
Sri Chinmoy

Most Influential Person Now

Indian writer and spiritual teacher

Sri Chinmoy's Academic­ Rankings

Sri Chinmoy
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Sri Chinmoy
World Rank
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Literary Criticism
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Why Is Sri Chinmoy Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Chinmoy Kumar Ghose , better known as Sri Chinmoy, was an Indian spiritual leader who taught meditation in the United States after moving to New York City in 1964. Chinmoy established his first meditation center in Queens, New York, and eventually had 7,000 students in 60 countries. A prolific author, artist, poet, and musician, he also held public events such as concerts and meditations on the theme of inner peace. Chinmoy advocated a spiritual path to God through prayer and meditation. He advocated athleticism including distance running, swimming, and weightlifting. He organized marathons and other races, and was an active runner and, following a knee injury, weightlifter. Some ex-members have accused Chinmoy of running a cult.

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