
Salem Mekuria

Most Influential Person Now

Ethiopian film director, video artist, academic

Salem Mekuria's Academic­ Rankings

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communications Degrees
Salem Mekuria
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philosophy Degrees
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  • Communications
  • Philosophy

Salem Mekuria's Degrees

Why Is Salem Mekuria Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Salem Mekuria is an Ethiopian-born independent filmmaker, video artist and educator living in the United States. Life and work Mekuria was born in Addis Ababa. She was educated there and in Axum, and moved to the United States in 1967 where she studied political science and journalism at Macalester College. Mekuria earned a MA in education technology and media production from San Francisco State University in 1978. She later worked at the WGBH TV station in Boston, starting as a secretary but eventually becoming a producer for the Nova series. Mekuria is the Luella LaMer Professor of Women's Studies in the Art department at Wellesley College.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Salem Mekuria?

Salem Mekuria is affiliated with the following schools: