
Sergei Teploukhov

Most Influential Person Across History

Russian archaeologist

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Sergei Teploukhov
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anthropology Degrees
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  • Anthropology

Why Is Sergei Teploukhov Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Sergei Aleksandrovich Teploukhov was an archaeologist from the Soviet Union. From 1920 to 1932, Teploukhov conducted research on the archaeological remains of various periods in Siberia and Central Asia. He was the first to devise a classification of the archaeological cultures of Southern Siberia. Teploukhov was arrested on suspicions of nationalism on November 26, 1933 and was found dead in his cell on March 10, 1934.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Sergei Teploukhov?

Sergei Teploukhov is affiliated with the following schools: