Ruth G. Mcroy
Why Is Ruth G. Mcroy Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Ruth McRoy, is very well known for her research and published works she’s done on adoption. She realized not much was known about what the best placements were, and what was known about the long-term outcomes for adopted children and their families. She sought to provide the research, especially related to racial matching and privacy, to better inform adoption practices and wanted to ensure that decisions were being made that were in the best interests of the child. She has chaired more than 20 dissertations and served on more than 80 committees in fields beyond social work, at Boston College, University of Texas at Austin, Smith College and Tufts University. Since 2009 she has been at Boston College, where she became the first holder of the Donahue and DiFelice Endowed Professorship at Boston College School of Social Work. There she is also Co-Founding Director with Tiziana Dearing and David T. Takeuchi of the Research and Innovations in Social, Economic, and Environmental Equity (RISE).
Alma Maters: PhD from the University of Texas at Austin, and a MSW and BA Degree from the University of Kansas.
Ruth G. Mcroy's Published Works
Published Works
- Openness in Adoption: Exploring Family Connections. (1998) (172)
- Self-Esteem and Racial Identity in Transracial and Inracial Adoptees. (1982) (117)
- Adoptive family system dynamics: variations by level of openness in the adoption. (1994) (94)
- The Family Adoption Communication (FAC) Model (2003) (90)
- Adopted Adolescents' Preoccupation With Adoption: The Impact on Adoptive Family Relationships (2002) (88)
- Contact Between Adoptive and Birth Families: Perspectives from the Minnesota Texas Adoption Research Project. (2013) (85)
- Birthmother Perceptions of the Psychologically Present Adopted Child: Adoption Openness and Boundary Ambiguity* (2000) (80)
- Transracial and Inracial Adoptees: The Adolescent Years (1983) (79)
- The Identity of Transracial Adoptees (1984) (76)
- Racial-Identity Issues among Mixed-Race Children (1986) (72)
- Openness in adoption and the level of child participation. (1996) (71)
- Openness in Adoption: Outcomes for Adolescents within Their Adoptive Kinship Networks. (2005) (66)
- A Mixed-Methods Case Study of Parent Involvement in an Urban High School Serving Minority Students (2015) (63)
- Many Faces of Openness in Adoption: Perspectives of Adopted Adolescents and Their Parents (2007) (59)
- Evolution and resolution: Birthmothers' experience of grief and loss at different levels of adoption openness (2007) (55)
- Grief Resolution of Birthmothers in Confidential, Time-Limited Mediated, Ongoing Mediated, and Fully Disclosed Adoptions (1997) (48)
- Factors related to patterns of information exchange between adoptive parents and children in mediated adoptions (1998) (47)
- Openness in Adoption: New Practices, New Issues (1988) (46)
- Adolescents' feelings about openness in adoption: implications for adoption agencies. (2006) (45)
- Openness arrangements and psychological adjustment in adolescent adoptees. (2006) (43)
- Adopted adolescents in residential treatment: The role of the family. (1990) (42)
- Social Work Practice With Black Families: A Culturally-Specific Perspective (1989) (38)
- Young Female Sex Offenders: Assessment and Treatment Issues (2002) (38)
- The Emergence of Psychosocial Engagement in Adopted Adolescents (2001) (37)
- Point of engagement: reducing disproportionality and improving child and family outcomes. (2008) (37)
- The Minnesota/Texas Adoption Research Project: Implications of Openness in Adoption for Development and Relationship (1997) (37)
- Attachment and Racial Identity Issues: Implications for Child Placement Decision Making. (1994) (36)
- Adolescent Search for Birthparents (2004) (35)
- An Organizational Dilemma: The Case of Transracial Adoptions (1989) (35)
- Adaptive Behavior in Adopted Children (1999) (35)
- Intersecting Child Welfare, Substance Abuse, and Family Violence: Culturally Competent Approaches (2006) (35)
- Achieving Same-Race Adoptive Placements for African American Children: Culturally Sensitive Practice Approaches. (1997) (34)
- Processes linked to contact changes in adoptive kinship networks. (2006) (33)
- Skin Color in Transracial and Inracial Adoptive Placements: Implications for Special Needs Adoptions (1999) (33)
- Special Needs Adoptions: Practice Issues (1998) (31)
- Emotionally disturbed, adopted adolescents: early patterns of family adaptation. (1988) (30)
- Preparing Professional Degree Students to Tackle Grand Challenges: A Framework for Aligning Social Work Curricula (2017) (28)
- Regulating Commercial Global Surrogacy: The Best Interests of the Child (2017) (28)
- Changing Agency Practices Toward Openness in Adoption (1998) (28)
- Emotional Disturbance in Adopted Adolescents: Origins and Development (1988) (26)
- The Impact of Openness on Adoption Agency Practices (2003) (26)
- Building Research Culture and Infrastructure (2012) (24)
- Contact in Adoption: The Experience of Adoptive Families in the USA (2003) (24)
- American Experience and Research on Openness (1991) (23)
- Adoption Revelation and Communication Issues: Implications for Practice (1990) (21)
- Open adoptions: Longitudinal outcomes for the adoption triad (2007) (19)
- Acknowledging disproportionate outcomes and changing service delivery. (2008) (18)
- Youth Perspectives on Being Adopted from Foster Care by Lesbian and Gay Parents: Implications for Families and Adoption Professionals (2017) (17)
- Socializing Children About Family Structure: Perspectives of Lesbian and Gay Adoptive Parents (2018) (17)
- Adoptive couples: Communication and changes made in openness levels (1996) (17)
- Using Computer Technology in Child Placement Decisions (1986) (16)
- Post-Adoption Support Groups: Strategies for Addressing Marital Issues (2014) (16)
- Making MEPA-IEP work: tools for professionals. (2007) (15)
- Openness in Adoption and the Impact on Birth Mother Plans for Search and Reunion (2008) (15)
- Innovative Practice Approaches to Matching in Adoption (2011) (13)
- Substance use and suicidal ideation among child welfare involved adolescents: A longitudinal examination. (2019) (12)
- Does Family Preservation Serve a Child's Best Interests? (2000) (12)
- Openness in adoption (1998) (12)
- Open Adoptions:: Practice and Policy Issues (1988) (12)
- Adolescent Mothers in a Transitional Living Facility (2004) (11)
- Transracial Adoption Policies and Practices (2012) (11)
- Significance of Ethnic and Racial Identity in Inter-Country Adoption within the United States (1991) (11)
- Drivers of change: Examining the effects of gender equality on child nutrition (2017) (11)
- Matching children with placements (1984) (11)
- Trajectories of Birth Family Contact in Domestic Adoptions (2019) (11)
- Transracial Adoptions: In Whose Best Interest? (1996) (10)
- Adolescent Sibling Narratives Regarding Contact in Adoption (2006) (10)
- Postplacement relationships between birth mothers and their romantic partners. (2011) (9)
- The Impact of Formal and Informal Respite Care on Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Parents Caring for Children Involved in the Child Welfare System (2016) (8)
- Policy Recommendations for Meeting the Grand Challenge to Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice (2017) (7)
- Birth Mothers' Perceptions of Their Parented Children's Knowledge of and Involvement in Adoption (2007) (7)
- The Role of Private Adoption Agencies in Facilitating African American Adoptions (2005) (7)
- Disproportionality and Disparities (2014) (6)
- A statistical model of child placement decisions (1985) (6)
- Birth Mothers’ Perspectives on Their Relationship With the Birth Father 12 to 20 Years After Adoption (2014) (6)
- Current practice approaches for treating the alcoholic client. (1987) (6)
- Value Dilemmas (2003) (6)
- Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions: Cultural Guidance for Professionals (2016) (6)
- Achieve Equal Opportunity and Justice (2018) (6)
- Children from Care can be Adopted (2012) (6)
- Exploring Adoption-Specific Curricula in Undergraduate and Graduate Degree Programs (2017) (5)
- Grand accomplishments in social work (2014) (5)
- Without a Paddle: Barriers to School Enrollment Procedures for Immigrant Students and Families (2020) (5)
- Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Adoptive Parents' Attitudes Towards Racial Socialization Practices. (2019) (4)
- 6. Ethnic Identity Formation (2016) (4)
- Agency-Related Barriers Experienced by Families Seeking to Adopt From Foster Care (2017) (4)
- Impact of a NIDA Research Development Program in a School of Social Work (2008) (4)
- Cultural maintenance: Building on the common heritage of Black families (2004) (4)
- Birth Mothers Now Birth Grandmothers: Intergenerational Relationships in Open Adoptions (2018) (4)
- Patchwork of promises: A critical analysis of immigration policies for unaccompanied undocumented children in the United States (2018) (4)
- Adoptive Mothers' and Fathers' Psychological Distress: Parenting Teens Adopted from Birth (2018) (3)
- 5. A Neurodevelopmental Perspective and Clinical Challenges (2016) (3)
- Group Counseling Program for Unemployed Black Teenagers (1986) (3)
- Ethical Considerations in Adoption Research: Navigating Confidentiality and Privacy Across the Adoption Kinship Network (2019) (3)
- Family Matters: Strengthening the Fabric of Minority Families (2015) (2)
- Growing up adopted: Birth parent contact and developmental outcomes (2011) (2)
- Disproportionate Representation of Children and Youth (2014) (2)
- 4. Interculturally Competent Practice with Gay and Lesbian Families (2016) (2)
- Tech-Mediated and Traditional Communication Modes in Adult Adoptees' Contact With Birth Parents. (2020) (2)
- Somebody’s Children: The Politics of Transracial and Transnational Adoption. By Laura Briggs. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2012. Pp. 366. $94.95 (cloth); $25.95 (paper). (2013) (2)
- The Center for Social Work Research at the University of Texas at Austin: A Profile (2002) (2)
- 7. Mental Health Issues (2016) (2)
- The Case for Transracial Adoption Rita J. Simon, Howard Alstein, and Marygold S. Melli. Washington, DC: American University Press, 1994. 150 pp. $41.00 hardback, ISBN 1-879383-19-5; $14.50 paperback. ISBN 1-879383-20-9 (1995) (1)
- Within Our Reach: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage Lisbeth Schorr with Daniel Schorr. New York: Doubleday, 1989. 398 pp. $9.95 paperback (1993) (1)
- Improving Outcomes for Children and Families: An Intersystemic Approach to Child Welfare Service Delivery (2003) (1)
- 1. Overview of Intercountry Adoptions (2016) (1)
- Group Work with Black Adoptive Applicants (1984) (1)
- Privacy and Confidentiality in Adoption Research: Perspectives from the Minnesota/Texas Adoption Research Project (2016) (1)
- 14. Youth Permanence Through Adoption (2009) (1)
- Heterosexual and sexual minority adoptive parents’ help-seeking and service satisfaction of pediatricians and mental health providers (2019) (1)
- Adolescents' feelings about openness in adoption (2006) (1)
- Family Practice with African American Males (1999) (1)
- Racial Identity Issues for Black Children in Foster Care (2018) (1)
- Psychological Presence of Adult Adoptees: Exploring Birth Mother Perspectives (2018) (1)
- Racial Identity Issues of Mixed-Race Children: Implications for School Social Workers. (1985) (1)
- University and Community Agency Research Partnerships: Implications for Teaching, Scholarship, and Service (2020) (1)
- Implications for Training: Families and Workers (2016) (1)
- Rethinking practice with multicultural communities: Lessons from research-based applications (2019) (1)
- Travis County, Texas, Child Protective Services Reintegration Pilot Project (2009) (1)
- Beyond the Childhood Years: Openness in Adoptive Kinship Networks (2019) (0)
- 8. Medical Issues (2016) (0)
- Research in Social, Economic and Environmental Equity (RISE^sup 3^) (2018) (0)
- Morning Concurrent Sessions A: Racial Identity at the Intersection of Artist, Academic, and Advocate (2016) (0)
- Attachment Stories: The Attachment Experiences Of Special Needs Adoptive Families (2011) (0)
- Funding Social Work Research: Federal and Foundation Opportunities (2012) (0)
- Special Issue Introduction: Finding, Supporting, and Maintaining Adoptive Families for Children in Foster Care (2017) (0)
- 10. The Need for Adoption- Competent Mental Health Professionals (2016) (0)
- Afternoon Keynote: Turning Up the Volume on Older Youth Permanence (2016) (0)
- Social Work Programs: Research Capacity and Readiness for Change (2012) (0)
- Openness in Adoptions from Foster Care (2013) (0)
- The Impact of Formal and Informal Respite Care on Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Parents Caring for Children Involved in the Child Welfare System (2016) (0)
- Afternoon Keynote: Case Study and Panel Presentation - "Turning up the Volume on Older Youth Permanence" (2016) (0)
- 2. Legal and Policy Issues Affecting Intercountry Adoption Practices (2016) (0)
- Social Work Research: History, Organizational Roles, and the Influence of the National Institutes of Health (2012) (0)
- Family Reunification of Youth in Foster Care with Complex Mental Health Needs: Barriers and Recommendations (2012) (0)
- 3. African American Children and Families (2014) (0)
- Increasing School Success for Children in Foster Care and Other Residential Placements (2020) (0)
- Open Adoptions: Practice and Policy Issues (2019) (0)
- Building Connections: Mission, Community Partnerships, and Collaborations (2012) (0)
- Reconceptualizing Sex Roles (1983) (0)
- Social Work Faculty: Guidelines for Supporting Social Work Research (2012) (0)
- U.S. Global Health Initiative and Implications for Social Work (2016) (0)
- Barriers and Success Factors in Adoption from Foster Care : Perspectives of Lesbian and Gay Families Executive Summary October , 2010 (2013) (0)
- A Translational Social Work Approach to Help Teens Tolerate Preadoptive Transition (2018) (0)
- Birthmothers as Grandmothers: Examining forms of post adoption contact & relationship quality with placed children & grandchildren (2016) (0)
- 3. Legal and Policy Issues Affecting Transracial Adoption Practice (2016) (0)
- The Minnesota Texas Adoption Research Project: Navigating Contact from Childhood into Young Adulthood (2013) (0)
- How is the Birth Father Relationship (or Lack Thereof) Related to Preoccupation with Adoption (2018) (0)
- The Challenges of Special Needs Adoptions: Practice Recommendations (2016) (0)
- Book reviews (2005) (0)
- Transracial and Intercountry Adoptions. Conclusions (2016) (0)
- 9. School Issues (2016) (0)
- Adoption: Transracial and Intercountry (2019) (0)
- Panel - Evolving Relationships and Contact in Adoptions (2013) (0)
- Openness in Infant and Older Child Adoptions: Translating Research Findings into Practice (2010) (0)
- Regulating Commercial Global Surrogacy: The Best Interests of the Child (2017) (0)
- Research Administration: Creating Essential Infrastructure (2012) (0)
- Keynote Address: Strategies for Addressing Diversity in Child Welfare and Child Welfare Research (2006) (0)
- Achieving Well-Being for African American Children Adopted From Foster Care: A Successful Rural Model (2018) (0)
- Breakout Sessions: Child Welfare/ DCF Workers (2014) (0)
- Adoption-Specific Curricula In Higher Education1 (2020) (0)
- Exploring the Psychosocial Adjustment and Parental Relationships of Ethiopian Adoptees: The Untold Stories (2014) (0)
- Social Work Research: Sustaining Infrastructure, Culture, and Capacity (2012) (0)
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