
Sawnie R. Aldredge

Most Influential Person Across History

Attorney, judge, and mayor of Dallas, Texas from 1921 to 1923

Why Is Sawnie R. Aldredge Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sawnie Robertson Aldredge , attorney and judge, was mayor of Dallas from 1921 to 1923. Biography Aldredge was born November 13, 1890, in Dallas, Texas, to Judge George Nathan Aldredge and Betty Warren Hearne. He married Mary Ellen Batts, daughter of Judge Robert Lynn Batts and Harriet Fiquet Boak on January 14, 1915, in Austin, Texas. They had two children: Sawnie R. Aldredge, Jr. and Mary Lynn Aldredge. Aldredge's niece, Gertrude Aldredge Shelburne, was an early women's rights and birth control activist in Dallas.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Sawnie R. Aldredge?

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