
Simone Heilgendorff

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German violist and musicologist

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philosophy Degrees
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According to Wikipedia, Simone Heilgendorff is a German musicologist, violist as well as dramaturge and curator. Life Heilgendorff studied musicology, philosophy and psychology and viola in Freiburg im Breisgau, Zurich, and in Berlin. In June 2019, she was habilitated in musicology at the University of Salzburg. Since 1993, she has held positions at colleges and universities, including a university professorship in applied musicology at the University of Klagenfurt from 2007 to 2013. From 2013 to 2016, she was head of the international research project "New Music Festivals as Agorai – Their Formation and Impact on Warsaw Autumn, , and Wien Modern after 1980", funded by the Austrian Science Fund . From autumn 2014 to autumn 2019, she was head of the programme area "ConTempOhr. Mediation of Contemporary Music" at the Focus on Science and Art of the University of Salzburg and the Mozarteum University Salzburg.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Simone Heilgendorff?

Simone Heilgendorff is affiliated with the following schools: