
Stephen B. Shepard

Most Influential Person Now

American journalist

Stephen B. Shepard's Academic­ Rankings

Stephen B. Shepard
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Why Is Stephen B. Shepard Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Stephen B. Shepard is an American business journalist and academic who served as editor-in-chief of BusinessWeek magazine and was the founding dean of the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism. Born and raised in New York City, Shepard attended the Bronx High School of Science. He received his undergraduate degree from the City College of New York and was awarded a master's degree from Columbia University. He married fellow Newsweek senior editor Lynn Povich on September 16, 1979, at a ceremony officiated by Rabbi Balfour Brickner. They have two adult children.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Stephen B. Shepard?

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