
Shahla Ujayli

Most Influential Person Now

Syrian writer

Why Is Shahla Ujayli Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Shahla Ujayli is a Syrian writer. She studied modern Arabic literature at Aleppo University, eventually obtaining a doctorate. She became a teacher at her alma mater, and she also taught at the American University in Madaba, Jordan. She made her literary debut in 2005, publishing a short story collection called The Mashrabiyya. Since then, she has published three novels: The Cat's Eye , Persian Carpet , and A Sky Close to Our House . The last-named book has been nominated for the 2016 Arabic Booker Prize. Ujayli was also a participant at the 2014 IPAF nadwa, an annual writing workshop organized by the sponsors of the Arabic Booker for promising young writers.

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