
Shamnad Basheer

Most Influential Person Now

Indian Jurist

Shamnad Basheer's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Shamnad Basheer Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Shamnad Basheer was an Indian legal scholar and founder of the blog SpicyIP. He was also the founder of IDIA, a trust which works on making legal education accessible for underprivileged students. Basheer was a Ministry of Human Resource Development Chaired Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the WBNUJS, Kolkata, and the Frank H. Marks Visiting Associate Professor of Intellectual Property Law at the George Washington University Law School, and a research associate at the Oxford Intellectual Property Research Center . He founded several initiatives such as SpicyIP, IDIA, P-PIL and Lex Biosis. Basheer intervened in the landmark Novartis case, filed a number of other public interest litigations and took initiative to bring about changes in the IPR regime in India.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Shamnad Basheer?

Shamnad Basheer is affiliated with the following schools: