nature and composition of the continental crust: A lower crustal perspective (1995) (2838)
- 3.01 – Composition of the Continental Crust (2003) (2087)
- Recycling lower continental crust in the North China craton (2004) (1428)
- Making continental crust (1995) (1126)
- Re-Os evidence for replacement of ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the North China Craton (2002) (794)
- Carbonatite metasomatism in the northern Tanzanian mantle: petrographic and geochemical characteristics (1993) (700)
- Highly siderophile element composition of the Earth’s primitive upper mantle: Constraints from new data on peridotite massifs and xenoliths (2006) (500)
- Petrology and geochemistry of spinel peridotite xenoliths from Hannuoba and Qixia, North China craton (2004) (474)
- Thermal structure, thickness and composition of continental lithosphere (1998) (473)
- Tracking the budget of Nb and Ta in the continental crust (2000) (468)
- Precise elemental and isotope ratio determination by simultaneous solution nebulization and laser ablation-ICP-MS: application to U-Pb geochronology (2000) (419)
- The composition of peridotites and their minerals: a laser-ablation ICP–MS study (1998) (410)
- Recycling deep cratonic lithosphere and generation of intraplate magmatism in the North China Craton (2008) (402)
- Lithium isotopic composition and concentration of the upper continental crust (2004) (388)
- Monazite–Xenotime–Garnet Equilibrium in Metapelites and a New Monazite–Garnet Thermometer (2001) (366)
- Archean upper crust transition from mafic to felsic marks the onset of plate tectonics (2016) (302)
- Extreme lithium isotopic fractionation during continental weathering revealed in saprolites from South Carolina (2004) (253)
- Extremely light Li in orogenic eclogites: The role of isotope fractionation during dehydration in subducted oceanic crust (2003) (238)
- Contrasting lithium and magnesium isotope fractionation during continental weathering (2010) (234)
- Temporal Evolution of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Eastern North China Craton (2009) (224)
- Ferric iron in peridotites and mantle oxidation states (1994) (222)
- Revealing hidden structures: The application of cathodoluminescence and back-scattered electron imaging to dating zircons from lower crustal xenoliths (1995) (221)
- Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust (2010) (218)
- The Pb isotopic compositions of lower crustal xenoliths and the evolution of lower crustal Pb (1990) (217)
- Geochemistry of xenolithic eclogites from West Africa, Part I: A link between low MgO eclogites and Archean crust formation (2001) (211)
- Re-Os systematics of mantle xenoliths from the East African Rift: age, structure, and history of the Tanzanian craton (1999) (204)
- Diffusion-driven extreme lithium isotopic fractionation in country rocks of the Tin Mountain pegmatite (2006) (202)
- Large ion lithophile elements in rocks from high-pressure granulite facies terrains (1985) (196)
- Geochemistry of Intermediate/- to High-Pressure Granulites (1990) (190)
- The composition and petrogenesis of the lower crust: A xenolith study (1987) (189)
- Hf-Nd isotopic evolution of the lower crust (2000) (179)
- Interpreting ages from Re–Os isotopes in peridotites (2009) (169)
- A reference Earth model for the heat‐producing elements and associated geoneutrino flux (2013) (166)
- Rare earth element patterns in Archean high-grade metasediments and their tectonic significance (1986) (165)
- Lithium in Jack Hills zircons: Evidence for extensive weathering of Earth's earliest crust (2008) (160)
- Formation of cratonic lithosphere: An integrated thermal and petrological model (2012) (157)
- Trace elements in diamond inclusions from eclogites reveal link to Archean granites (1994) (149)
- Re–Os isotope evidence for the composition, formation and age of the lower continental crust (1998) (148)
- Lithium elemental and isotopic disequilibrium in minerals from peridotite xenoliths from far-east Russia: Product of recent melt/fluid-rock reaction (2006) (143)
- Lower crustal xenoliths from Queensland, Australia: Evidence for deep crustal assimilation and fractionation of continental basalts (1986) (142)
- Preservation of ancient and fertile lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern United States (2001) (137)
- Microstructure, texture and seismic anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle above a mantle plume: Insights from the Labait volcano xenoliths (Tanzania) (2005) (133)
- Lithium Isotope Geochemistry (2017) (128)
- Mapping lithospheric boundaries using Os isotopes of mantle xenoliths: An example from the North China Craton (2011) (117)
- GSD‐1G and MPI‐DING Reference Glasses for In Situ and Bulk Isotopic Determination (2011) (117)
- Lithium isotopic systematics of granites and pegmatites from the Black Hills, South Dakota (2006) (111)
- Lithium isotopic composition and concentration of the deep continental crust (2008) (111)
- Geochemistry of xenolithic eclogites from West Africa, part 2: origins of the high MgO eclogites (2002) (109)
- Standards for publication of isotope ratio and chemical data in Chemical Geology (2003) (102)
- Massive magnesium depletion and isotope fractionation in weathered basalts (2014) (100)
- Regional geochemistry of the Lau-Tonga arc and backarc systems (1994) (99)
- New perspectives on the Li isotopic composition of the upper continental crust and its weathering signature (2015) (95)
- Lithium isotopic systematics of A-type granites and their mafic enclaves: Further constraints on the Li isotopic composition of the continental crust (2009) (94)
- Restites, Eu anomalies and the lower continental crust☆ (1992) (90)
- Deep lithospheric dynamics beneath the Sierra Nevada during the Mesozoic and Cenozoic as inferred from xenolith petrology (2001) (87)
- Tracking the lithium isotopic evolution of the mantle using carbonatites (2008) (85)
- Petrologic and geochemical investigation of carbonates in peridotite xenoliths from northeastern Tanzania (2000) (85)
- Influence of chemical weathering on the composition of the continental crust: Insights from Li and Nd isotopes in bauxite profiles developed on Columbia River Basalts (2013) (83)
- Li-Sr-Nd isotope signatures of the plume and cratonic lithospheric mantle beneath the margin of the rifted Tanzanian craton (Labait) (2007) (83)
- Compositional evolution of the upper continental crust through time, as constrained by ancient glacial diamictites (2016) (81)
- Limited lithium isotopic fractionation during progressive metamorphic dehydration in metapelites: A case study from the Onawa contact aureole, Maine (2007) (80)
- Processes controlling highly siderophile element fractionations in xenolithic peridotites and their influence on Os isotopes (2010) (77)
- Insights into Li and Li isotope cycling and sub-arc metasomatism from veined mantle xenoliths, Kamchatka (2009) (75)
- Diamond growth history from in situ measurement of Pb and S isotopic compositions of sulfide inclusions (1993) (74)
- ReOs and UPb geochronological constraints on the eclogite–tonalite connection in the Archean Man Shield, West Africa (2002) (72)
- The Li isotopic composition of Oldoinyo Lengai: Nature of the mantle sources and lack of isotopic fractionation during carbonatite petrogenesis (2007) (70)
- Processes controlling δ 7 Li in rivers illuminated by study of streams and groundwaters draining basalts (2015) (69)
- Arrested kinetic Li isotope fractionation at the margin of the Ilímaussaq complex, South Greenland: Evidence for open-system processes during final cooling of peralkaline igneous rocks ☆ (2007) (68)
- Comparative Sr–Nd–Hf–Os–Pb isotope systematics of xenolithic peridotites from Yangyuan, North China Craton: Additional evidence for a Paleoproterozoic age (2012) (67)
- Nd and Sr isotopic compositions of lower-crustal xenoliths from north Queensland, Australia: Implications for Nd model ages and crustal growth processes (1990) (67)
- Constraints on continental crustal mass loss via chemical weathering using lithium and its isotopes (2011) (61)
- Origins of non-equilibrium lithium isotopic fractionation in xenolithic peridotite minerals: Examples from Tanzania (2009) (60)
- Dating the lower crust by ion microprobe (1987) (56)
- Onset of oxidative weathering of continents recorded in the geochemistry of ancient glacial diamictites (2014) (55)
- Mineralogy and composition of the upper mantle (1998) (54)
- The behavior of chalcophile elements during magmatic differentiation as observed in Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii (2017) (54)
- Barium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust (2018) (53)
- Growing from below (1990) (53)
- Potassium isotope fractionation during continental weathering and implications for global K isotopic balance (2020) (48)
- Geochemical constraints on the origin of Archaean tonalitic-trondhjemitic rocks and implications for lower crustal composition (1986) (48)
- Re–Os evidence for the age and origin of peridotites from the Dabie–Sulu ultrahigh pressure metamorphic belt, China (2007) (46)
- Platinum-group element abundances and Re–Os isotopic systematics of the upper continental crust through time: Evidence from glacial diamictites (2016) (46)
- Li and δ7Li in mudrocks from the British Caledonides: Metamorphism and source influences (2009) (45)
- Heterogeneous magnesium isotopic composition of the lower continental crust: A xenolith perspective (2013) (44)
- Age diversity of the deep crust in northern Mexico (1991) (44)
- Sedimentary input to the source of Lesser Antilles lavas: A Li perspective (2014) (42)
- A lithium isotopic study of sub-greenschist to greenschist facies metamorphism in an accretionary prism, New Zealand (2011) (41)
- Measured and calculated elastic wave speeds in partially equilibrated mafic granulite xenoliths: Implications for the properties of an underplated lower continental crust (1995) (40)
- Equilibration and reaction in Archaean quartz‐sapphirine granulite xenoliths from the Lace kimberlite pipe, South Africa (1997) (39)
- Insights into chemical weathering of the upper continental crust from the geochemistry of ancient glacial diamictites (2016) (39)
- The behavior of lithium in amphibolite- to granulite-facies rocks of the Ivrea–Verbano Zone, NW Italy (2011) (38)
- Fluid inclusions in high-grade gneisses of the Kapuskasing structural zone, Ontario: metamorphic fluids and uplift/erosion path (1984) (38)
- Multidisciplinary Constraints on the Abundance of Diamond and Eclogite in the Cratonic Lithosphere (2018) (37)
- Deformation, hydration, and anisotropy of the lithospheric mantle in an active rift: Constraints from mantle xenoliths from the North Tanzanian Divergence of the East African Rift (2015) (36)
- Geochemistry of molybdenum in the continental crust (2018) (35)
- Processes controlling lithium isotopic distribution in contact aureoles: A case study of the Florence County pegmatites, Wisconsin (2010) (35)
- The role of lower crustal recycling in continent formation (2003) (35)
- A gravimetric K2OsCl6 standard: Application to precise and accurate Os spike calibration (2001) (34)
- The behavior of magnesium isotopes in low-grade metamorphosed mudrocks (2015) (34)
- Tungsten-182 in the upper continental crust: Evidence from glacial diamictites (2018) (33)
- The USArray Initiative (1999) (33)
- Evolution of the lithospheric mantle beneath the East African Rift in Tanzania and its potential signatures in rift magmas (2011) (33)
- Earth’s Continental Crust (2017) (33)
- Geochemistry of Xenolithic Eclogites from West Africa (1999) (33)
- Plume‐cratonic lithosphere interaction recorded by water and other trace elements in peridotite xenoliths from the Labait volcano, Tanzania (2015) (32)
- Heterogeneous potassium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust (2020) (32)
- Measured and calculated elastic wave velocities for xenoliths from the lower crust and upper mantle (1990) (32)
- Multi-mode Li diffusion in natural zircons: Evidence for diffusion in the presence of step-function concentration boundaries (2017) (31)
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Chondritic Meteorites (2003) (29)
- Magnesium isotope evidence for a recycled origin of cratonic eclogites (2015) (29)
- Methanogenesis sustained by sulfide weathering during the Great Oxidation Event (2019) (28)
- How mafic was the Archean upper continental crust? Insights from Cu and Ag in ancient glacial diamictites (2020) (27)
- Europium anomalies constrain the mass of recycled lower continental crust (2015) (26)
- Thermal history and origin of the Tanzanian Craton from Pb isotope thermochronology of feldspars from lower crustal xenoliths (2011) (26)
- Big insights from tiny peridotites: Evidence for persistence of Precambrian lithosphere beneath the eastern North China Craton (2015) (25)
- Granulite-Facies Xenoliths in Rift Basalts of Northern Tanzania: Age, Composition and Origin of Archean Lower Crust (2014) (23)
- Geochemistry and tectonic affinities of a Proterozoic bimodal igneous suite, west Texas (1983) (20)
- Preface to “Lithium isotope geochemistry” (2004) (19)
- Determination of Ga, Ge, Mo, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, W, Tl and Bi in USGS Whole‐Rock Reference Materials by Standard Addition ICP‐MS (2015) (17)
- Rapid mantle convection drove massive crustal thickening in the late Archean (2020) (16)
- Reconciling the discrepancy between the dehydration rates in mantle olivine and pyroxene during xenolith emplacement (2019) (16)
- Distribution of Platinum Group Elements Between Phases in Iron Meteorites (1999) (14)
- Evidence for high‐temperature fractionation of lithium isotopes during differentiation of the Moon (2016) (12)
- Molybdenum isotope fractionation in glacial diamictites tracks the onset of oxidative weathering of the continental crust (2020) (12)
- Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Reference Materials for In Situ Lithium Isotope Determinations by SIMS (2008) (11)
- The Nature of the lower continental crust (1987) (9)
- Continental volcanism and chemistry of the Earth's interior (2008) (9)
- Lithium isotopes may trace subducting slab signatures in Aleutian arc lavas and intrusions (2020) (8)
- Growth of the lower continental crust (1988) (8)
- Fluid inclusions in stony meteorites--a cautionary note. (1985) (8)
- Osmium Isotope Constraints on Tectonic Evolution of the Lithosphere in the Southwestern United States (2002) (8)
- Four-dimensional thermal evolution of the East African Orogen: accessory phase petrochronology of crustal profiles through the Tanzanian Craton and Mozambique Belt, northeastern Tanzania (2020) (8)
- Zirconium isotopic composition of the upper continental crust through time (2021) (7)
- The origin of low-MgO eclogite xenoliths from Obnazhennaya kimberlite, Siberian craton (2020) (7)
- Insights on crustal growth from detrital zircons in ancient glacial deposits (2015) (7)
- Lithium isotopic fractionation during continental weathering (2003) (7)
- Molybdenum contents of sulfides in ancient glacial diamictites: Implications for molybdenum delivery to the oceans prior to the Great Oxidation Event (2020) (6)
- Os evidence for replacement of ancient mantle lithosphere beneath the North China craton (2002) (6)
- Origins of non-equilibrium lithium isotope fractionation in xenolithic peridotite minerals (2006) (5)
- Assessing molybdenum isotope fractionation during continental weathering as recorded by weathering profiles in saprolites and bauxites (2021) (5)
- Longevity of cratonic mantle beneath an active rift: Re-Os evidence from xenoliths from the Tanzanian East African Rift (1998) (5)
- Lithium Content and Isotopic Composition of the Upper Continental Crust (2002) (4)
- Lithium isotopic composition of the lower continental crust: A xenolith perspective (2003) (3)
- Top 5 elements in the upper crust of Earth (2019) (3)
- Geochemistry of lavas from the Lau-Tonga arc and back-arc system (1994) (3)
- Lithospheric evolution of the North China Craton: Evidence from high-Mg adakitic rocks and their entrained xenoliths (2006) (3)
- Lithium Isotopic Analyses of Chondrites and Chondrules (2006) (3)
- New Constraints on the Origin of the Highly Siderophile Elements in the Earth's Upper Mantle (2004) (3)
- Cratons, kimberlites and diamonds: selected papers of the 11th International Kimberlite Conference (2018) (3)
- Li Isotope Fractionation During Slab Dehydration? Implications from Studies of Subduction-related Eclogites and Associated Garnet Mica Schists (2001) (3)
- Lithium Isotope Constraints on Magma Ocean Differentiation and the Composition of the Terrestrial Planets (2008) (2)
- Chalcophile elements in the mantle (2017) (2)
- Diffusion-driven lithium isotope fractionation: Models and implications (2006) (2)
- The origin and demise of cratonic lithosphere: a geochemical perspective from the Tanzanian craton (2018) (2)
- History of crustal growth in Africa and the Americas from detrital zircon and Nd isotopes in glacial diamictites (2022) (2)
- Zinc isotope evidence for carbonate alteration of oceanic crustal protoliths of cratonic eclogites (2022) (2)
- Oxidation of lithospheric mantle beneath Tanzania by melt reaction (2017) (2)
- Homogenising the upper continental crust: The Si isotope evolution of the crust recorded by ancient glacial diamictites (2022) (2)
- Nd and Sr isotopic composition of lower crustal xenoliths: Implications for continental growth (1988) (2)
- Large-Ion Lithophile Elements (2016) (2)
- Regionally extensive light lithium in mantle lithosphere of far east Russia (2005) (1)
- A reference Earth model for geoneutrinos (2014) (1)
- Destruction of Cratonic Lithosphere: the North China Craton (2005) (1)
- Introduction to Volume 3 (2003) (1)
- Li Isotopes as a Tracer of Earth Processes (2001) (1)
- Constant iron isotope composition of the upper continental crust over the past 3 Gyr (2022) (1)
- Li isotope recycling: insights from the sub-arc mantle (2006) (1)
- Delamination of Continental Lithosphere Beneath an Active Margin? Thermobarometric and Rhenium-Osmium-Isotopic Constraints from Sierra Nevadan Xenoliths (1999) (1)
- Towards a refined reference Earth model for geo-neutrinos (2012) (1)
- Ages from Re-Os isotopes in peridotites (2008) (1)
- Using Ancient Glacial Diamictites to Track the Compositional Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust (2014) (1)
- Metamorphic fluids and uplift-erosion history of a portion of the Kapuskasing structural zone, Ontario, as deduced from fluid inclusions (1983) (1)
- On the Origin of High Shear Wave Velocities in the Deep Roots of Cratons (2016) (1)
- Volume Editor’s Introduction (2014) (1)
- Lithium isotopic composition of the Tonga-Kermadec Arc and its constraints on subduction recycling (2013) (1)
- Extreme magnesium isotope fractionation during bauxite formation on the Columbia River Basalts (2012) (1)
- The age of mantle lithosphere on the northernmost margin of the Central Orogenic Belt, North China Craton (2008) (1)
- Thermal history of the deepest parts of orogens through U-Pb thermochronology of Tanzanian deep crustal xenoliths (2009) (1)
- Lithium in Jack Hills Zircon: Evidence for extreme weathering of Earth's crust at 4300 Ma (2008) (1)
- Composition and Thermal History of the Lower Crust Beneath the Tanzania Craton and the Adjacent Mozambique Belt (2006) (1)
- A trace element perspective on the veined sub-arc mantle: Melts, fluids, or both? (2007) (1)
- Recycling Lower Continental Crust: Evidence From High Mg Andesites in the North China Craton (2003) (1)
- Re Os evidence for age and origin of peridotites from the Dabie Sulu UHP belt (2006) (0)
- Compositional changes in the UCC through time revealed by tungsten isotopes (2017) (0)
- The role of continental crust in the global halogen cycle: Insights from halogen concentrations (F, Cl, Br, and I) of ancient glacial deposits (2022) (0)
- Title Multidisciplinary Constraints on the Abundance of Diamond and Eclogite in the Cratonic Lithosphere Permalink (2018) (0)
- The geochemistry of lithium-bearing geothermal water, Taupo Volcanic Zone, and shallow fluid processes in a very active silicic volcanic arc (2011) (0)
- Modification of On- and Off-Craton Mantle Lithosphere Beneath the East African Rift, Tanzania (2006) (0)
- Evolution of upper continental crust from 142Nd in glacial diamictites (2019) (0)
- Making Continents (2001) (0)
- Li Isotopic Composition and Concentration of the Upper Continental Crust: New Insights from Desert Loess (2014) (0)
- Drivers of titanium isotope fractionation in magmatic series: A case study of Rindjani Volcano, Indonesia (2022) (0)
- Metasediments from the lower crust reveal the history of the Picuris orogeny, southwest USA (2023) (0)
- Li isotope fractionation in the subducted slab - a case study from the Raspas complex, Ecuador. (2007) (0)
- Halogen (F, Cl, Br, and I) concentrations of the upper continental crust through time as recorded in ancient glacial diamictite composites (2022) (0)
- Gold distribution in Archean continental crust: Evaluating the effects of intracrustal differentiation in the Tanzanian Craton (2013) (0)
- Big insights from tiny samples: evidence for widespread lithospheric replacement beneath the eastern North China Craton (2012) (0)
- Citation for the 2019 Geochemical Society Distinguished Service Award to Marc Norman (2020) (0)
- Temporal Evolution of the Upper Continental Crust: Implications for the Mode of Crustal Growth and the Evolution of the Hydrosphere (2014) (0)
- Titanium transport and isotopic fractionation in the critical zone (2022) (0)
- The Role of Lithospheric Mantle in Continent Stability: Re-Os Isotopic Mapping of the Upper Mantle in Southwestern USA (2000) (0)
- (Table 2) Major and trace element composition of lavas from ODP Hole 135-834B (1994) (0)
- Tracing origins of cratonic eclogites by magnesium isotopes (2014) (0)
- Recycled lower continental crust: Re-Os isotopic evidence from peridotite xenoliths entrained by Mesozoic high-Mg diorites in the eastern North China Craton (2009) (0)
- Deducing the depth of origin of granulite xenoliths from zircon-rutile thermometry: a case study from Tanzania (2006) (0)
- The search for preserved late-stage accretionary components in terrestrial materials (2021) (0)
- Stuart Ross Taylor (1925–2021): A tribute to his life and scientific career (2021) (0)
- The zirconium isotope composition of the mantle and upper continental crust through time (2021) (0)
- Rudnick receives 2006 N. L. Bowen award (2007) (0)
- Metasediments in the Lower Crust: Tectonic Origin Inferred Form In Situ Hafnium-Isotopic Analyses of Zircons in a Metasedimentary Xenolith (1999) (0)
- Molybdenum Cycling During Crust Formation and Destruction (2016) (0)
- Towards a refined regional geological model for predicting geoneutrinos flux at Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO (2014) (0)
- Insights into the Picuris orogeny from sediments in the lower crust (2022) (0)
- Corrigendum to “The behavior of chalcophile elements during magmatic differentiation as observed in Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii” [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 210 (2017) 71–96] (2019) (0)
- The behavior of volatile elements during the formation and evolution of the Earth and planetary cores (2003) (0)
- Lee Receives 2008 Hisashi Kuno Award (2009) (0)
- Presentation of the Dana Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2022 to Cin-Ty Lee (2023) (0)
- The Little Cation That Could (2020) (0)
- Understanding Global Dynamics of the Earth's Mantle: A Multidisciplinary Endeavor III Posters (2019) (0)
- abundances and Re-Os isotopic systematics of the upper continental crust through time : Evidence from glacial diamictites Permalink (2016) (0)
- Geochemistry of Snowball Earth glacial tillites from China and North America: implications for the bulk composition of the Neoproterozoic upper crust (2012) (0)
- Evidence for persistence of Precambrian lithosphere beneath the eastern North China Craton (2015) (0)
- He-Ne-Ar isotope studies of mafic volcanic rocks and mantle xenoliths from the East African Rift System - contrasting isotope signals in different rift branches (2010) (0)
- Table 3) Major and trace element composition of lavas from ODP Leg 135 holes (1994) (0)
- Cumulate Origins of the High MgO Eclogite Xenoliths from Koidu, West Africa (2001) (0)
- Os isotope evidence for diachronous formation of lithospheric mantle beneath the Trans-North China Orogen, North China Craton (2010) (0)
- The role of the slab in influencing the lithium isotopic signature of arc lavas and the mantle (2007) (0)
- (Table 5) Major and trace element composition of modern Tonga-Kermadec lavas (1994) (0)
- Composition and origin of Archean lower crust, Northern Tanzania (2008) (0)
- Evidence of sulfur degassing in komatiite-hosted Ni-PGE ores (2013) (0)
- Lithium isotopic fractionation in pegmatites (2005) (0)
- Heat Transfer and Production in Cratonic Continental Crust: U‐Pb Thermochronology of Xenoliths From the Siberian Craton (2022) (0)
- Acceptance of the Dana Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2012 (2012) (0)
- Eu Anomalies Constrain Recycling of Lower Continental Crust (2014) (0)
- Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in Arc Settings: Implications for the Distribution of Mo in the Continental Crust (2019) (0)
- Li Isotopic Composition of the Mantle (2001) (0)
- Dominance of felsic continental crust on Earth after 3 billion years ago is recorded by vanadium isotopes. (2023) (0)
- Tracing the secular evolution of the UCC using the iron isotope composition of ancient glacial diamictites (2015) (0)
- Refractory Element Fractionations in the CV 3 Carbonaceous (2004) (0)
- CONTINENT FORMATION AND EVOLUTION V: LITHOSPHERIC MANTLE 1:30 p.m. Lecture Hall B Chairs: J. Blichert-Toft (1999) (0)
- Stable calcium isotope fractionation during chemical weathering. (2021) (0)
- Lithium Isotopes as Proxy of Continental Silicate Weathering (2014) (0)
- Archean cratons aren't forever: Os isotope evidence for two periods of mantle lithosphere replacement beneath the North China craton (2002) (0)
- Geochemical Reference Earth Model: thermal and geoneutrino fluxes (2011) (0)
- Elements: Large-ion lithophile (1998) (0)
- Daly Lecture: Geochemical insights into continental dynamics (2006) (0)
- The evolution of K/Ca in the upper continental crust constrained from Ca isotopic measurements of glacial diamictites. (2022) (0)
- Sedimentary input into the source of Martinique lavas: a Li perspective (2013) (0)
- What Makes Waves in Some Parts of the Rocks Inside Our World Go Fast (2018) (0)
- It’s cold in Siberia: Low crustal heat production in the Siberian Craton constrained by xenolith petrochronology (2022) (0)
- Platinum-group element abundances and Re – Os isotopic systematics of the upper continental crust through time : Evidence (2016) (0)
- Lithium Isotopic Composition of Aleutian Arc Magmas (2012) (0)
- Tungsten in the mantle constrained by continental lithospheric peridotites: Less incompatible and more abundant (2023) (0)
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