
Sam Moskowitz

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American science fiction fan

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Why Is Sam Moskowitz Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sam Moskowitz was an American writer, critic, and historian of science fiction. Biography As a child, Moskowitz greatly enjoyed reading science fiction pulp magazines. As a teenager, he organized a branch of the Science Fiction League. While still in his teens, Moskowitz became chairman of the first World Science Fiction Convention held in New York City in 1939. He barred several members of the rival Futurians club from the convention because they threatened to disrupt it. This event is referred to by historians of fandom as the "Great Exclusion Act".

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What Are Sam Moskowitz's Academic Contributions?

Sam Moskowitz is most known for their academic work in the field of communications. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of

Sam Moskowitz has made the following academic contributions: