
Sergei Bagapsh

Most Influential Person Now

Abkhazian politician

Why Is Sergei Bagapsh Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sergei Uasyl-ipa Bagapsh was an Abkhaz politician who served as the second President of Abkhazia from 12 February 2005 until his death on 29 May 2011. He previously served as Prime Minister of Abkhazia from 1997 to 1999. He was re-elected in the 2009 presidential election. Bagapsh's term as Prime Minister included the 1998 war with Georgia, while he oversaw both the recognition of Abkhazia by Russia and the Russo-Georgian War during his presidency.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Sergei Bagapsh?

Sergei Bagapsh is affiliated with the following schools: