Sarah Bond
American classicist
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Sarah Bond's Degrees
- PhD Classical Studies University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Masters Classical Studies University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Why Is Sarah Bond Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Sarah Emily Bond is a Professor of History at the University of Iowa. Her research focuses on late Roman history, epigraphy, law, topography, GIS, and digital humanities. Education Bond received her PhD in history from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2011. Her doctoral thesis was entitled Criers, Impresarios, and Sextons: Disreputable Occupations in the Roman World. Her PhD was supervised by Professor Richard Talbert. Bond received a master's degree from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, in 2007. She was awarded a BA in Classics and History from the University of Virginia in 2005.
Sarah Bond's Published Works
Published Works
- Archaeologists as Activists: Can Archaeologists Change the World? (2012) (36)
- Altering Infamy: Status, Violence, and Civic Exclusion in Late Antiquity (2014) (23)
- Trade and Taboo: Disreputable Professions in the Roman Mediterranean (2016) (19)
- Mortuary Workers, the Church, and the Funeral Trade in Late Antiquity (2013) (13)
- Pleiades: A community-built gazetteer and graph of ancient places (2006) (11)
- 11 Currency and Control: Mint Workers in the Later Roman Empire (2016) (3)
- “As Trainers for the Healthy”: Massage Therapists, Anointers, and Healing in the Late Latin West (2015) (2)
- Ob Merita: the epigraphic rise and fall of the civic patrona in Roman North Africa (2007) (2)
- Foul and fair bodies, minds, and poetry in Roman satire (2016) (2)
- Review [of Dying on Foreign Shores: Travel and Mobility in the Late-Antique West by Mark Handley] (2013) (1)
- 7th Asia pacific triennial of contemporary art (2013) (1)
- Advancing Feminism Online (2019) (1)
- Historical Atlas of Ancient Christianity ed. by Angelo Di Berardino, Gianluca Pilara (review) (2016) (1)
- 4 Curial Communiqué: Memory, Propaganda, and the Roman Senate House (2014) (1)
- Review of Le Leges Libitinariae Flegree: Edizione e Commento 34 by Sergio Castagnetti (2014) (0)
- Anxiety , Neurological Impacts , and Other Cognitive , Diagnostic , and Treatment Issues Surrounding European Wasp Stings (2016) (0)
- S. F. JOHNSON, LITERARY TERRITORIES: CARTOGRAPHICAL THINKING IN LATE ANTIQUITY. Oxford/New York: Oxford University Press, 2016. Pp. xiv + 195.isbn 9780190221232. £47.99. (2017) (0)
- Review: Digital_Humanities, by Anne Burdick, Johanna Drucker, Peter Lunenfeld, Todd Presner, and Jeffrey Schnapp (2017) (0)
- Quotidian Reading: Digitally Mapping Literary and Personal Geographies (2017) (0)
- Better Together: Unleashing the Potential of Our Regional Networks (2018) (0)
- How do the escapist, Utopic tendencies of musical theatre add to its significance as a form of entertainment?: from reality to dreams, an exploration of the fantastical world of the musical (2012) (0)
- Blog: Teaching Roman daily life through animation: spotlight on Ray Laurence (2018) (0)
- Work and Society (2019) (0)
- Trade and Taboo (2016) (0)
- of greatness lamented by Gibbon. The volume deftly reveals the city as strategy in the late Empire and in so doing brings a much maligned and misunderstood ‘corpse’ back to life (2021) (0)
- Criers, Impresarios, and Sextons: Disreputable Occupations in the Roman World (2011) (0)
- CARLOS MACHADO, URBAN SPACE AND ARISTOCRATIC POWER IN LATE ANTIQUE ROME: A.D. 270–535. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019. Pp. xix + 317, illus. isbn 9780198835073. £75. (2021) (0)
- Landscapes and environmental explorations (1991) (0)
- Honor among Thieves: Craftsmen, Merchants, and Associations in Roman and Late Roman Egypt by Philip F. Venticinque (review) (2018) (0)
- IAIN FERRIS, THE DIGNITY OF LABOUR: IMAGE, WORK AND IDENTITY IN THE ROMAN WORLD. Stroud: Amberley Publishing, 2020. Pp. 287, illus. isbn 9781445684215. £20.00. (2022) (0)
- Maintaining the City: Enslaved Labor and Trade in Roman Philippi (2021) (0)
- Pleiades Gazetteer Exports (2015) (0)
- Kris Coad - Resting (2006) (0)
- Legitimizing The Blog: On Reading, Citing & Archiving Blogposts (2017) (0)
- Rice Creek : Differences in chemical properties and aquatic macroinvertebrate populations between forested and agricultural sites (2018) (0)
- Wrecked in the Catlins (2011) (0)
- Curating Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries (2021) (0)
- Unlocking the Dark Ages: A Short History of Chastity Belts (2015) (0)
- Steaming with history: Hillside and the cavalcade of iron horses (2012) (0)
- Grand home of a gracious era (2012) (0)
- Calling all perennial growers (2003) (0)
- The Harford County Artistic Destination Map (2018) (0)
- Coal Bed Methane; Yellowstone River Compact Case (Tongue and Powder River Basins) (2009) (0)
- en-counter-maps: Second Response (2017) (0)
- Are we engaged or just hanging out? Korea-Australia arts exchange (2015) (0)
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What Are Sarah Bond's Academic Contributions?
Sarah Bond is most known for their academic work in the field of literature. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
Sarah Bond has made the following academic contributions: