
Shih Choon Fong

Most Influential Person Now

President of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Why Is Shih Choon Fong Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Shih Choon Fong is a Singaporean college administrator and fracture mechanics expert who served as the founding president of the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology between 2008 and 2013. Prior joining KAUST as its founding president, he was the president of the National University of Singapore for nine years and has been widely acknowledged for creating the university's research-intensive focus with an entrepreneurial dimension, as well as for NUS' elevated global reputation. Drawing from his experiences abroad, Shih institutionalised a performance- and market-based evaluation and compensation system for academics.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Shih Choon Fong?

Shih Choon Fong is affiliated with the following schools: