
Ruthild Hahne

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Why Is Ruthild Hahne Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Ruthild Hahne was a German sculptor. Her most productive phase coincided with the early years of the German Democratic Republic . Life Provenance and early years Ruthild Hahne was born in Berlin. Her father is variously described as a businessman and as a factory owner. Elsewhere her parents are described as distant and domineering. She grew up in a prosperous household in a substantial family home in Berlin's Schmöckwitz quarter. The household included a housekeeper, a gardener and a chauffeur. She attended the single-sex secondary school in the city's Neukölln quarter. While she was there someone lent her a book by Karl Marx which she took home and read. Uncomprehending but captivated, this in due course triggered Hahne's enduring commitment to socialist values which was at variance with her parents' middle-class conservatism.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Ruthild Hahne?

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