
Soledad Loaeza

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Mexican historian

Soledad Loaeza's Academic­ Rankings

Soledad Loaeza
Political Science
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political-science Degrees
Soledad Loaeza
World Rank
Historical Rank
Political History
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history Degrees
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  • Political Science
  • History

Soledad Loaeza's Degrees

Why Is Soledad Loaeza Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Dr. María Soledad Loaeza Tovar is a Mexican academic who specializes in the process of democratization and the transformations of society in Mexico. Biography Soledad Loaeza completed her high school studies at UNAM's Vidal Castañeda y Najera National "Plantel 4" high school. She received a degree in international relations from the College of Mexico , obtaining the title in 1972 with the thesis La política exterior del general Charles de Gaulle, 1962-1970 . She traveled to Europe to study for an international relations specialization at the Geschwister-Scholl-Institut in Munich and a doctorate summa cum laude in political science at the Institute of Political Studies in Paris with the thesis Classes moyennes, démocratie et nationalisme au Mexique. L'éducation à la recherche du consensus.

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Soledad Loaeza's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Soledad Loaeza?

Soledad Loaeza is affiliated with the following schools: